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Adriana Massie edited this page Dec 23, 2020 · 13 revisions


Safety is very important in FIRST. So important that there is a Safety Award and a role called a Safety captain. The following explains a bit of how safety can be applied to the build season and in the competitions.

Safety Captain

Safety Captain is a role that is highly recognized in FIRST. The role of a Safety Captain is to make sure their team and others are maintaining safe practice during build season and during the competitions.

During competitions, judges for the safety award will ask to talk to a team's Safety Captain. The Safety Captain should be prepared to answer questions about how the team handles safety I'll add more later

Tools Safety

Tool Safety is important to go over. If you realize that a tool is broken or unsafe, please tell the safety captain or a mentor. Don't use it.

Examples of Tool Safety

  • Sharp tools: When using sharp tools direct your cutting strokes away from your hand and body and be aware of those around you. Don't run when carrying sharp tools. When putting the tool away, make sure you cover them when putting them away. Do not leave sharp uncovered tools out in the open.

  • Heat tools: When using heat tools like a heat gun, be careful. Do not point it at anyone or touch it when it's on. Be aware of objects that may be near the heat source and may catch fire. After using a heat tool, make sure to turn it off and put it away after it has cooled off.

  • Power tools: Provide safety guards for power tools where required. If you don't know how to use the tool, do not try to figure it out on your own. Ask someone who knows how to use the tool.


Make sure to keep the battery charging station clean and neat. Place your battery charger in an area where cooling air can freely circulate around the charger. Battery chargers can fail without proper ventilation. Do not charge the battery more than the manufacture's maximum recommended rate. When the battery is charging make sure there isn't any signs of battery leakage or cracks in the case.

If the battery does leak. The FIRST Safety Manual notes to do the following:

  1. Neutralize it by pouring the sodium bicarbonate on all wetted surfaces. The bicarbonate of soda itself is not dangerous, and will react with the acid in the electrolyte leaving a safe residue that can be disposed of in a conventional manner such as rinsing with water.
  2. Follow emergency handling instructions of the MSDS and notify Mentor.
  3. Put on the gloves before handling the battery.
  4. Place the battery in a leak-proof container for removal.
  5. Be sure to neutralize any acid on the gloves before removing and storing them.
  6. Seek medical attention if skin came into contact with any chemicals.
  7. Properly dispose of the battery, which is now a hazardous material.

Safety during The Build Season

Do not do anything to the robot that might break it, such as removing pieces without approval, or sitting on it. If you notice that there are broken pieces on the robot, tell someone. Do not drive the robot without permission or without telling the people around you. When lifting robot, make sure that it is off. Also when lifting the robot, lift with your legs, not your back.

Safety during Competition

Drive Team

Make sure to wear safety glasses. When entering and exiting the field after or before a match, do not step/jump over the guard rail. Drive team members are only allowed to enter or exit through the gates if the LED strings are green. Do not enter the field or stick your hand or feet into the field during the match. Don't touch the inside surfaces of the chute or any part of a game piece that is within the volume of the chute.

Robot Safety

Before moving your robot, make sure it is stable on the cart. Always have another person to help you transport your robot. When lifting robot, make sure that the robot is off. Also when lifting the robot lift with your legs, not your back.

Wireless robot control is only allowed on the field or practice field. Robots have to be operated by tether when outside the two fields.


The pits is the space were team's robots are placed. In the pits teams work on their robot and get ready for their next match. Due to teams fixing and working on their robot with different tools, you have to wear safety glasses.
Your team's pit should not have a lot of team members. You should only have a drive team, pit crew, safety captain and some mentors. People who are not needed should not be in the pits for large periods of time. Also, keep the aisle outside the pit clear for pedestrians and robots. No horse play or running around.

Make sure to keep the pit clean and organized. You can keep your pit clean by:

  • Keeping the floor clear
  • Using power strips to avoid messy wires. When using power strips don't plug a power strip into a power strip or overload the rated capacity of the power strip.
  • Clean storage of personal belongings and equipment.