Request Type
Work Environment
Question | Answer |
OS version (server) | Centos 7.4 |
OS version (client) | Windows 10. |
TheHive version / git hash | 4.0.3-1 |
Package Type | RPM |
Browser type & version | Google Chrome 80 |
Problem Description
Impossible to switch organization if organization name contains an accent.
Steps to Reproduce
- Create an organization with en accent in the name
- create an user and add right in "admin" organization and the organization created in step 1
- switch user from admin organization to organization previously created
Complementary information
When user is in several organization and try to swith to an organization with accent in the name, this error appear.
The error log :
2021-01-11 17:05:27,428 [ERROR] from play.core.server.common.ServerResultUtils in [|] Exception occurred while converting Result with headers [<Set-Cookie>: <THEHIVE-SESSION=XXX; SameSite=Lax; Path=/; HTTPOnly>, <Request-Time>: <19>, <X-Permissions>: <manageAnalyzerTemplate,manageUser,manageOrganisation,manageCustomField,manageTag,manageConfig,manageObservableTemplate,manageProfile>, <X-Organisation>: <**(Organization name with 'è' char replaced by '|')**>]. Calling HttpErrorHandler to get alternative Result.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Character 65512 cannot match AsciiSet because it is out of range