diff --git a/app/cmake/GenerateManual.cmake b/app/cmake/GenerateManual.cmake
index ccd6e611d1..3915d35e4f 100644
--- a/app/cmake/GenerateManual.cmake
+++ b/app/cmake/GenerateManual.cmake
@@ -47,6 +47,14 @@ add_custom_command(OUTPUT "${INDEX_OUTPUT_PATH}"
COMMENT "Creating manual file ${INDEX_OUTPUT_PATH}"
+# Dump the keyboard shortcuts
# Collect resources and copy them to the correct locations
# DOC_MANUAL_SOURCE_FILES_ABSOLUTE contains the absolute paths to all source resource files
# DOC_MANUAL_SOURCE_IMAGE_FILES_RELATIVE contains the relative paths to all source resource files, relative to DOC_MANUAL_IMAGES_SOURCE_DIR
- )
# Copy the images using the relative paths (absolute paths would yield very long command lines which are then truncated by MSVC)
@@ -117,4 +124,4 @@ add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${DOC_MANUAL_TARGET_IMAGE_FILES_ABSOLUTE}
COMMENT "Copying image files to ${DOC_MANUAL_IMAGES_TARGET_DIR}"
diff --git a/app/resources/documentation/manual/shortcuts.js b/app/resources/documentation/manual/shortcuts.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d1ad61b753..0000000000
--- a/app/resources/documentation/manual/shortcuts.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,754 +0,0 @@
-var keys = { mac: {}, windows: {}, linux: {} };
-keys["windows"][8] = "Backspace";
-keys["windows"][9] = "Tab";
-keys["windows"][13] = "Return";
-keys["windows"][27] = "Escape";
-keys["windows"][32] = "Space";
-keys["windows"][33] = "!";
-keys["windows"][34] = """;
-keys["windows"][35] = "#";
-keys["windows"][36] = "$";
-keys["windows"][37] = "%";
-keys["windows"][38] = "&";
-keys["windows"][39] = "'";
-keys["windows"][40] = "(";
-keys["windows"][41] = ")";
-keys["windows"][42] = "*";
-keys["windows"][43] = "+";
-keys["windows"][44] = ",";
-keys["windows"][45] = "-";
-keys["windows"][46] = ".";
-keys["windows"][47] = "/";
-keys["windows"][48] = "0";
-keys["windows"][49] = "1";
-keys["windows"][50] = "2";
-keys["windows"][51] = "3";
-keys["windows"][52] = "4";
-keys["windows"][53] = "5";
-keys["windows"][54] = "6";
-keys["windows"][55] = "7";
-keys["windows"][56] = "8";
-keys["windows"][57] = "9";
-keys["windows"][58] = ":";
-keys["windows"][59] = ";";
-keys["windows"][60] = ">";
-keys["windows"][61] = "=";
-keys["windows"][62] = "<";
-keys["windows"][63] = "?";
-keys["windows"][64] = "@";
-keys["windows"][65] = "A";
-keys["windows"][66] = "B";
-keys["windows"][67] = "C";
-keys["windows"][68] = "D";
-keys["windows"][69] = "E";
-keys["windows"][70] = "F";
-keys["windows"][71] = "G";
-keys["windows"][72] = "H";
-keys["windows"][73] = "I";
-keys["windows"][74] = "J";
-keys["windows"][75] = "K";
-keys["windows"][76] = "L";
-keys["windows"][77] = "M";
-keys["windows"][78] = "N";
-keys["windows"][79] = "O";
-keys["windows"][80] = "P";
-keys["windows"][81] = "Q";
-keys["windows"][82] = "R";
-keys["windows"][83] = "S";
-keys["windows"][84] = "T";
-keys["windows"][85] = "U";
-keys["windows"][86] = "V";
-keys["windows"][87] = "W";
-keys["windows"][88] = "X";
-keys["windows"][89] = "Y";
-keys["windows"][90] = "Z";
-keys["windows"][91] = "[";
-keys["windows"][92] = "\\";
-keys["windows"][93] = "]";
-keys["windows"][94] = "^";
-keys["windows"][95] = "_";
-keys["windows"][96] = "`";
-keys["windows"][97] = "a";
-keys["windows"][98] = "b";
-keys["windows"][99] = "c";
-keys["windows"][100] = "d";
-keys["windows"][101] = "e";
-keys["windows"][102] = "f";
-keys["windows"][103] = "g";
-keys["windows"][104] = "h";
-keys["windows"][105] = "i";
-keys["windows"][106] = "j";
-keys["windows"][107] = "k";
-keys["windows"][108] = "l";
-keys["windows"][109] = "m";
-keys["windows"][110] = "n";
-keys["windows"][111] = "o";
-keys["windows"][112] = "p";
-keys["windows"][113] = "q";
-keys["windows"][114] = "r";
-keys["windows"][115] = "s";
-keys["windows"][116] = "t";
-keys["windows"][117] = "u";
-keys["windows"][118] = "v";
-keys["windows"][119] = "w";
-keys["windows"][120] = "x";
-keys["windows"][121] = "y";
-keys["windows"][122] = "z";
-keys["windows"][123] = "{";
-keys["windows"][124] = "|";
-keys["windows"][125] = "}";
-keys["windows"][126] = "~";
-keys["windows"][127] = "Delete";
-keys["windows"][303] = "Cancel";
-keys["windows"][305] = "Clear";
-keys["windows"][306] = "Shift";
-keys["windows"][307] = "Alt";
-keys["windows"][308] = "Ctrl";
-keys["windows"][309] = "Menu";
-keys["windows"][310] = "Pause";
-keys["windows"][311] = "Capital";
-keys["windows"][312] = "End";
-keys["windows"][313] = "Home";
-keys["windows"][314] = "←";
-keys["windows"][315] = "↑";
-keys["windows"][316] = "→";
-keys["windows"][317] = "↓";
-keys["windows"][318] = "Select";
-keys["windows"][319] = "Print";
-keys["windows"][320] = "Execute";
-keys["windows"][321] = "Snapshot";
-keys["windows"][322] = "Insert";
-keys["windows"][323] = "Help";
-keys["windows"][324] = "Numpad 0";
-keys["windows"][325] = "Numpad 1";
-keys["windows"][326] = "Numpad 2";
-keys["windows"][327] = "Numpad 3";
-keys["windows"][328] = "Numpad 4";
-keys["windows"][329] = "Numpad 5";
-keys["windows"][330] = "Numpad 6";
-keys["windows"][331] = "Numpad 7";
-keys["windows"][332] = "Numpad 8";
-keys["windows"][333] = "Numpad 9";
-keys["windows"][334] = "*";
-keys["windows"][335] = "+";
-keys["windows"][337] = "-";
-keys["windows"][338] = ".";
-keys["windows"][339] = "/";
-keys["windows"][340] = "F1";
-keys["windows"][341] = "F2";
-keys["windows"][342] = "F3";
-keys["windows"][343] = "F4";
-keys["windows"][344] = "F5";
