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2024 lines (825 loc) · 73.6 KB

File metadata and controls

2024 lines (825 loc) · 73.6 KB

(V.8.0.4 Changes) (1.15.2 Minecraft)


-Split the config file into several separate config files to make it easier to find configs.

-Changed the configs for lakes from an on/off switch to a spawnrate modifier.


-Removed space from in front of Sunflower Plains UA's name in en_us file.


-Messed with Slime, honey, Lava, and Water Lakes when implementing spawnrate config. Hopefully I didn't break them....

(V.8.0.3 Changes) (1.15.2 Minecraft)


-Fixed rare crash when generating ocean biome layout.

-Giant Tree Taigas and Tall Birch Forests's 2x2 trees now gets dirt placed below the trunk so the trunk cannot be floating in midair.

(V.8.0.2 Changes) (1.15.2 Minecraft)


-Added a config option to change the maximum height that the tiny End Islands can spawn to in the End Field Biome.

-Made the yMaximum config scale the terrain better so it won't get cut off so sharply at the specified height.

-yMaximum config entry will now impact the spawn height of Mineshafts and Strongholds so they don't float too high in the air if yMaximum is set very low.

-Fixed spawnrate config for Sunshrines and Stonehenges to not be capped at a rarity of 100 but now can be made rarer up to a rarity of a 1000.

-Adjusted how temperature regions gets filled with biomes slightly if you disable all biomes in a temperature region.

-Added new configs to turn on and off columns and ramps as well as control their spawnrates.


-Fixed rare bug where water will sometimes not be properly contained when ocean biomes meets land biomes.


-Fixed bug where if you use /locate for a UA biome that you disabled through config, the world would hang forever. Now, this hanging will not happen and the locate command will say the structure couldn't be found.

-Fixed Sunshrine's beacon not showing a beam anymore. Now they will shoot beams into the sky again!

-Fixed Ramps placing air blocks instead of water when going below sealevel.

(V.8.0.1 Changes) (1.15.2 Minecraft)


-Added a dummy fortress structure so updating worlds from pre-8.0.0 UA to 8.0.1+ UA will not crash the world. The dummy fortress will be visible in locate command as ultra_amplified_dimension:fortress but will never return a location.

Mod Compatibility:

-Added JEI integeration. All UA blocks now has a description page with JEI.

(V.8.0.0 Changes) (1.15.2 Minecraft)


-The blocks used to make the portal now must specify a block's resource location. They cannot be blank anymore.


-Fixed bug where underground lava pools could be exposed floating in caves and ravines in Netherland biome.

-Cleaned up biome picker code significantly in back end and it should now do better with filling temperature regions that has no biome in it due to blacklisting or config setting. Let me know if any problems arise from this!

-Slightly reduced ocean size.

-Slightly increased rarity of landlocked Frozen Desert biome.


-Split Stone Fortress and Nether Fortress into two separate structures and made the Nether Fortress much more common so it can be found easier in Netherland biomes. /locate command now can distinguish between the two structure. (Also removed useless configs entries due to this split)

-Fixed bug where swapping Stronebrick/Nether Brick for Stone Fortresses and Nether Fortresses would cause the fortress to start spawning the other fortress's types of mobs.

-Fix issue with roots decreasing Hanging Ruins' spawnrate. Now Hanging Ruins will ignore roots when looking for the flat parts of the underside of ledges.


-Overhauled the glow-variant block textures so they have the Glowstone part be an overlay instead and the base texture can easily be changed with resource packs. You can quickly make and use your own resource packs to replace the Glowstone parts textures used for the overlay too if you wish to make the overlay match a higher resolution resource pack.

-Improved the Amplified Portal block textures to look much more polished and cool! It is also more compatible with resource packs too.


-Changed some hardcoded 255 height values to use the world's max height instead. Might help with Cubic Chunk-like mod compatibility but otherwise, users will see no change.

(V.7.4.2 Changes) (1.15.2 Minecraft)


-Fixed crash in production on servers due to me not using the right method name for a reflection.

(V.7.4.1 Changes) (1.15.2 Minecraft)


-Quick fix to stop a crash when trying to sleep in the UA dimension when using the UA worldtype.

(V.7.4.0 Changes) (1.15.2 Minecraft)


-Ultra Amplified Dimension now has it's own time behind the scenes! Everyone in that specific dimension must sleep together to set the time to day. The /time command now also works in that dimension as well. Rain and thunder time is still locked into the Overworld's rain and thunder time and sleeping in UA dimension will clear the weather for Overworld as well.

-Sleeping in a bed will now automatically wake you up if everyone in the dimension is sleeping.


