Application.conf file for TheHive 4
Bug / Feature Request
Work Environment
| OS version (server) | Red Hat
| OS version (client) | Windows 10
| TheHive version / git hash | 4.0
| Package Type | RPM
| Browser type & version | If applicable
Problem Description
I installed Cassandra and TheHive on RedHat using the steps in
Used a local file system to store files /opt/thp_data/files/thehive as per documentation. However, I noticed that the documentation when it came to application.conf was slightly different.
Documentation had the following:
storage {
provider = localfs
localfs.location = /opt/files/thehive
- But application.conf file had instead of localfs.location. I was wondering if someone can confirm whether is the right one or if it is supposed to be localfs.location.
- The file path /opt/files/thehive does not exist. I think this should be /opt/thp_data/files/thehive. Please let me know which one is the correct one.