DocStrings and Annotations
Lambda Expressions
Lambdas and Sorting
Function Introspection
Map, Filter and Zip
Reducing Functions
Partial Functions \
Operator Module \
This assigment consists of the implementation of following fuctions:
This function gives out the average run time per call, such that its definition is:
def time_it(fn, *args, repetitons= 1, **kwargs): your code comes here.
We should be able to call it like this:
time_it(print, 1, 2, 3, sep='-', end= ' ***\n'. repetitons=5)
time_it(squared_power_list, 2, start=0, end=5, repetitons=5) #2 is the number you are calculating power of, [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32]
time_it(polygon_area, 15, sides = 3, repetitons=10) # 15 is the side length. This polygon supports area calculations of upto a hexagon
time_it(temp_converter, 100, temp_given_in = 'f', repetitons=100) # 100 is the base temperature given to be converted
time_it(speed_converter, 100, dist='km', time='min', repetitons=200) #dist can be km/m/ft/yrd, time can be ms/s/m/hr/day, speed given by the user is in kmph \
"""TSAI - EPAi-V5 Assignment 5 - Functional Parameters"""
import time from time import perf_counter import types
def time_it(fn, *args, repetitions= 1, **kwargs): """This is a genralized function to call any function user specified number of times and return the average time taken for calls""" from functools import reduce time_taken_cache = [] # Repetition should be positive number if (not isinstance(repetitions, (int))) or repetitions < 0 : raise ValueError("repetitions should be an integer number with value >= 0")
# if not isinstance(fn, types.FunctionType):
# raise ValueError("First argument should be a function")
if repetitions == 0:
return 0
if fn.__name__ in ('print', 'squared_power_list','polygon_area','temp_converter','speed_converter'):
raise ValueError("time_it can't time " + fn.__name__ + " function")
for i in range [0:repetitions]:
start_time = perf_counter()
fn(*args, **kwargs)
time_taken = perf_counter() - start_time
sum_time = reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, time_taken_cache, 0)
average_time = sum_time/len(time_taken_cache)
return average_time
def squared_power_list(number,*args, start=0, end=5,kwargs): """Retruns list by raising number to power from start to end -> numberstart to number**end. Default start is 0 and end is 5"""
from decimal import Decimal
# Validations "if" block
if not isinstance(number, int):
raise TypeError("Only integer type arguments are allowed")
if not isinstance(start, int):
raise TypeError("start should be an integer")
if not isinstance(end, int):
raise TypeError("end should be an integer")
if (start < 0) or (end < 0) :
raise ValueError("Value of start or end can't be negative")
if start > end:
raise ValueError("Value of start should be less than end")
if number > 10:
raise ValueError("Value of number should be less than 10")
if(len(args) > 0):
raise TypeError("Function takes maximum 1 positional arguments")
if(len(kwargs) > 0):
raise TypeError("Function takes maximum 2 keyword/named arguments")
# Return the list of number to the power of numbers from start to end
powered_list = [pow(number,i) for i in range(start,end)]
return powered_list
def polygon_area(length, *args, sides = 3, **kwargs): import math """Retruns area of a regular polygon with number of sides between 3 to 6 bith inclusive"""
# Validations
if len(args) > 0:
raise TypeError("polygon_area function takes maximum 1 positional arguments, more provided")
if len(kwargs) > 0:
raise TypeError("polygon_area function take maximum 1 keyword/named arguments, more provided")
if not isinstance(length, int):
raise TypeError("length should be an integer")
if not isinstance(sides, int):
raise TypeError("sides should be an integer")
if ((sides < 3) or (sides > 6)):
raise ValueError("3 <= sides <= 6")
area = 0
match sides:
case 3:
area = ((length ** 2) * math.sqrt(3)) / 4
case 4:
area = length ** 2
case 5:
area = ((1/4) * math.sqrt((5*(5+(2*math.sqrt(5))))) * (length ** 2))
case 6:
area = (((3 * math.sqrt(3)) / 2) * (length ** 2))
# Return area
return area
def temp_converter(temp, *args, temp_given_in = 'f', **kwargs): """Converts temprature from celsius 'c' to fahrenheit 'f' or fahrenheit to celsius"""
# Validations
if not isinstance(temp_given_in,str):
raise TypeError("Charcater string expected for temp_given_in")
if not temp_given_in in ('f','c','F','C'):
raise ValueError("Only f or c is allowed")
if not isinstance(temp,int):
raise TypeError("Only integer type arguments are allowed for temp")
if len(args) > 0:
raise TypeError("temp_converter function takes maximum 1 positional arguments, more provided")
if len(kwargs) > 0:
raise TypeError("temp_converter function take maximum 1 keyword/named arguments, more provided")
# Return the converted temprature
if temp_given_in in ('f','F'):
if (temp < -459.67):
raise ValueError("Temprature can't go below -459.67 fahrenheit = 0 Kelvin")
Celsius_temp = (temp - 32) * 5.0 / 9.0
return Celsius_temp
elif temp_given_in in ('c','C'):
if (temp < -273.15):
raise ValueError("Temprature can't go below -273.15 celsius = 0 Kelvin")
farenheit_temp = ((temp * 9.0) / 5.0) + 32
return farenheit_temp
def speed_converter(speed, *args, dist='KM', time='MIN', **kwargs): """Converts speed from kmph (provided by user as input) to different units dist can be km/m/ft/yrd time can be ms/s/min/hr/day """
# Validations
if not isinstance(speed, (int, float)):
raise TypeError("Speed can be int or float type only")
if not isinstance(dist, str):
raise TypeError("Charcater string expected for distance unit")
if not isinstance(time, str):
raise TypeError("Charcater string expected for time")
if not dist in ('KM','M','FT','YRD'):
raise ValueError("Incorrect unit of distance. Only km/m/ft/yrd allowed")
if not time in ('MIN','MS','S','HR','DAY'):
raise ValueError("Incorrect unit of Time. Only ms/s/min/hr/day allowed'")
if speed < 0:
raise ValueError("Speed can't be negative")
if speed > 300000:
raise ValueError("Speed can't be greater than speed of light")
if len(args) > 0:
raise TypeError("speed_converter function takes maximum 1 positional arguments, more provided")
if len(kwargs) > 0:
raise TypeError("speed_converter function take maximum 2 keyword/named arguments, more provided")
#I copied from chat GPT though :(
# Conversion factors
dist_factors = {
'KM': 1,
'M': 1000,
'FT': 3280.84,
'YRD': 1093.61
time_factors = {
'MS': 3600000,
'S': 3600,
'MIN': 60,
'HR': 1,
'DAY': 1/24
# Convert to desired distance unit
speed_in_dist = speed * dist_factors[dist]
# Convert to desired time unit
converted_speed = speed_in_dist / time_factors[time]
# Return the converted speed
return round(converted_speed)