-When using the Ultra Amplified worldtype, the Ultra Amplified Dimension now will use the Overworld Dimension stuff in backend and looks like an exact copy of the Overworld! Making an Amplified Portal in the Ultra Amplified worldtype will teleport you between the Overworld Dimension that looks Ultra Amplified and the Ultra Amplified Dimension that looks like the Overworld.


-Added a new option to let you specify any item for creating the portal! The portalActivationItem entry is set to minecraft:flint_and_steel by default. If set to "", the portal creation will be disabled.

-portalCornerBlocks, portalCeilingBlocks, and portalFloorBlocks config entries will now be made with the resourcelocation of their default blocks instead of being blank.

-Added an option to allow Nether Portals to be created in Ultra Amplified Dimension as an alternative one-way-trip to exit the dimension! This config option is set to off by default.

-Fixed bug where if you change the worldgen configs in you entered a world and before going into the Ultra Amplified Dimension, the spawn chunks around the portal will use the default settings instead of the new settings. Now it should all be correct.


-Teleporting to and from Ultra Amplified Dimension now resets the falling time on the player. So if you are fall fast but manage to click the portal block, you'll teleport to the other dimension and not take fall damage. Could make a neat mini-game mechanic! Rain and Thunder time is still locked into the Overworld's rain and thunder time.

-Cleaned up the teleporting code so that it doesn't fire for all right clicks and only runs the checks/teleporting when right clicking the portal block.

-Portal will not be created if you crouch right click with the activation item. Now you have to be standing.

-The Amplified Portal Block will now spawn a ton of flame particles when created because it's cool!


-Forge 1.15.2-31.1.29 pushed a fix for the so that it now actually works! Put "level-type=ultra_amplified" into the to generate a world using Ultra Amplified worldtype! As of now, "use-modded-worldtype=ultra-amplified" entry is no longer supported.

-Fix en_us.json translation for some biomes.

(V.7.3.1 Changes) (1.15.2 Minecraft)


-Fixed an issue where computers in some foreign languages could cause Ultra Amplified Dimension to crash at startup.


-Slightly optimized the surfacebuilder for Oceans, Iced Terrain, End Fields, and Netherlands biomes.


-Fixed bug where Dungeons fused together will sometimes fail to set their spawner's mob and so, they will end up with a Pig Spawner by default instead of the correct mob spawner.

(V.7.3.0 Changes) (1.15.2 Minecraft)


-Added config to change the size of the Stronghold.

-Increased maximum spawnrate of dungeons from 300 to 1000. Dungeon overload time!


-Amplified Portal block is now immune to Wither to prevent it from being destroyed and trapping players in the dimension.

-All glow variants of blocks (except for Glowstone Ore) can be created in a Crafting Table! Place the non-glow version of the block in the center and put Glowstone Dust above, below, left, and right of the block to craft the glow variant.


-Updated dungeons and adjusted some spawn rates of types of spawners to be in parity with Repurposed Structure Mod. Biggest chages is the inclusion of vines in Jungle and Dark Forest dungeons and a ceiling of themed blocks is added to some of the dungeons as well. Phantom spawners for End dungeons is reduced to 2% now.

-Changed loot in hallway chests in underground Stonebrick Fortress from using Nether Fortress loot to using Village Blacksmither, Village Armorer, and Jungle Temple loot.

-Added vines that spawns on and around the underground Stonebrick Fortress.

-Added Mossy Stonebrick to Swamp/Dark Forest themed Mineshaft and Stone themed Mineshafts can now have Mossy Cobblestone Wall for the arch supports.

-Horned Swamp Trees (the 2x2 trees in Spooky Swamp Biome) now places dirt below the bottom of its trunk so the trunk doesn't partially hang in midair off of ledges anymore.

(V.7.2.4 Changes) (1.15.2 Minecraft)


-Optimized the surface builder for Netherland and desert/badlands biomes to increase performance.

-Soulsand and gravel patches in Netherland are a bit more common and larger.

-Optimized the large underground air pockets in Deserts and Badlands biomes.

-Fixed bug where underground small lakes could get a layer of stone placed on top of the water weirdly.

-Changed Air in caves and ravines to Cave Air even though it will have no impact for the player right now lol. Mojang might do something with Cave Air so it's better to spawn it underground so your worlds are ready for future MC versions.

-Optimized/cleaned up code for containing water underground, Cave Cavity, Roots, and Vertical Columns a tad more in backend.

-Fixed bug where exiting and re-entering world could cause Cave Cavity terrain to become disconnected.


-Fixed bug that seemed to cause a very rare chance of a crash upon entering a world.

-Cleaned up some code and registered Carvers, Placements, and SurfaceBuilders classes to the Forge registry in backend.

