Bug / Feature Request
Work Environment
Question | Answer |
OS version (server) | Debian |
OS version (client) | 10 |
TheHive version / git hash | 4 RC1 |
Package Type | DEB |
Problem Description
Creation of Alerts now requires to set the attribute "date".
In former TheHive Versions this was if not provided automatically set to the current date/time.
Steps to Reproduce
- Try to create an Alert, e.g
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer [key]' http://[ip]:9000/api/alert -d '{"title": "Title", "description": "description", "type": "type", "source": "instance1", "sourceRef": "test" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' | json_pp - Try the same as in step one, but add date
Possible Solutions
Add date as default is not provided to an alert