We use STM32CubeMX because it’s very easy to use and provides HAL and startup code.
If you do not use an STM32 or want to use STM32CubeMX just skip the Create a Project stage and write your own startup code.
- CLion 2022.2.3
- Stm32CubeMX 6.6.1
- CMake 3.24.2
- IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM 9.30.1 (with license)
- STM32F3-Discovery
- OpenOCD
Start Stm32CubeMX, open board selector, STM32F3-Discovery, and create the project. Important changes:
Then generate the project.
In CLion, navigate to Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Toolchains
On Windows, create a new MinGW toolchain or select an existing one. Use bundled MinGW and CMake or configure the path to your installation. -
Select the debugger: you can use the bundled GDB or a custom GDB version, for example, the debugger from GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain.
- Open the project in CLion (ignore CMake errors).
- Configure CMakeLists.txt for your project.
- Configure toolchain-iar-9-arm.cmake to match your IAR installation path.
set(IAR_TOOLCHAIN_ROOT "C:/Program Files/IAR Systems/Embedded Workbench 9.0/arm")
- Configure CMakePresets.json to use the toolchain created earlier.
"toolchain": "CMake 3.24"
- Right-click CMakeLists.txt in the project tree and click Load CMake Project
- In CLion, navigate to Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | CMake and enable the
Default preset
profile - Add your code to
Alternative to steps 4 - 6:
In CLion, navigate to Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | CMake
Create a new profile or select an existing one and Under CMake options:
- Open Run Configurations
- (Optional) Enable semi-hosting via .gdbinit
- Set breakpoint to the very beginning of main()
- Click debug button
- Wait
- Debugger works
- Enjoy!