-Registered some features that weren't registered before in Forge's registry in backend.

(V.7.2.3 Changes) (1.15.2 Minecraft)


-Optimized containing floating water with solid blocks underground by quite a bit which reduced worldgen time!


-Optimized generating ocean biomes which reduced worldgen time!

-Fixed bug where thin Snow layers in Ocean biomes could cause the water next to it to not get replaced by land and make it look like the Snow is holding back water.

-Fixed very rare chance of a crash when trying to find a valid spot for Glowstone in Netherland biome.

-Ice Spikes now properly makes the pillar under their head spike in Ice Spike biome.

-The End Field biome is no longer shrunken too small by the Barren End Field biome that surrounds it.

-Icy Biomes that borders an ocean will now replace the ocean edge with Frozen Desert biome instead of replacing the land biome with it. (Helps shrink size of oceans a bit)

-All Rocky Fields variant biomes that borders an ocean will now replace the ocean edge with Stone Plains biome instead of replacing the land biome with it. (Helps shrink size of oceans a bit)

-Nerfed beehive spawnrate in Forest and Forest Relic biome.

(V.7.2.2 Changes) (1.15.2 Minecraft)


-Add use-modded-worldtype=ultra-amplified to your file to make this mod replace the Overworld with the Ultra Amplified terrain when making a brand new world. Even Biome O' Plenty had to use a hack because of a change with in 1.13+.


-Added config option to make exiting Ultra Amplified dimension to always place you into the Overworld.

-Fixed bug where disabling Spiky Badlands or Ice Spikes config while in a world, exiting, and re-entering won't take effect sometimes. Now it always will.

-The config to change what blocks is needed to create the portal frame will now work with any variation of the block itself. (In other words, if you specify minecraft:stone_stairs, you can have the stairs face in any direction now)


-Re-did and cleaned up the teleportation code. Next time you try to teleport to/from UA dimension in a world that used an older version of this mod, please place your stuff in a chest and then test teleporting with the Amplified Portal twice to make sure the teleportation code grabbed and converted the old teleportation code's data correctly. Any issues with this means you should teleport a few more times as the new code is self-correcting and should detect the correct dimensions and positions after a few times. The new code for the Amplified Portal block should be less glitchy and always place you at whatever spot you were at when you teleported to/from UA dimension regardless of other teleportation methods you used to enter/exit the UA dimension.

-Teleporting between dimensions with Amplified Portal block will now make you face where the Amplified Portal block was at when you last teleported out of that dimension you are currently going into.

-Teleporting is now more precise with spawning you at the very exact location you were at (instead of storing your position as whole numbers like 9, it can now store decimal numbers such as 9.84343).


-Sunshrines now explodes bigger and can deal damage to player. This is to make getting the Beacon block from them more difficult as the Beacon block item has a higher chance of getting destroyed in the explosion.

-Fixed Fossils not spawning on the correct ledge/places.


-Fixed the spawn placements of Red and Brown Mushrooms in some biomes.

-Fixed roots not generating.

-Added roots to Bamboo Jungle and Relic Bamboo Jungle biomes.

-Netherwart in Netherland biome is now more grown rather than looking like it was just placed.


-Fixed bug where using the Ultra Amplified worldtype will cause all dimension outside the Overworld to use the Ultra Amplified chunkgenerator (terrain and biomes) when it shouldn't. Now it is fixed.

(V.7.2.1 Changes) (1.15.2 Minecraft)


-Fixed bug where changing some settings could cause non-existent biome IDs to cause biome to not generate properly.


-Fixed Bamboo not spawning in all Jungle biomes.

-Fixed shallow lakes not spawning in Flower Jungle biomes, Swamp biomes, and Desert Lakes biome.

-Fixed bug where shallow lakes could replace leaves with water and the water could border non solid-looking blocks like bamboo.

-Fixed bug where plants could appear floating on top of shallow lakes.

-Seagrass can appear in shallow lakes in biomes that normally have dirt-like blocks on the surface.

(V.7.2.0 Changes) (1.15.1 Minecraft)


-Updated mod to 1.15.2 to make sure it still works. 1.15.1 version should work but this version is confirmed to work.


-Moved lavafall/waterfall rates from terrain section to feature section.

-Fixed bug where some non-mutated biomes can generate even when the mutated config is maxed out due to a weird interaction with how relic biomes generates.


-Increased overall spawnrate of Beehives a bit.

(V.7.1.0 Changes) (1.15.1 Minecraft)


-READ THIS: Config file has been updated to be more organized and accurate. Please save your current config file elsewhere so you know what changes you made and can make the same adjustments to the new config file. Here is what the new config format looks like: (Alternative link here if previous link expires: )

-Added 3 config options to let you change what block to use for the Amplified Portal frame (corners, top, and bottom). Enter the resourcelocation of the block (modded blocks works too) that you want to use instead of the default portal blocks. Example: "minecraft:dirt"

-Added config to disable spawning Silverfish Mob Spawner in Strongholds.