-keys["windows"][345] = "F6";
-keys["windows"][346] = "F7";
-keys["windows"][347] = "F8";
-keys["windows"][348] = "F9";
-keys["windows"][349] = "F10";
-keys["windows"][350] = "F11";
-keys["windows"][351] = "F12";
-keys["windows"][352] = "F13";
-keys["windows"][353] = "F14";
-keys["windows"][354] = "F15";
-keys["windows"][355] = "F16";
-keys["windows"][356] = "F17";
-keys["windows"][357] = "F18";
-keys["windows"][358] = "F19";
-keys["windows"][359] = "F20";
-keys["windows"][360] = "F21";
-keys["windows"][361] = "F22";
-keys["windows"][362] = "F23";
-keys["windows"][363] = "F24";
-keys["windows"][364] = "Numlock";
-keys["windows"][365] = "Scroll";
-keys["windows"][366] = "Page Up";
-keys["windows"][367] = "Page Down";
-keys["windows"][368] = "Numpad Space";
-keys["windows"][369] = "Numpad Tab";
-keys["windows"][370] = "Numpad Enter";
-keys["windows"][371] = "Numpad F1";
-keys["windows"][372] = "Numpad F2";
-keys["windows"][373] = "Numpad F3";
-keys["windows"][374] = "Numpad F4";
-keys["windows"][375] = "Numpad Home";
-keys["windows"][376] = "Numpad ←";
-keys["windows"][377] = "Numpad ↑";
-keys["windows"][378] = "Numpad →";
-keys["windows"][379] = "Numpad ↓";
-keys["windows"][380] = "Numpad Page Up";
-keys["windows"][381] = "Numpad Page Down";
-keys["windows"][382] = "Numpad End";
-keys["windows"][383] = "Numpad Home";
-keys["windows"][384] = "Numpad Insert";
-keys["windows"][385] = "Numpad Delete";
-keys["windows"][386] = "Numpad =";
-keys["windows"][387] = "Numpad *";
-keys["windows"][388] = "Numpad +";
-keys["windows"][389] = "Numpad Separator";
-keys["windows"][390] = "Numpad -";
-keys["windows"][391] = "Numpad .";
-keys["windows"][392] = "Numpad /";
-keys["windows"][393] = "Left Windows Key";
-keys["windows"][394] = "Right Windows Key";
-keys["windows"][395] = "Windows Menu Key";
-keys["windows"]["+"] = "+";
-keys["mac"][8] = "⌫";
-keys["mac"][9] = "⇥";
-keys["mac"][13] = "↩";
-keys["mac"][27] = "⎋";
-keys["mac"][32] = "Space";
-keys["mac"][33] = "!";
-keys["mac"][34] = """;
-keys["mac"][35] = "#";
-keys["mac"][36] = "$";
-keys["mac"][37] = "%";
-keys["mac"][38] = "&";
-keys["mac"][39] = "'";
-keys["mac"][40] = "(";
-keys["mac"][41] = ")";
-keys["mac"][42] = "*";
-keys["mac"][43] = "+";
-keys["mac"][44] = ",";
-keys["mac"][45] = "-";
-keys["mac"][46] = ".";
-keys["mac"][47] = "/";
-keys["mac"][48] = "0";
-keys["mac"][49] = "1";
-keys["mac"][50] = "2";
-keys["mac"][51] = "3";
-keys["mac"][52] = "4";
-keys["mac"][53] = "5";
-keys["mac"][54] = "6";
-keys["mac"][55] = "7";
-keys["mac"][56] = "8";
-keys["mac"][57] = "9";
-keys["mac"][58] = ":";
-keys["mac"][59] = ";";
-keys["mac"][60] = ">";
-keys["mac"][61] = "=";
-keys["mac"][62] = "<";
-keys["mac"][63] = "?";
-keys["mac"][64] = "@";
-keys["mac"][65] = "A";
-keys["mac"][66] = "B";
-keys["mac"][67] = "C";
-keys["mac"][68] = "D";
-keys["mac"][69] = "E";
-keys["mac"][70] = "F";
-keys["mac"][71] = "G";
-keys["mac"][72] = "H";
-keys["mac"][73] = "I";
-keys["mac"][74] = "J";
-keys["mac"][75] = "K";
-keys["mac"][76] = "L";
-keys["mac"][77] = "M";
-keys["mac"][78] = "N";
-keys["mac"][79] = "O";
-keys["mac"][80] = "P";
-keys["mac"][81] = "Q";
-keys["mac"][82] = "R";
-keys["mac"][83] = "S";
-keys["mac"][84] = "T";
-keys["mac"][85] = "U";
-keys["mac"][86] = "V";
-keys["mac"][87] = "W";
-keys["mac"][88] = "X";
-keys["mac"][89] = "Y";
-keys["mac"][90] = "Z";
-keys["mac"][91] = "[";
-keys["mac"][92] = "\\";
-keys["mac"][93] = "]";
-keys["mac"][94] = "^";
-keys["mac"][95] = "_";
-keys["mac"][96] = "`";
-keys["mac"][97] = "a";
-keys["mac"][98] = "b";
-keys["mac"][99] = "c";
-keys["mac"][100] = "d";
-keys["mac"][101] = "e";
-keys["mac"][102] = "f";
-keys["mac"][103] = "g";
-keys["mac"][104] = "h";
-keys["mac"][105] = "i";
-keys["mac"][106] = "j";
-keys["mac"][107] = "k";
-keys["mac"][108] = "l";
-keys["mac"][109] = "m";
-keys["mac"][110] = "n";
-keys["mac"][111] = "o";
-keys["mac"][112] = "p";
-keys["mac"][113] = "q";
-keys["mac"][114] = "r";
-keys["mac"][115] = "s";
-keys["mac"][116] = "t";
-keys["mac"][117] = "u";
-keys["mac"][118] = "v";
-keys["mac"][119] = "w";
-keys["mac"][120] = "x";
-keys["mac"][121] = "y";
-keys["mac"][122] = "z";
-keys["mac"][123] = "{";
-keys["mac"][124] = "|";
-keys["mac"][125] = "}";
-keys["mac"][126] = "~";
-keys["mac"][127] = "⌫";
-keys["mac"][303] = "Cancel";
-keys["mac"][305] = "Clear";
-keys["mac"][306] = "⇧";
-keys["mac"][307] = "⌥";
-keys["mac"][308] = "⌘";
-keys["mac"][309] = "Menu";
-keys["mac"][310] = "Pause";
-keys["mac"][311] = "Capital";
-keys["mac"][312] = "⇲";
-keys["mac"][313] = "⇱";
-keys["mac"][314] = "←";
-keys["mac"][315] = "↑";
-keys["mac"][316] = "→";
-keys["mac"][317] = "↓";
-keys["mac"][318] = "Select";
-keys["mac"][319] = "Print";
-keys["mac"][320] = "Execute";
-keys["mac"][321] = "Snapshot";
-keys["mac"][322] = "Insert";
-keys["mac"][323] = "Help";
-keys["mac"][324] = "Numpad 0";
-keys["mac"][325] = "Numpad 1";
-keys["mac"][326] = "Numpad 2";
-keys["mac"][327] = "Numpad 3";
-keys["mac"][328] = "Numpad 4";
-keys["mac"][329] = "Numpad 5";
-keys["mac"][330] = "Numpad 6";
-keys["mac"][331] = "Numpad 7";
-keys["mac"][332] = "Numpad 8";
-keys["mac"][333] = "Numpad 9";
-keys["mac"][334] = "*";
-keys["mac"][335] = "+";
-keys["mac"][337] = "-";
-keys["mac"][338] = ".";
-keys["mac"][339] = "/";
-keys["mac"][340] = "F1";
-keys["mac"][341] = "F2";
-keys["mac"][342] = "F3";
-keys["mac"][343] = "F4";
-keys["mac"][344] = "F5";
-keys["mac"][345] = "F6";
-keys["mac"][346] = "F7";
