- IP =
- Let's start by scanning for open ports:
sudo nmap -sC -sV -sS $IP
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 7.2p2 Ubuntu 4ubuntu2.10 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey:
| 2048 fe:cc:3e:20:3f:a2:f8:09:6f:2c:a3:af:fa:32:9c:94 (RSA)
| 256 e8:18:0c:ad:d0:63:5f:9d:bd:b7:84:b8:ab:7e:d1:97 (ECDSA)
|_ 256 82:1d:6b:ab:2d:04:d5:0b:7a:9b:ee:f4:64:b5:7f:64 (ED25519)
3000/tcp open ppp?
| fingerprint-strings:
| GenericLines, NULL:
| Welcome to JPChat
| source code of this service can be found at our admin\'s github
| MESSAGE USAGE: use [MESSAGE] to message the (currently) only channel
|_ REPORT USAGE: use [REPORT] to report someone to the admins (with proof)
1 service unrecognized despite returning data.
- Trying to netcat to the service:
nc $IP 3000
- Nothing seems to be interesting in MESSAGE prompt
- Let's checkout the source code as it says:
- Source-code of the service:(Found in github)
import os
print ('Welcome to JPChat')
print ('the source code of this service can be found at our admin\'s github')
def report_form():
print ('this report will be read by Mozzie-jpg')
your_name = input('your name:\n')
report_text = input('your report:\n')
os.system("bash -c 'echo %s > /opt/jpchat/logs/report.txt'" % your_name)
os.system("bash -c 'echo %s >> /opt/jpchat/logs/report.txt'" % report_text)
def chatting_service():
print ('MESSAGE USAGE: use [MESSAGE] to message the (currently) only channel')
print ('REPORT USAGE: use [REPORT] to report someone to the admins (with proof)')
message = input('')
if message == '[REPORT]':
if message == '[MESSAGE]':
print ('There are currently 0 other users logged in')
while True:
message2 = input('[MESSAGE]: ')
if message2 == '[REPORT]':
- Hmmm 🤔 the commands given are not directly put into quotes in the report_form function...maybe we could take advantage of it!!
- If we put a
after 1st command and try to execute some other command we can find out in local machine as well: - Let's try it on the server:
- See? we get valid Remote Code Execution over the chat service...
- Next we try to setup a ncat listener with /bin/bash on the server, and try to connect directly.
- Now that we have got a shell, just navigate to /home/wes and get the flag!
- Establish a foothold and get user.txt
- As the hint says we first check the permissions for sudo group by
sudo -l
- As we can see the test_module.py can be run as root requiring no passwords
- Secondly, we can see that env_keep+=PYTHONPATH which means while running as sudo the environment variable PYTHONPATH is kept as usual
- The $PYTHONPATH is empty if we try to echo it
- Thirdly, the compare module is not a standard module for python.
- Keeping all the above points in mind we can modify the PYTHONPATH to /tmp directory and create our own compare module...
cd /tmp
touch compare.py
chmod +x compare.py
- To spawn a root shell we can simply edit the compare.py to:
- Now run the test_module.py as sudo:
- Finally, navigate to /root and find the flag:
- Escalate your privileges to root and read root.txt