In entrypoint script file, the man refer to "cortex-hostnames" parameter as "cortex-hostname":
function usage {
cat <<- _EOF_
Available options:
--config-file <file> | configuration file path
--no-config | do not try to configure TheHive (add secret and elasticsearch)
--no-config-secret | do not add random secret to configuration
--secret <secret> | secret to secure sessions
--show-secret | show the generated secret
--no-config-db | do not configure database automatically
--cql-hostnames <host>,<host>,... | resolve these hostnames to find cassandra instances
--cql-username <username> | username of cassandra database
--cql-password <password> | password of cassandra database
--bdb-directory <path> | location of local database, if cassandra is not used (default: /data/db)
--no-config-storage | do not configure storage automatically
--hdfs-url <url> | url of hdfs name node
--storage-directory <path> | location of local storage, if hdfs is not used (default: /data/files)
--no-config-cortex | do not add Cortex configuration
--cortex-proto <proto> | define protocol to connect to Cortex (default: http)
--cortex-port <port> | define port to connect to Cortex (default: 9001)
--cortex-hostname <host>,<host>,... | resolve this hostname to find Cortex instances
--cortex-keys <key>,<key>,... | define Cortex key
migrate <param> <param> ... | run migration tool
cloner <param> <param> ... | run cloner tool
exit 1
while test $# -gt 0 -a "${STOP}" = 0
case "$1" in
"--config-file") shift; CONFIG_FILE=$1 ;;
"--no-config") CONFIG=0 ;;
"--no-config-secret") CONFIG_SECRET=0 ;;
"--secret") shift; SECRET=$1 ;;
"--show-secret") SHOW_SECRET=1 ;;
"--no-config-db") CONFIG_DB=0 ;;
"--cql-hostnames") shift; CQL_HOSTNAMES=$1 ;;
"--cql-username") shift; CQL_USERNAME=$1 ;;
"--cql-password") shift; CQL_PASSWORD=$1 ;;
"--bdb-directory") shift; BDB_DIRECTORY=$1 ;;
"--index-directory") shift; INDEX_DIRECTORY=$1 ;;
"--no-config-storage") CONFIG_STORAGE=0 ;;
"--hdfs-url") shift; HDFS_URL=$1 ;;
"--storage-directory") shift; STORAGE_DIRECTORY=$1 ;;
"--no-config-cortex") CONFIG_CORTEX=0 ;;
"--cortex-proto") shift; CORTEX_PROTO=$1 ;;
"--cortex-port") shift; CORTEX_PORT=$1 ;;
"--cortex-hostnames") shift; CORTEX_HOSTNAMES=$1 ;;
"--cortex-keys") shift; CORTEX_KEYS=$1 ;;
"--") STOP=1 ;;
"migrate") MIGRATE=1; STOP=1 ;;
"cloner") CLONER=1; STOP=1 ;;
*) echo param is -"$1"-; usage