-keys["mac"][347] = "F8";
-keys["mac"][348] = "F9";
-keys["mac"][349] = "F10";
-keys["mac"][350] = "F11";
-keys["mac"][351] = "F12";
-keys["mac"][352] = "F13";
-keys["mac"][353] = "F14";
-keys["mac"][354] = "F15";
-keys["mac"][355] = "F16";
-keys["mac"][356] = "F17";
-keys["mac"][357] = "F18";
-keys["mac"][358] = "F19";
-keys["mac"][359] = "F20";
-keys["mac"][360] = "F21";
-keys["mac"][361] = "F22";
-keys["mac"][362] = "F23";
-keys["mac"][363] = "F24";
-keys["mac"][364] = "Numlock";
-keys["mac"][365] = "Scroll";
-keys["mac"][366] = "⇞";
-keys["mac"][367] = "⇟";
-keys["mac"][368] = "Numpad ␣";
-keys["mac"][369] = "Numpad ⇥";
-keys["mac"][370] = "Numpad ↩";
-keys["mac"][371] = "Numpad F1";
-keys["mac"][372] = "Numpad F2";
-keys["mac"][373] = "Numpad F3";
-keys["mac"][374] = "Numpad F4";
-keys["mac"][375] = "Numpad ⇱";
-keys["mac"][376] = "Numpad ←";
-keys["mac"][377] = "Numpad ↑";
-keys["mac"][378] = "Numpad →";
-keys["mac"][379] = "Numpad ↓";
-keys["mac"][380] = "Numpad ⇞";
-keys["mac"][381] = "Numpad ⇟";
-keys["mac"][382] = "Numpad ⇲";
-keys["mac"][383] = "Numpad ⇱";
-keys["mac"][384] = "Numpad Insert";
-keys["mac"][385] = "Numpad ⌫";
-keys["mac"][386] = "Numpad =";
-keys["mac"][387] = "Numpad *";
-keys["mac"][388] = "Numpad +";
-keys["mac"][389] = "Numpad Separator";
-keys["mac"][390] = "Numpad -";
-keys["mac"][391] = "Numpad .";
-keys["mac"][392] = "Numpad /";
-keys["mac"][393] = "Left Windows Key";
-keys["mac"][394] = "Right Windows Key";
-keys["mac"][395] = "Windows Menu Key";
-keys["mac"]["+"] = "";
-keys["linux"][8] = "Backspace";
-keys["linux"][9] = "Tab";
-keys["linux"][13] = "Return";
-keys["linux"][27] = "Escape";
-keys["linux"][32] = "Space";
-keys["linux"][33] = "!";
-keys["linux"][34] = """;
-keys["linux"][35] = "#";
-keys["linux"][36] = "$";
-keys["linux"][37] = "%";
-keys["linux"][38] = "&";
-keys["linux"][39] = "'";
-keys["linux"][40] = "(";
-keys["linux"][41] = ")";
-keys["linux"][42] = "*";
-keys["linux"][43] = "+";
-keys["linux"][44] = ",";
-keys["linux"][45] = "-";
-keys["linux"][46] = ".";
-keys["linux"][47] = "/";
-keys["linux"][48] = "0";
-keys["linux"][49] = "1";
-keys["linux"][50] = "2";
-keys["linux"][51] = "3";
-keys["linux"][52] = "4";
-keys["linux"][53] = "5";
-keys["linux"][54] = "6";
-keys["linux"][55] = "7";
-keys["linux"][56] = "8";
-keys["linux"][57] = "9";
-keys["linux"][58] = ":";
-keys["linux"][59] = ";";
-keys["linux"][60] = ">";
-keys["linux"][61] = "=";
-keys["linux"][62] = "<";
-keys["linux"][63] = "?";
-keys["linux"][64] = "@";
-keys["linux"][65] = "A";
-keys["linux"][66] = "B";
-keys["linux"][67] = "C";
-keys["linux"][68] = "D";
-keys["linux"][69] = "E";
-keys["linux"][70] = "F";
-keys["linux"][71] = "G";
-keys["linux"][72] = "H";
-keys["linux"][73] = "I";
-keys["linux"][74] = "J";
-keys["linux"][75] = "K";
-keys["linux"][76] = "L";
-keys["linux"][77] = "M";
-keys["linux"][78] = "N";
-keys["linux"][79] = "O";
-keys["linux"][80] = "P";
-keys["linux"][81] = "Q";
-keys["linux"][82] = "R";
-keys["linux"][83] = "S";
-keys["linux"][84] = "T";
-keys["linux"][85] = "U";
-keys["linux"][86] = "V";
-keys["linux"][87] = "W";
-keys["linux"][88] = "X";
-keys["linux"][89] = "Y";
-keys["linux"][90] = "Z";
-keys["linux"][91] = "[";
-keys["linux"][92] = "\\";
-keys["linux"][93] = "]";
-keys["linux"][94] = "^";
-keys["linux"][95] = "_";
-keys["linux"][96] = "`";
-keys["linux"][97] = "a";
-keys["linux"][98] = "b";
-keys["linux"][99] = "c";
-keys["linux"][100] = "d";
-keys["linux"][101] = "e";
-keys["linux"][102] = "f";
-keys["linux"][103] = "g";
-keys["linux"][104] = "h";
-keys["linux"][105] = "i";
-keys["linux"][106] = "j";
-keys["linux"][107] = "k";
-keys["linux"][108] = "l";
-keys["linux"][109] = "m";
-keys["linux"][110] = "n";
-keys["linux"][111] = "o";
-keys["linux"][112] = "p";
-keys["linux"][113] = "q";
-keys["linux"][114] = "r";
-keys["linux"][115] = "s";
-keys["linux"][116] = "t";
-keys["linux"][117] = "u";
-keys["linux"][118] = "v";
-keys["linux"][119] = "w";
-keys["linux"][120] = "x";
-keys["linux"][121] = "y";
-keys["linux"][122] = "z";
-keys["linux"][123] = "{";
-keys["linux"][124] = "|";
-keys["linux"][125] = "}";
-keys["linux"][126] = "~";
-keys["linux"][127] = "Delete";
-keys["linux"][303] = "Cancel";
-keys["linux"][305] = "Clear";
-keys["linux"][306] = "Shift";
-keys["linux"][307] = "Alt";
-keys["linux"][308] = "Ctrl";
-keys["linux"][309] = "Menu";
-keys["linux"][310] = "Pause";
-keys["linux"][311] = "Capital";
-keys["linux"][312] = "End";
-keys["linux"][313] = "Home";
-keys["linux"][314] = "←";
-keys["linux"][315] = "↑";
-keys["linux"][316] = "→";
-keys["linux"][317] = "↓";
-keys["linux"][318] = "Select";
-keys["linux"][319] = "Print";
-keys["linux"][320] = "Execute";
-keys["linux"][321] = "Snapshot";
-keys["linux"][322] = "Insert";
-keys["linux"][323] = "Help";
-keys["linux"][324] = "Numpad 0";
-keys["linux"][325] = "Numpad 1";
-keys["linux"][326] = "Numpad 2";
-keys["linux"][327] = "Numpad 3";
-keys["linux"][328] = "Numpad 4";
-keys["linux"][329] = "Numpad 5";
-keys["linux"][330] = "Numpad 6";
-keys["linux"][331] = "Numpad 7";
-keys["linux"][332] = "Numpad 8";
-keys["linux"][333] = "Numpad 9";
-keys["linux"][334] = "*";
-keys["linux"][335] = "+";
-keys["linux"][337] = "-";
-keys["linux"][338] = ".";
-keys["linux"][339] = "/";
-keys["linux"][340] = "F1";
-keys["linux"][341] = "F2";
-keys["linux"][342] = "F3";
-keys["linux"][343] = "F4";
-keys["linux"][344] = "F5";
-keys["linux"][345] = "F6";
-keys["linux"][346] = "F7";
-keys["linux"][347] = "F8";
-keys["linux"][348] = "F9";
-keys["linux"][349] = "F10";
-keys["linux"][350] = "F11";
-keys["linux"][351] = "F12";
-keys["linux"][352] = "F13";
-keys["linux"][353] = "F14";
-keys["linux"][354] = "F15";
-keys["linux"][355] = "F16";
-keys["linux"][356] = "F17";
-keys["linux"][357] = "F18";
-keys["linux"][358] = "F19";
-keys["linux"][359] = "F20";
-keys["linux"][360] = "F21";
-keys["linux"][361] = "F22";
-keys["linux"][362] = "F23";
-keys["linux"][363] = "F24";
-keys["linux"][364] = "Numlock";
-keys["linux"][365] = "Scroll";
-keys["linux"][366] = "Page Up";
-keys["linux"][367] = "Page Down";
-keys["linux"][368] = "Numpad Space";
-keys["linux"][369] = "Numpad Tab";
-keys["linux"][370] = "Numpad Enter";
-keys["linux"][371] = "Numpad F1";
-keys["linux"][372] = "Numpad F2";
-keys["linux"][373] = "Numpad F3";
-keys["linux"][374] = "Numpad F4";
-keys["linux"][375] = "Numpad Home";
-keys["linux"][376] = "Numpad ←";
-keys["linux"][377] = "Numpad ↑";
-keys["linux"][378] = "Numpad →";
-keys["linux"][379] = "Numpad ↓";
-keys["linux"][380] = "Numpad Page Up";
-keys["linux"][381] = "Numpad Page Down";
-keys["linux"][382] = "Numpad End";
-keys["linux"][383] = "Numpad Home";
-keys["linux"][384] = "Numpad Insert";
-keys["linux"][385] = "Numpad Delete";
-keys["linux"][386] = "Numpad =";
-keys["linux"][387] = "Numpad *";
-keys["linux"][388] = "Numpad +";
-keys["linux"][389] = "Numpad Separator";
-keys["linux"][390] = "Numpad -";
-keys["linux"][391] = "Numpad .";
-keys["linux"][392] = "Numpad /";
-keys["linux"][393] = "Left Windows Key";
-keys["linux"][394] = "Right Windows Key";
-keys["linux"][395] = "Windows Menu Key";
-keys["linux"]["+"] = "+";
-var menu = {};
-menu["Menu/File/New"] = { path: ["File", "New"], shortcut: { key:78, modifiers: [308] } };
-menu["Menu/File/Open"] = { path: ["File", "Open..."], shortcut: { key:79, modifiers: [308] } };
-menu["Menu/File/Save"] = { path: ["File", "Save"], shortcut: { key:83, modifiers: [308] } };
-menu["Menu/File/Save as"] = { path: ["File", "Save as..."], shortcut: { key:83, modifiers: [306, 308] } };
-menu["Menu/File/Export/Wavefront OBJ"] = { path: ["File", "Export", "Wavefront OBJ..."], shortcut: { key:0, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/File/Load Point File"] = { path: ["File", "Load Point File..."], shortcut: { key:0, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/File/Reload Point File"] = { path: ["File", "Reload Point File"], shortcut: { key:0, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/File/Unload Point File"] = { path: ["File", "Unload Point File"], shortcut: { key:0, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/File/Load Portal File"] = { path: ["File", "Load Portal File..."], shortcut: { key:0, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/File/Reload Portal File"] = { path: ["File", "Reload Portal File"], shortcut: { key:0, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/File/Unload Portal File"] = { path: ["File", "Unload Portal File"], shortcut: { key:0, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/File/Reload Texture Collections"] = { path: ["File", "Reload Texture Collections"], shortcut: { key:344, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/File/Reload Entity Definitions"] = { path: ["File", "Reload Entity Definitions"], shortcut: { key:345, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/File/Close"] = { path: ["File", "Close"], shortcut: { key:87, modifiers: [308] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/Undo"] = { path: ["Edit", "Undo"], shortcut: { key:90, modifiers: [308] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/Redo"] = { path: ["Edit", "Redo"], shortcut: { key:90, modifiers: [306, 308] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/Repeat"] = { path: ["Edit", "Repeat"], shortcut: { key:82, modifiers: [308] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/Clear Repeatable Commands"] = { path: ["Edit", "Clear Repeatable Commands"], shortcut: { key:82, modifiers: [306, 308] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/Cut"] = { path: ["Edit", "Cut"], shortcut: { key:88, modifiers: [308] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/Copy"] = { path: ["Edit", "Copy"], shortcut: { key:67, modifiers: [308] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/Paste"] = { path: ["Edit", "Paste"], shortcut: { key:86, modifiers: [308] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/Paste at Original Position"] = { path: ["Edit", "Paste at Original Position"], shortcut: { key:86, modifiers: [307, 308] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/Duplicate"] = { path: ["Edit", "Duplicate"], shortcut: { key:68, modifiers: [308] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/Delete"] = { path: ["Edit", "Delete"], shortcut: { key:127, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/Select All"] = { path: ["Edit", "Select All"], shortcut: { key:65, modifiers: [308] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/Select Siblings"] = { path: ["Edit", "Select Siblings"], shortcut: { key:66, modifiers: [308] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/Select Touching"] = { path: ["Edit", "Select Touching"], shortcut: { key:84, modifiers: [308] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/Select Inside"] = { path: ["Edit", "Select Inside"], shortcut: { key:69, modifiers: [308] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/Select Tall"] = { path: ["Edit", "Select Tall"], shortcut: { key:69, modifiers: [306, 308] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/Select by Line Number"] = { path: ["Edit", "Select by Line Number"], shortcut: { key:0, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/Select None"] = { path: ["Edit", "Select None"], shortcut: { key:65, modifiers: [306, 308] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/Group"] = { path: ["Edit", "Group"], shortcut: { key:71, modifiers: [308] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/Ungroup"] = { path: ["Edit", "Ungroup"], shortcut: { key:71, modifiers: [306, 308] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/Tools/Brush Tool"] = { path: ["Edit", "Tools", "Brush Tool"], shortcut: { key:66, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/Tools/Clip Tool"] = { path: ["Edit", "Tools", "Clip Tool"], shortcut: { key:67, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/Tools/Rotate Tool"] = { path: ["Edit", "Tools", "Rotate Tool"], shortcut: { key:82, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/Tools/Scale Tool"] = { path: ["Edit", "Tools", "Scale Tool"], shortcut: { key:84, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/Tools/Shear Tool"] = { path: ["Edit", "Tools", "Shear Tool"], shortcut: { key:71, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/Tools/Vertex Tool"] = { path: ["Edit", "Tools", "Vertex Tool"], shortcut: { key:86, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/Tools/Edge Tool"] = { path: ["Edit", "Tools", "Edge Tool"], shortcut: { key:69, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/Tools/Face Tool"] = { path: ["Edit", "Tools", "Face Tool"], shortcut: { key:70, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/CSG/Convex Merge"] = { path: ["Edit", "CSG", "Convex Merge"], shortcut: { key:74, modifiers: [308] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/CSG/Subtract"] = { path: ["Edit", "CSG", "Subtract"], shortcut: { key:75, modifiers: [308] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/CSG/Hollow"] = { path: ["Edit", "CSG", "Hollow"], shortcut: { key:75, modifiers: [307, 308] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/CSG/Intersect"] = { path: ["Edit", "CSG", "Intersect"], shortcut: { key:76, modifiers: [308] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/Snap Vertices to Integer"] = { path: ["Edit", "Snap Vertices to Integer"], shortcut: { key:86, modifiers: [306, 308] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/Snap Vertices to Grid"] = { path: ["Edit", "Snap Vertices to Grid"], shortcut: { key:86, modifiers: [306, 307, 308] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/Texture Lock"] = { path: ["Edit", "Texture Lock"], shortcut: { key:0, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/UV Lock"] = { path: ["Edit", "UV Lock"], shortcut: { key:85, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/Edit/Replace Texture"] = { path: ["Edit", "Replace Texture..."], shortcut: { key:0, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/View/Grid/Show Grid"] = { path: ["View", "Grid", "Show Grid"], shortcut: { key:48, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/View/Grid/Snap to Grid"] = { path: ["View", "Grid", "Snap to Grid"], shortcut: { key:48, modifiers: [307] } };
-menu["Menu/View/Grid/Increase Grid Size"] = { path: ["View", "Grid", "Increase Grid Size"], shortcut: { key:43, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/View/Grid/Decrease Grid Size"] = { path: ["View", "Grid", "Decrease Grid Size"], shortcut: { key:45, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/View/Grid/Set Grid Size 0.125"] = { path: ["View", "Grid", "Set Grid Size 0.125"], shortcut: { key:0, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/View/Grid/Set Grid Size 0.25"] = { path: ["View", "Grid", "Set Grid Size 0.25"], shortcut: { key:0, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/View/Grid/Set Grid Size 0.5"] = { path: ["View", "Grid", "Set Grid Size 0.5"], shortcut: { key:0, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/View/Grid/Set Grid Size 1"] = { path: ["View", "Grid", "Set Grid Size 1"], shortcut: { key:49, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/View/Grid/Set Grid Size 2"] = { path: ["View", "Grid", "Set Grid Size 2"], shortcut: { key:50, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/View/Grid/Set Grid Size 4"] = { path: ["View", "Grid", "Set Grid Size 4"], shortcut: { key:51, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/View/Grid/Set Grid Size 8"] = { path: ["View", "Grid", "Set Grid Size 8"], shortcut: { key:52, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/View/Grid/Set Grid Size 16"] = { path: ["View", "Grid", "Set Grid Size 16"], shortcut: { key:53, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/View/Grid/Set Grid Size 32"] = { path: ["View", "Grid", "Set Grid Size 32"], shortcut: { key:54, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/View/Grid/Set Grid Size 64"] = { path: ["View", "Grid", "Set Grid Size 64"], shortcut: { key:55, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/View/Grid/Set Grid Size 128"] = { path: ["View", "Grid", "Set Grid Size 128"], shortcut: { key:56, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/View/Grid/Set Grid Size 256"] = { path: ["View", "Grid", "Set Grid Size 256"], shortcut: { key:57, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/View/Camera/Move to Next Point"] = { path: ["View", "Camera", "Move to Next Point"], shortcut: { key:46, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/View/Camera/Move to Previous Point"] = { path: ["View", "Camera", "Move to Previous Point"], shortcut: { key:44, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/View/Camera/Focus on Selection"] = { path: ["View", "Camera", "Focus on Selection"], shortcut: { key:85, modifiers: [308] } };