-Added config to disable spawning Silverfish Mob Spawner in Stone Fortresses.

-Added config to disable natural Silverfish spawning in Stone Fortresses.

-Turning off ministructures config now will turn off Desert Wells properly.

-Increased maximum spawnrate of Hanging Ruins config from 100 to 1000.


-Fixed bug where the terrain base for Villages and Pillager Outposts weren't being created.

-Stonehenges now will attempt to generate twice instead of once. One time at highest piece of land and again and next highest piece of land. This should increase their frequency quite a bit.

-Sunshrine spawn condition is slightly less restrictive and will make it generate slightly more often.

-Hanging Ruins now cannot generate fully submerged below sealevel.

-Fixed bug where Hanging Ruins' top can be exposed if it generates on a 1 block thick ledge. Now it should be even less likely to happen.

-Long Ravines (at or very close to lava level at bottom of world) is now longer on average.


-Fixed very rare crash when generating beehives due to vanilla's code. MC-169848

-Added chance for Beehives in fancy oak trees in Flower Jungle and Flower Jungle Edge biomes.

-Dark Forest biomes should generate larger than before.

-Relic Dark Forest biome now is a bit more dense with trees.

-Slightly reduced Mushroom biome spawnrate again...

-Significantly increased spawnrate of Crosses in Spooky Swamp biome.

-Full Lapis Blocks has a very rare chance of spawning in Ice inside Iced Terrain biome.

-Lava Lakes and Water Lakes were removed from and Ice Lakes was added to Ice Spikes, Snowy Taiga, Relic Snowy Taiga, Rocky Snowy Taiga, Snowy Tundra, and Frozen Desert biomes.

-Patches of Ice can be found in Stone underground in Ice Spikes, Snowy Taiga, Relic Snowy Taiga, Rocky Snowy Taiga, Snowy Tundra, Frozen Desert, Frozen Ocean, and Frozen Deep Ocean biomes.

-Lava in Cave Cavities and Long Ravines inside Ice Terrain biome will now be replaced with Obsidian and Magma as it is too cold to have lava.

-Lava in Cave Cavities and Long Ravines will now be partially replaced with Magma blocks as the lava is cooled down inside Ice Spikes, Snowy Taiga, Relic Snowy Taiga, Rocky Snowy Taiga, Snowy Tundra, Frozen Desert, Frozen Ocean, and Frozen Deep Ocean biomes.

-Patches of Red Sand and Red Sandstone now appears underground in all Badlands biomes.

-Patches of Sand and Sandstone now appears underground in all Desert biomes.

-Medium-small sized cave rooms will now appear underground in all Badlands and Desert biomes to make underground more like swiss cheese.


-Switched to Yarn over MCP mappings in backend. (I might had caused some bugs during the transition so please report anything that seems off or wrong)

-More optimization and cleaning done in backend.

(V.7.0.4 Changes) (1.15.1 Minecraft)


-Beds no longer explode in the dimension! Sleeping in the bed will turn night into day and set your respawn point. Bad weather will not be affected however.


-A config is added to let you choose whether beds should explode or not in the dimension. Set to false by default.

-Turning off Spiky Badlands or Ice Spike config will now properly apply.

-Spike Badlands config option will now also apply to Dissected Badlands Plateau biome.

-Fixed bug where setting mutated biome spawnrate to max with multiple biomes in world may cause small part of biomes bordering each other to not be mutated.


-Stone and Nether Fortresses now will naturally spawn enemies specific to their kind of fortress at a low rate. You can manually swap the kinds of bricks between the two fortresses to get the other fortress's natural spawning entities.

-Buffed loot from chest next to spawners in Stone and Nether Fortresses.

-End Cities now naturally spawn Endermites at a low rate and very rarely, Phantoms too.

-Fixed bug where leaves in Dark Oak Dungeons and Jungle Dungeons would decay right away.

-Barely lowered the long ravines towards bottom of world so they have lava filled floor more often.


-Fixed bug that prevented giant mushrooms from generating in Dark forest and Relic Dark Forest biome.

-Dark Forest now generates more grass including some Tall Grass.

-Relic Dark Forest now generates a lot more grass and with it mainly being Tall Grass.

-Dissected Badlands Plateau biome columns and ramps now has Terracotta center.

-Badlands biome columns and ramps now has Stone center.

-Sandless Badlands columns and ramps now has Terracotta center with Orange Terracotta base.

-Sandless Badlands now has no sand at the very top layer anymore. It is... sandless lol.

-Lava below sealevel in Netherland will be set to Obsidian when bordering water right away to prevent a potential crash if Netherland borders another biome over a great distance and the lava updates on its own...


-Optimized a bit and cleaned some code in the back end.

(V.7.0.3 Changes) (1.15.1 Minecraft)


-Optimized hanging roots.

-Optimized Column generation.

-Optimized Cave Cavities generation.

-Ramps openings now look better and flow better with rest of the ramp.

-Added Jungle styled Dungeons for all jungle biomes.

-Fixed bug where Shipwrecks will generate at same height always (even in midair) instead of being based on land/water.

-Fixed bug where Ocean Ruins could generate in midair.


-Made Mushroom Field biome more rare.

-Fixed bug where underwater Magma floor would be cut off when Netherland borders another biome.

(V.7.0.2 Changes) (1.15.1 Minecraft)


-Fixed crash when trying to run this mod on a server.

(V.7.0.1 Changes) (1.15.1 Minecraft)


-Bamboo can be placed on Glowgrass Block, Glowpodzol, Glowdirt, Glowmycelium, and Coarse Glowdirt.

-Amplified Portal block now has portal tag, impermeable tag, and dragon immune tag.


-Made Hanging Ruins more rare in all biomes but more common in all Relic variant biomes.

-Snow Dungeons, Desert Dungeon, and Badlands Dungeons now cannot have Zombie spawners.

-Snow Dungeons can have a Cave Spider spawner.

-Mushroom Temples now has dirt to cover the exposed Mushroom Stem Blocks on its underside.

-Ramps now won't replace cactus or mushroom blocks with air blocks.


-Fixed bug where leaves would decay on trees in certain biomes.

-Increased ramps and columns spawnrate even more in Stone Shore biome.

-Increased columns spawnrate much more in Gravelly Columns Field biome and removed ramps from it.

-Increased columns spawnrate some more in Rocky Field, Wooden Rocky Field, and Gravelly Field.

-Tiny boulders in Rocky Taiga and Snowy Rocky Taiga now spawns under ledges too and slightly sticks out of the ground more often to give a more rocky feel.

-Zombies and Spiders no longer spawn in Iced Terrain. Cave Spiders now do and Stray's spawnrate is increased.

-Blue Ice Waterfalls in Iced Terrain biome is now far more common, won't terminate early when going down ledges, and the Blue Ice Puddle at bottom can replace any solid block or liquid instead of just Ice and Snow.

(V.7.0.0 Changes) (1.15.1 Minecraft)

Major Change:

-Ported to 1.15.1! Celebration time!

-This mod is now renamed from Ultra Amplified Mod to Ultra Amplified Dimension !


-Lowered the default maximum Y value for terrain gen to 245 from 248. This is to help prevent floating flat lands with no trees because it is too high for tree to spawn.

-Added config for Honey Lakes.


-Hanging Ruins check is now fixed so it matches the ruin's actual location and prevents it from hanging off edges of ledges.

-Removed floating row of Dirt I forgot to remove from Mushroom Temple.

-Added 3 Tropical Fish to the pond in Mushroom Temple.

-Ramps shouldn't replace leaves, logs, or Bee Nests with Air now.

-Dungeons in Badlands biomes can have a Cave Spider spawner now.


-Added Honey Lakes to very rarely spawn in any Relics variant biome.

-Redid how Snow and Ice layer is done to fix several bugs with snow placement. Especially when biomes bordering each other both requires different snow layering.

-Adjusted biome default rates to make Netherland and End Field slightly more common/bigger.

-Fixed bug where lavafalls and waterfalls underground could get blocked by Stone due to the ContainUndergroundLiquids feature I need running.

-Desert biomes now spawn Dead Bush at a reduced rate under ledges instead of just top layer.

-Netherland biome now has more Fire below Y = 100.

-Fixed bug where the Magma block layer below sealevel in Netherland was not creating bubble columns.

-Fixed bug where in the Netherland, single lava blocks on the surface will not flow. Now they do flow and as a result, I restricted their spawning condition a bit and reduced spawn rate since the lava will end up making more lavafalls if generated on a slope.

-Slightly increased lavafall rates in Stone Plains biome.

-Slightly increased waterfall rates in End Field biome.

-Adjusted tree generation in all Jungles to fix some ground trees not spawning underground.

-Spiky Badlands' giant spikes are spiker, more common, and all spikes now will go through water at sealevel instead of being cut off.

-Badlands Dissected Plateau now has giant flat-topped pillars that are thick.

-All Badlands now can natually spawn Husk and Cave Spider mobs.

-All Deserts now can naturally spawn Cave Spider mobs.

-Fixed bug that prevented the Better Cactus from spawning in any Badlands biome.

-Increased ramps and columns spawnrate in Stone Shore biome.

-Increased columns spawnrate a lot in Gravelly Columns Field biome.

-Slightly increased columns spawnrate in Rocky Field, Wooden Rocky Field, and Gravelly Field

-Removed Mushroom Field biome from hot temperature and icy temperature region. Will still spawn in cool and cold temperature regions.

Biomes renamed to match the terrain generation better:

-Savanna Plateau -> Savanna Terrace

-Shattered Savanna Plateau -> Shattered Savanna Terrace

-Ice Mountain -> Iced Terrain

-Wooded Badlands Plateau -> Wooded Badlands

-Badlands Plateau -> Sandless Badlands

-Swampland Hills -> Spooky Swampland

-Modified Jungle -> Flower Jungle

-Modified Jungle Edge -> Flower Jungle Edge

-Snowy Beach -> Frozen Desert

-Stone Shore -> Stone Plains

-Modified Wooded Badlands Plateau UA -> Densed Wooded Badlands

-Eroded Badlands UA -> Spiky Badlands

-Modified Badlands Plateau -> Badlands Dissected Plateau

-The End -> End Field

-Nether -> Netherland

-Taiga Mountain UA -> Rocky Taiga

-Snowy Taiga Mountain UA -> Snowy Rocky Taiga

-Mountains -> Rocky Field

-Wooden Mountains -> Wooden Rocky Field

-Gravelly Mountains -> Gravelly Field

-Modified Gravelly Mountains Field

-Desert Hills -> Relic Desert

-Wooden Hills -> Relic Forest

-Taiga Hills -> Relic Taiga

-Bamboo Jungle Hills -> Relic Bamboo Jungle

-Jungle Hills -> Relic Jungle

-Birch Forest Hills -> Relic Birch Forest

-Snowy Taiga Hills -> Relic Snowy Taiga

-Tall Birch Forest Hills -> Relic Tall Birch Forest

-Dark Forest Hills -> Relic Dark Forest

-Giant Tree Taiga Hills -> Relic Giant Tree Taiga

-Giant Spruce Taiga Hills -> Relic Giant Spruce Taiga Pillars

-Giant Spruce Taiga -> Giant Spruce Taiga Pillars

(V.6.12.2 Changes) (1.14.4 Minecraft)


-Fixed bug where highest Amplified Portal Blocks in UA dimension cannot be broken if their coordinate is 8 in x OR z instead of x AND z. Now only highest portal at 8, ?, 8 cannot be mined in UA dimension as desired.

(V.6.12.2 Changes) (1.14.4 Minecraft)


�Fixed bug where highest Amplified Portal Blocks in UA dimension cannot be broken if its coordinate has x = 8 or z = 8 instead of x = 8 and z = 8. Now only the highest portal at 8, ?, 8 cannot be mined in UA dimension as desired.


-Fixed rare crash that occurs when generating non-vanilla Villages.

(V.6.12.1 Changes) (1.14.4 Minecraft)


-Fixed typo in localization of Sunflower Plains. "UASunflower Plains" -> "Sunflower Plains UA"


-Amplified Portal Blocks no longer turn to Polished Diorite when left clicked. Instead, you can now mine it and it'll drop Polished Diorite. The highest Amplified Portal block at x = 8, z = 8 in the Ultra Amplified Dimension still cannot be mined to allow escape from the dimension.

-If players now right click the Amplified Portal Block while crouching, they can place blocks on the portal instead of teleporting.

-Changed texture of Amplified Portal Block to be opaque and adjusted the texture itself to fit being opaque. This is to stop the bug of clouds appearing through the block when it was translucent.

(V.6.12.0 Changes) (1.14.4 Minecraft)


-Cave Cavities are now optimized even more and looks better too!

-Added Mushroom temples to spawn in Mushroom biomes! They have a secret hidden in them...

-Added Ice Spike temples to spawn in Ice Spike biomes! Check them out for good loot and some hidden stuff!

-Fixed bug where Hanging Ruins ceiling can be exposed on 1 block thick floating ledges.

-Hanging Ruins can now face any direction instead of just north (not really noticeable).

-Slightly decreased default spawnrate for Hanging Ruins.


-Mushroom Biomes now generates more mushrooms underground.

-Fixed bug where biomes were not weighted correctly when determining what biomes spawned (caused some biomes to not spawn).

(V.6.11.2 Changes) (1.14.4 Minecraft)


-Localized English version of biome, features, and structure names is added to this mod's en_us.json file. Will help with compatibility with other mods that needs to show the localized name of these stuff.

-Removed underscores from UltraAmplified WorldType's descriptive text.


-Optimized Cave Cavities to speed up world generation slightly.

-Roughed up Cave Cavity ceiling to make it look more natural.

-Fixed bug where setting the Elytra in ships in End Cities would cause Minecraft to become unresponsive and hang forever.

(V.6.11.1 Changes) (1.14.4 Minecraft)


-Patched a bug that crashes the game when trying to use the Ultra Amplified WorldType. Sorry about that.


-Removed Hanging Ruins from Nether biome as it doesn't mesh well with Netherrack.


-Cave Cavity walls are no longer cut off or broken but I had to change the overall shape of Cave Cavities to fix that bug. (Walls are also slightly messier to make it look more natural)

-Changed how fluids are contained in Ravines and Cave Cavities to fix several generation bugs with exposed walls of water and messy straight lines of floating blocks. However, might cause issues with structures/features that create water underground. Please let me know if this is the case.

-Underwater Caves exposed in Ravines and Cave Cavities no longer has any water exposed and may have patches of Grass Blocks. (They are still hollowed out tubes with water inside)

-Fixed bug where underground Mineshaft's pit-like dirt room would not update liquid source blocks that is exposed when the pit is carved.


-Changed this mod's version info displayed when in the mod tab in Forge to show the MC version as well. (1.14.4-6.11.1 instead of just 6.11.1)

(V.6.11.0 Changes) (1.14.4 Minecraft)


-Fixed a rare bug where importing features from other mods could cause a crash. Instead, problematic features will be ignored when importing.

-Added spawnrate config option for Hanging Ruins.

-Fixed maximum value for spawnrate option for Sun Shrines. It was stuck at 100 instead of 1000 due to a typo.

-Added option to blacklist certain mods' structures when importing structures.


-Added Hanging Ruins to all biomes except oceans and Ice Mountains biome. They spawn more often in Mountains biome and its variants. These features (not technically a structure) will spawn on the underside of floating ledges and can be seen by the faint light of Redstone Torches in them. Check them out!

(V.6.10.0 Changes) (1.14.4 Minecraft)


-Lowered default maximum height for terrain from 256 to 248 so trees has less of a chance of being cut off. Can still be changed to 256 in config file.

-Added config option called importAllModdedBiomes to allow importing all modded biomes registered in the forge registry. This overrides the importModdedBiomes config option when it is set to true.

-Added blacklistedBiomeList config option that lets players blacklist certain mods or individual biomes from being imported. Please let me know if an issue occurs with this.


-Other mod's ScatteredPlantFeature feature now gets imported correctly.

-Fixed a theoretical bug where a modded feature, structure, or mob could be added multiple time to a biome. (Added once by the mod itself and then added again when my mod imports it from a vanilla biome)

-End biome now grabs modded features, mobs, and structures from all vanilla End biomes instead of just "The End" biome.

-Barren End Field biome now grabs modded features, mobs, and structures from the vanilla "End Barrens" biome.


-Fixed bug where Cave Cavities and Ravines would spawn Stone instead of Endstone, Ice, and Netherrack in End, Ice Mountain, and Nether biome.

-Underwater Caves will be covered in Ice when exposed to air in Frozen Ocean and Deep Frozen Ocean biome.

-Cave Cavities and Ravines will replace underground water reservoirs with Ice instead of Stone in Deep Frozen Ocean and Frozen ocean biome.

-Fixed bug where snow would not generate under ledges in icey biomes bordering an Ice Mountain biome.

-Fixed bug where ocean biomes may generate weird glitchy looking terrain that alternates between air and water each block height below sealevel. It's hard to explain but if you haven't noticed it before, well, you certainly won't see this bug in the future!


-Mineshafts in Nether biome will now place 2 Redstone Torches with Redstone wire in between at the top of arches that has a Redstone Lamp.

-Ocean Monuments will now remove solid blocks if it blocks off the entrance to make it much more unlikely that the entrance is completely sealed off by terrain.

-Fixed bug that let Sun Shrine generate with most of the shrine hanging off ledge in midair. Now shrine will only generate on flat solid land. Also increased default spawnrate in config to compensate for more restricted spawn condition.

-Improved Stonehenge spawn condition so it hand less chance of hanging over ledges Also increased default spawnrate in config to compensate for slightly more restricted spawn condition.

(V.6.9.1 Changes) (1.14.4 Minecraft)


-Changed versioning of this mod to match the accepted standard versioning practice.


-Fixed bug when player tries teleporting to UA dimension from Overworld but the stored world on the player is also the Overworld, the player gets stuck and cannot enter UA dimension.

(V.6.9 Changes) (1.14.4 Minecraft)


-Added config options to allow importing of modded features, structures, and mobs from vanilla biomes to the corresponding Ultra Amplified biome.

-Added config options to allow importing of modded biomes into Ultra Amplified dimension/WorldType.


-Adjusted some biome's spawnrates and improved filling temperature regions that all biomes were disallowed by config with allowed biomes.

-Fixed bug that prevent trees from spawning below ledges.

-Fixed bug that prevented the M forms of hill variant biomes from spawning. (Example: Shattered Savanna Plateau and Tall Birch Forest Hills)

-Added Fox to spawn in all Taiga Biomes.

-Added Turtle to all ocean biomes, into Desert Lakes biome, and into Modified Jungle biome. However, breeding Turtles may not work. Let me know if this is the case.

-Patched bug where Lukewarm Ocean would sometimes spawn bordering Warm Ocean even when Lukewarm Ocean option is turned off.

-Patched bug where Cold Ocean would sometimes spawn bordering Frozen Ocean even when Cold Ocean option is turned off.


-Locate command fixed again so it now can find structures again in the Ultra Amplified Dimension. Begin typing "/locate ultra" and all Ultra Amplified structures should show up in the chat that you can search for.

(V.6.8 Changes) (1.14.4 Minecraft)


-Fixed crash when Glowstone variant config is set to 0 and patches frequency being inverted


-The portal frame made in Ultra Amplified Dimension will have waterlogged Andesite Slabs if the slabs replaces water.

-Entering the Ultra Amplified Dimension will attempt to player you next to the portal if there is open space to do so. This should reduce the chances of spawning on a ledge way above the portal when entering the dimension for the first time.

-Fixed bug where the dimension generates chunk at world origin when no players has entered the dimension. Now after you create the world, modify the config, restart the world, and enter the dimension for the first time, now the spawn chunk will match the config settings and match the surrounding terrain instead of being the default generation.

(V.6.7 Changes) (1.14.4 Minecraft)


-Added config option to trigger heavy fog in the Ultra Amplified Dimension for spooky effect. Set to false by default.

-Added config options to control spawnrate of Sun Shrine and Stonehenge ministructures.

-Fixed bug so that spawnrates config options now correctly apply for: Mineshafts, Caves, Ravines, Waterfalls, Lavafalls, Glowstone patches, Pillager Outposts, Ores, Sunshrines, Stonehenge, and End Islands.

-Lowered maximum spawnrate option from 100 to 22 for Cave Caverns because anything 30 or above causes Minecraft to stop loading chunks due to how massive caverns are.

-Lowered maximum spawnrate of End Islands from 500 to 100 because 500 is ridiculous lol. The entire land was pretty much all Endstone at that point with no opening or ledges.

-Increased maximum range for glowstone variant patches.


-All light sources now look brighter and their light visually reaches further to make glow-variant patches look nicer. The actual light levels itself has not change.


-Added new cactus blocks to create better cactuses to spawn in desert biomes.

-Desert Hills biome has less Sand under its surface which makes Stone appear more often on the bottom of ledges to make this biome slightly more distinct from regular Desert biome.

-Foliage in End Barren Fields biome are now slightly more green.

-Added extra Iron Ores that spawn around sealevel for all biomes with "Mountain" in its name except for Ice Mountain biome.


-All blocks that this mod added is now available in the creative inventory.

(V.6.6 Changes) (1.14.4 Minecraft)


-Futher improved portal mechanics so portal now remembers last position you were in Ultra Amplified Dimension when you last teleport out of it.

-The distance fog in the Ultra Amplified Dimension now becomes more dark the lower down in the world you go to help with immersion. Nothing breaks immersion like seeing a bright blue sky through an unloaded chunk when underground. Now it'll be dark blue!

-Clouds now generate higher (2 higher than what the yMaximum value is set for the terrain in the config option)

(V.6.5 Changes) (1.14.4 Minecraft)


-Patched bug that prevented the dimension from being registered and working on the latest forge build.

-Added floor around base of portal in the Ultra Amplified dimension.

-Improved portal mechanics so now the portal will teleport players to last dimension and position the player was at instead of always to the Overworld at world origin.


-Added config option to let users select maximum height of terrain.

(V.6.4 Changes) (1.14.4 Minecraft)

-Quick fix to patch bug that caused putting this mod into a server would make the server to crash.

(V.6.3 Changes) (1.14.4 Minecraft)

Major Changes:

-This mod is now its own dimension in any worldtype that isn't Ultra Amplified. To enter this dimension, make a portal with these blocks and then use Flint and Steel on Polished Diorite in center. Then right click on portal to enter.

PG = Polished Granite

BPAS = