Releases: TheHive-Project/Cortex-Analyzers
Releases · TheHive-Project/Cortex-Analyzers
What's Changed
- Crowdstrike Falcon - Custom Base URL support by @nusantara-self in #1310
- utils improvements by @nusantara-self in #1311
Full Changelog: 3.4.2...3.4.3
What's Changed
- feat(c25): adds cluster25's cortex analyzer by @Mv35 in #1241
- Implemented Axur ioc's analyzer by @Paulovgarcia in #1191
- CrowdStrike Falcon - Implement TheHive custom user-agent across integrations by @nusantara-self in #1307
- Add ValidateObservable analyzer by @nusantara-self in #1308
New Contributors
- @Mv35 made their first contribution in #1241
- @Paulovgarcia made their first contribution in #1191
Full Changelog: 3.4.1...3.4.2
What's Changed
- Fix for submit file by @winl0gon in #1299
- add proxies to by @Labuiga in #1298
- Domaintools dependency issues by @nusantara-self in #1300
- Capa Analyzer - auto-download latest capa binary by @nusantara-self in #1301
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 3.4.0...3.4.1
What's Changed
- Capa Analyzer - Code improvements by @nusantara-self in #1295
- Multiple Analyzers & Responders for CrowdstrikeFalcon by @nusantara-self in #1297
Full Changelog: 3.3.8...3.4.0
What's Changed
- add dataType mail-subject by @Guiiix in #1261
- Filters format migration for OpenCTI 5.12 by @evost in #1245
- Update Gatewatcher CTI Analyzer for 'unknown' risk by @remydewaGW in #1232
- Handle invalid UTF-8 bytes during decode for emlParser by @nusantara-self in #1267
- EclecticIQ responder by @deepanshu-eiq in #1258
- PhishTank fix: add User-Agent header to make phishtank api work again by @emalderson in #1271
- KasperskyTIP fix: previously ignored category orange now is malicious by @emalderson in #1270
- Added EclecticIQ Analyser by @deepanshu-eiq in #1256
- SpamHausDBL fix: replace query function (not working) with resolve function by @emalderson in #1272
- Added QrDecode Analyzer by @EnzoCyberSec in #1275
- added responder input to Shuffle API call by @tbi88 in #1194
- Updated Censys Analyzer for latest API by @Gandalf098 in #1083
- [CrowdSec] Update analyzer (1.0 => 1.1) by @julienloizelet in #1273
- #1263 Update Triage Analyzer by @rpitts-recordedfuture in #1264
- TheHive Binalyze integration by @binalyze-murat in #1219
- Cloudflare Account IP Access List Responder by @nickbabkin in #1177
- Update of NERD analyzer by @vaclavbartos in #1121
- Add a responder to send case information to Telegram by @alexkolnik in #1163
- FalconCrowstrikeCustomIOC Responder v2 by @nicoctn in #1188
- Fixes and added features to Defender for endpoints responder by @louismaxx in #1225
- Quick updates by @vpiserchia in #1262
- Pin thehive4py package version to 1.8.x by @nusantara-self in #1282
- Azure sign in retriever by @jahamilto in #1212
- [FIX] HybridAnalysis API V2 by @X0x1RG9f in #1117
- Azure Token Revoker Responder by @jahamilto in #1207
- When you get whenCreated attribute datetime fix by @p1kusmie in #1181
- Search users in Okta. by @mjleesment in #1157
- AnyRun Sandbox Analyzer v1.1 by @nolsen311 in #1142
- bump abuse_finder by @Augustin-FL in #1135
- Update TorBlutMagie to point to alternative domain by @red-ship-it in #1114
- Make analyzer work with template by @ch0wm3in in #1061
- DNSdumpster analyzer. Initial commit. by @korteke in #1058
- Add DNSDumpster analyzer templates by @nusantara-self in #1283
- Rename & rework existing Azure AD analyzer & responder for Entra ID name change by @nusantara-self in #1285
- MSEntraID Folder structure & naming adjustments by @nusantara-self in #1286
- utils improvements by @nusantara-self in #1284
- Update by @lucamemini in #1154
- Refactor Censys Analyzer for Censys API Version 2 by @nusantara-self in #1288
- Duo Account Bypass Mode (Correction) by @jahamilto in #1208
- Add AWS Invoke Lambda responder by @nusantara-self in #1266
- cortexutils not installed in RT4 Responder Docker Image by @hajjiwajih in #1055
- Netcraft Cortex responder by @korteke in #1053
- Added responder for Ansible AWX by @Timmu91 in #1215
- Add Capa Analyzer by @weslambert in #1027
- Add JAMF Protect Prevent List responder by @nusantara-self in #1293
- Update analyzers & responders upgrade guide by @nusantara-self in #1294
New Contributors
- @Guiiix made their first contribution in #1261
- @evost made their first contribution in #1245
- @remydewaGW made their first contribution in #1232
- @deepanshu-eiq made their first contribution in #1258
- @emalderson made their first contribution in #1271
- @EnzoCyberSec made their first contribution in #1275
- @tbi88 made their first contribution in #1194
- @Gandalf098 made their first contribution in #1083
- @julienloizelet made their first contribution in #1273
- @binalyze-murat made their first contribution in #1219
- @nickbabkin made their first contribution in #1177
- @alexkolnik made their first contribution in #1163
- @nicoctn made their first contribution in #1188
- @louismaxx made their first contribution in #1225
- @vpiserchia made their first contribution in #1262
- @jahamilto made their first contribution in #1212
- @X0x1RG9f made their first contribution in #1117
- @p1kusmie made their first contribution in #1181
- @mjleesment made their first contribution in #1157
- @nolsen311 made their first contribution in #1142
- @Augustin-FL made their first contribution in #1135
- @red-ship-it made their first contribution in #1114
- @lucamemini made their first contribution in #1154
- @hajjiwajih made their first contribution in #1055
- @Timmu91 made their first contribution in #1215
Full Changelog: 3.3.7...3.3.8
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 3.3.6...3.3.7
What's Changed
- Update requirements.txt by @cyberpescadito in #1247
- Update requirements.txt by @nusantara-self in #1248
New Contributors
- @nusantara-self made their first contribution in #1248
Full Changelog: 3.3.5...3.3.6
What's Changed
- Fix missing requirements.txt in CrowdSec Analyzer by @AlteredCoder in #1224
- StamusNetworks: fix error on empty network info by @regit in #1220
- New ONYPHE Search, ASM and Vulnscan analyzers. Updated Summary Analyzer. by @jimbobnet in #1242
- Updated ONYPHE documentation. Fixed potential naming conflict with legacy analyzer. by @jimbobnet in #1244
New Contributors
- @AlteredCoder made their first contribution in #1224
- @jimbobnet made their first contribution in #1242
Full Changelog: 3.3.4...3.3.5
Full Changelog: 3.3.3...3.3.4
What's Changed
- Fix build for several analyzers & responders by @vdebergue in #1230
- fix build for Autofocus and MalwareClustering by @vdebergue in #1233
- Update Elasticsearch analyzer with unix format by @ajrios33 in #1023
- #1231 Update Recorded Future Analyzer by @rpitts-recordedfuture in #1234
New Contributors
- @ajrios33 made their first contribution in #1023
- @rpitts-recordedfuture made their first contribution in #1234
Full Changelog: 3.3.2...3.3.3