-menu["Menu/View/Camera/Move Camera to"] = { path: ["View", "Camera", "Move Camera to..."], shortcut: { key:0, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/View/Isolate"] = { path: ["View", "Isolate"], shortcut: { key:73, modifiers: [308] } };
-menu["Menu/View/Hide"] = { path: ["View", "Hide"], shortcut: { key:73, modifiers: [307, 308] } };
-menu["Menu/View/Show All"] = { path: ["View", "Show All"], shortcut: { key:73, modifiers: [306, 308] } };
-menu["Menu/View/Switch to Map Inspector"] = { path: ["View", "Switch to Map Inspector"], shortcut: { key:49, modifiers: [308] } };
-menu["Menu/View/Switch to Entity Inspector"] = { path: ["View", "Switch to Entity Inspector"], shortcut: { key:50, modifiers: [308] } };
-menu["Menu/View/Switch to Face Inspector"] = { path: ["View", "Switch to Face Inspector"], shortcut: { key:51, modifiers: [308] } };
-menu["Menu/View/Toggle Info Panel"] = { path: ["View", "Toggle Info Panel"], shortcut: { key:52, modifiers: [308] } };
-menu["Menu/View/Toggle Inspector"] = { path: ["View", "Toggle Inspector"], shortcut: { key:53, modifiers: [308] } };
-menu["Menu/View/Maximize Current View"] = { path: ["View", "Maximize Current View"], shortcut: { key:32, modifiers: [308] } };
-menu["Menu/View/Preferences"] = { path: ["View", "Preferences..."], shortcut: { key:0, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/Run/Compile"] = { path: ["Run", "Compile..."], shortcut: { key:0, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/Run/Launch"] = { path: ["Run", "Launch..."], shortcut: { key:0, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/Debug/Print Vertices"] = { path: ["Debug", "Print Vertices"], shortcut: { key:0, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/Debug/Create Brush"] = { path: ["Debug", "Create Brush..."], shortcut: { key:0, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/Debug/Create Cube"] = { path: ["Debug", "Create Cube..."], shortcut: { key:0, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/Debug/Clip Brush"] = { path: ["Debug", "Clip Brush..."], shortcut: { key:0, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/Debug/Copy Javascript Shortcut Map"] = { path: ["Debug", "Copy Javascript Shortcut Map"], shortcut: { key:0, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/Debug/Crash"] = { path: ["Debug", "Crash..."], shortcut: { key:0, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/Debug/Throw Exception During Command"] = { path: ["Debug", "Throw Exception During Command"], shortcut: { key:0, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/Debug/Show Crash Report Dialog"] = { path: ["Debug", "Show Crash Report Dialog"], shortcut: { key:0, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/Debug/Set Window Size"] = { path: ["Debug", "Set Window Size..."], shortcut: { key:0, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/Help/TrenchBroom Manual"] = { path: ["Help", "TrenchBroom Manual"], shortcut: { key:340, modifiers: [] } };
-menu["Menu/Help/About TrenchBroom"] = { path: ["Help", "About TrenchBroom"], shortcut: { key:0, modifiers: [] } };
-var actions = {};
-actions["Controls/Map view/Create brush"] = { key:13, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Toggle clip side"] = { key:13, modifiers: [308] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Perform clip"] = { key:13, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Move vertices up; Move vertices forward"] = { key:315, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Move vertices down; Move vertices backward"] = { key:317, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Move vertices left"] = { key:314, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Move vertices right"] = { key:316, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Move vertices backward; Move vertices up"] = { key:366, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Move vertices forward; Move vertices down"] = { key:367, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Move rotation center up; Move rotation center forward"] = { key:315, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Move rotation center down; Move rotation center backward"] = { key:317, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Move rotation center left"] = { key:314, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Move rotation center right"] = { key:316, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Move rotation center backward; Move rotation center up"] = { key:366, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Move rotation center forward; Move rotation center down"] = { key:367, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Move objects up; Move objects forward"] = { key:315, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Move objects down; Move objects backward"] = { key:317, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Move objects left"] = { key:314, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Move