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smallayliu edited this page Jan 22, 2017 · 1 revision

Description of Analyze Result File of Habo

Part I, Format of JSON File

A. Dynamic Result File (.dynmatic)

The root element of JSON format on dynamic result file is a list, which represent the behaviors executed by the sample. Each element in the list of root element corresponds to an action, which is also a list, and represent the detail of the action. An example and its explanation are shown below:

		"/root/test/bin/fork.64.elf (PID=2980, TID=2980)", 
		"getpid: ", 

Example 1. Data of an element representing an action of an ELF sample

Order Data Explanation
0 8 Sequence number of the action
1 "/root/test/bin/fork.64.elf (PID=2980, TID=2980)", For ELF sample, this is the operator of the action.
2 "getpid: ", For ELF sample, this is the detail of the action, e.g., the destination file .
3 8020014 Unique ID of the action.
4 "syscall\u5e8f\u5217\u4fe1\u606f" Readable description of the action ID for human, currently in Chinese.
5 Optional Extra data of the action, e.g., the content of the file written by the sample.

Fig 1. Explanation of an element of an action

B. Static Result File (.static)

The root element of JSON format on static result file is a dict, which represent the properties of the sample. Each item in the dict has a readable label in English as its key, and a list of data as its value, which represent a set of the similar properties. Each element of the list is also a dict.

There is always a key named "ID" in the secondary dict, which has a string of the unique ID of the property as its value. In most cases, all the secondary dicts in the same list have the same value of ID, but it is not a guarantee especially in some rare cases.

The other items in the secondary dict have their own readable keys and values. These keys are similar in the same list, but differ from others in different lists.

An example is shown below:

	"Entry": [
			"Entry": "4005a0", 
			"ID": "8010002"
	"BaseInfo": [
			"SHA1": "3504a486bd3dd6e3490477639ed2d913496f9e5d", 
			"MachineType": "x86-64", 
			"Name": "./test/bin/fork.64.elf", 
			"FileType": "ELF64", 
			"SizeInfo": 8796, 
			"__full_path": "./test/bin/fork.64.elf", 
			"SSDEEP": "96:GsTi4muGWHBRwUfEVlGWOSXR+WZIjkqvoJf7fya4B4d/Br:GsBtBRHsVwWOSFioJfAE/x", 
			"SHA256": "1656542794a8a26775a468b9df27750f6c102e2bfce4c8e344d7390bd146a8d8", 
			"ID": "8010001", 
			"MD5": "afa3eb8d2318481b5477c7728df72c0d"

Example 2. Data of a static result file

Part II, Description of actions and properties

A. Background

We have translated some descriptions of actions and properties. These translations are listed below in this part. Other descriptions are being translated, and will be provided as soon as we finish it.

As the next step, we plan to replace the description part of the result file from Chinese to English, and when we add or change a translation, it will be shown directly in the file.

B. Translated Description

ID Description of action
8020005 clone syscall, fork or vfork
8020006 execute a file
8020007 process exit
8020008 send signal
8020411 getpid
8020412 fork
8020413 wait
8020414 system
8020201 file open
8020202 file read
8020203 file write
8020204 file remove
8020205 file rename
8020206 readdir
8020210 self delete
8020211 self modify
8020212 lock file of self
8020401 socket
8020402 connect
8020403 query dns
8020405 send HTTP request
8020407 TCP package
8020408 HTTPS package
8020410 UDP package
8020414 gethostbyname
8020415 bind
8020416 send
8020417 recv
8020418 listen
8020419 accept
8020601 dlopen
8020602 dlsym
8020603 printf
8020604 puts
8020605 sprintf

Fig 2. Translation of actions

ID Description of property
8010001 basic info
8010002 entry point
8010003 SO library
8010006 ELF header
8010007 ELF section
8010008 ELF segment
8010009 ELF symbol
8010011 exiftool info

Fig 3. Translation of properties

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