Starred repositories
Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 50+ patched fonts: Hack, Source Code Pro, more. Glyph collections: Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Octicons, & more
The simplest way to run LLaMA on your local machine
Hi. I'm a starter theme called _s, or underscores, if you like. I'm a theme meant for hacking so don't use me as a Parent Theme. Instead try turning me into the next, most awesome, WordPress theme …
An easy-to-read, quick reference for PHP best practices, accepted coding standards, and links to authoritative tutorials around the Web
The Most Complete React UI Component Library
Tabula is a tool for liberating data tables trapped inside PDF files
Replacement icons for popular apps in the style of macOS Big Sur
An audio player for Ionic 3 and Angular 4. Works with HTML 5 audio or native audio using Cordova Media plugin.
Gatsby.js V2 starter template based on Dimension, designed by HTML5 UP. Check out for more Gatsby starters.
Open AI’s ChatGPT powered extension to use anywhere!
Gatsby + GraphQL Static Queries + Basic authentication