objects right"] = { key:316, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Move objects backward; Move objects up"] = { key:366, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Move objects forward; Move objects down"] = { key:367, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Roll objects clockwise"] = { key:315, modifiers: [307] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Roll objects counter-clockwise"] = { key:317, modifiers: [307] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Yaw objects clockwise"] = { key:314, modifiers: [307] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Yaw objects counter-clockwise"] = { key:316, modifiers: [307] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Pitch objects clockwise"] = { key:366, modifiers: [307] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Pitch objects counter-clockwise"] = { key:367, modifiers: [307] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Flip objects horizontally"] = { key:70, modifiers: [308] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Flip objects vertically"] = { key:70, modifiers: [307, 308] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Duplicate and move objects up; Duplicate and move objects forward"] = { key:315, modifiers: [308] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Duplicate and move objects down; Duplicate and move objects backward"] = { key:317, modifiers: [308] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Duplicate and move objects left"] = { key:314, modifiers: [308] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Duplicate and move objects right"] = { key:316, modifiers: [308] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Duplicate and move objects backward; Duplicate and move objects up"] = { key:366, modifiers: [308] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Duplicate and move objects forward; Duplicate and move objects down"] = { key:367, modifiers: [308] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Move textures up"] = { key:315, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Move textures up (fine)"] = { key:315, modifiers: [308] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Move textures up (coarse)"] = { key:315, modifiers: [306] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Move textures down"] = { key:317, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Move textures down (fine)"] = { key:317, modifiers: [308] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Move textures down (coarse)"] = { key:317, modifiers: [306] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Move textures left"] = { key:314, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Move textures left (fine)"] = { key:314, modifiers: [308] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Move textures left (coarse)"] = { key:314, modifiers: [306] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Move textures right"] = { key:316, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Move textures right (fine)"] = { key:316, modifiers: [308] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Move textures right (coarse)"] = { key:316, modifiers: [306] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Rotate textures clockwise"] = { key:366, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Rotate textures clockwise (fine)"] = { key:366, modifiers: [308] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Rotate textures clockwise (coarse)"] = { key:366, modifiers: [306] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Rotate textures counter-clockwise"] = { key:367, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Rotate textures counter-clockwise (fine)"] = { key:367, modifiers: [308] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Rotate textures counter-clockwise (coarse)"] = { key:367, modifiers: [306] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Cycle map view"] = { key:32, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Reset camera zoom"] = { key:27, modifiers: [306] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Cancel"] = { key:27, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Deactivate current tool"] = { key:27, modifiers: [308] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/Make structural"] = { key:83, modifiers: [307] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/View Filter > Toggle show entity classnames"] = { key:0, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/View Filter > Toggle show group bounds"] = { key:0, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/View Filter > Toggle show brush entity bounds"] = { key:0, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/View Filter > Toggle show point entity bounds"] = { key:0, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/View Filter > Toggle show point entities"] = { key:0, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/View Filter > Toggle show point entity models"] = { key:0, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/View Filter > Toggle show brushes"] = { key:0, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/View Filter > Show textures"] = { key:0, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/View Filter > Hide textures"] = { key:0, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/View Filter > Hide faces"] = { key:0, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/View Filter > Shade faces"] = { key:0, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/View Filter > Use fog"] = { key:0, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/View Filter > Show edges"] = { key:0, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/View Filter > Show all entity links"] = { key:0, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/View Filter > Show transitively selected entity links"] = { key:0, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/View Filter > Show directly selected entity links"] = { key:0, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Map view/View Filter > Hide entity links"] = { key:0, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Camera/Move forward"] = { key:87, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Camera/Move backward"] = { key:83, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Camera/Move left"] = { key:65, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Camera/Move right"] = { key:68, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Camera/Move up"] = { key:81, modifiers: [] };
-actions["Controls/Camera/Move down"] = { key:88, modifiers: [] };
diff --git a/app/resources/documentation/manual/shortcuts_helper.js b/app/resources/documentation/manual/shortcuts_helper.js
index 24b5c42eb5..911e784153 100644
--- a/app/resources/documentation/manual/shortcuts_helper.js
+++ b/app/resources/documentation/manual/shortcuts_helper.js
@@ -1,80 +1,69 @@
-var platform = "windows";
-if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Win")!=-1) platform = "windows";
-if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Mac")!=-1) platform = "mac";
-if (navigator.platform.indexOf("X11")!=-1) platform = "linux";
-if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Linux")!=-1) platform = "linux";
-//platform = "mac"; //debug
-console.log(`Platform detected as ${platform} with navigator.platform=${navigator.platform}`);
function key_str(key) {
- if (keys[platform][key])
- return "" + keys[platform][key] + "";
- return null;
+ if (keys[key]) {
+ return "" + keys[key] + "";
+ } else {
+ return undefined;
+ }
function shortcut_str(shortcut) {
- var result = "";
- if (shortcut) {
- if (shortcut.key == 0) {
- result = null;
- } else {
- for (i = 0; i < shortcut.modifiers.length; ++i)
- result += key_str(shortcut.modifiers[i]);
- result += key_str(shortcut.key);
- }
- } else {
- result += "«unknown shortcut»";
- }
+ let result = "";
+ if (shortcut) {
+ if (shortcut.key == 0) {
+ result = undefined;
+ } else {
+ for (i = 0; i < shortcut.modifiers.length; ++i) {
+ result += key_str(shortcut.modifiers[i]);
+ }
+ result += key_str(shortcut.key);
+ }
+ } else {
+ result += "«unknown shortcut»";
+ }
- return result;
+ return result;
function menu_path_str(path) {
- var result = "";
- for (i = 0; i < path.length; ++i) {
- result += path[i];
- if (i < path.length - 1)
- result += " » ";
- }
- return result;
+ return path.join(" » ");
function menu_item_str(key) {
- var result = "";
- var item = menu[key];
- if (item) {
- result += menu_path_str(item.path);
- var shortcut = shortcut_str(item.shortcut);
- if (shortcut)
- result += " (" + shortcut + ")";
- } else {
- result += "unknown menu item \"" + key + "\"";
- }
- result += "";
- return result;
+ let result = "";
+ const item = menu[key];
+ if (item) {
+ result += menu_path_str(item.path);
+ const shortcut = shortcut_str(item.shortcut);
+ if (shortcut) {
+ result += " (" + shortcut + ")";
+ }
+ } else {
+ result += "unknown menu item \"" + key + "\"";
+ }
+ result += "";
+ return result;
function action_str(key) {
- var result = "";
- var item = actions[key];
- if (item) {
- result += shortcut_str(item);
- } else {
- result += "unknown action \"" + key + "\"";
- }
- result += "";
- return result;
+ let result = "";
+ const item = actions[key];
+ if (item) {
+ result += shortcut_str(item);
+ } else {
+ result += "unknown action \"" + key + "\"";
+ }
+ result += "";
+ return result;
function print_key(key) {
- document.write(key_str(key));
+ document.write(key_str(key));
function print_menu_item(key) {
- document.write(menu_item_str(key));
+ document.write(menu_item_str(key));
function print_action(key) {
- document.write(action_str(key));
\ No newline at end of file
+ document.write(action_str(key));
diff --git a/dump-shortcuts/src/Main.cpp b/dump-shortcuts/src/Main.cpp
index 6083e9035d..77665731e2 100644
--- a/dump-shortcuts/src/Main.cpp
+++ b/dump-shortcuts/src/Main.cpp
@@ -106,9 +106,8 @@ namespace TrenchBroom {
void visit(const MenuActionItem& item) override {
m_out << " '" << QString::fromStdString(item.action().preferencePath().asString('/')) << "': ";
- m_out << "{ path: " << toString(m_path, item.label()) << ", shortcut: " << toString(item.action().keySequence()) << ",\n";
+ m_out << "{ path: " << toString(m_path, item.label()) << ", shortcut: " << toString(item.action().keySequence()) << " },\n";
void printMenuShortcuts(QTextStream& out) {
@@ -156,7 +155,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
const auto fileInfo = QFileInfo(file.fileName());
const auto absPath = fileInfo.absoluteFilePath().toStdString();
- if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { // implies truncate, which we want
+ if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { // QIODevice::WriteOnly implies truncate, which we want
std::cout << "Could not open output file for writing: " << absPath << "\n";
return 1;