A simple C# shellcode remote injector to use in testing donut. It contains both x86 and x64 versions of the shellcode, determines the architecture of the target process, and then injects the appropriate version into that process with CreateRemoteThread. The shellcode must be Base64-encoded and dropped into the code as a string. This ensures that it can be run entirely from memory.
You may Base64-encode your shellcode and copy it to your clipboard with the PowerShell below:
$filename = "C:\\Test\donut\\loader.bin"
[Convert]::ToBase64String([IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($filename)) | clip
DonutTest.exe [PID]
If no PID is specified, then DonutTest will inject the shellcode into itself.
This project can be built on Linux using Mono and xbuild. First, follow the official instructions for install Mono. Then, install mono-xbuild
To build the project, simply cd
to its root directory and run:
To build in Release mode, run:
xbuild /p:Configuration=Release
If receiving errors about missing dependencies, try specifying the targeted .NET version:
xbuild /p:TargetFrameworkVersion="v4.5"
Once the project has been successfully built, the output DLL may be used as input to the Donut shellcode generator.