Contributions are most welcome.
Restore node modules from terminal: npm ci
Debug program:
- Run Build Task (
) - Run Target
Launch Program
Debug tests:
You need to have vscode-jest extension:
- Right click on a test either in the Test Explorer or from CodeLens
- Click on
Debug Test
# Restore node modules
npm ci
# Build ts files
npm run build
# Run tests
npm test
# Start program
npm start
# Build a new docker image
docker build --pull -t plex-betaseries-webhook .
# Optionally, run ngrok
ngrok http 12000
# Test the new docker image interactively
docker run -it --rm --name plex-betaseries-webhook \
-e BETASERIES_CLIENTID=xxxxxxxxxxxx \
-e BETASERIES_CLIENTSECRET=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \
-p 12000:12000 plex-betaseries-webhook
is a public url to access the webhook (using for instance ngrok)BETASERIES_CLIENTID
can be obtained on BetaSeries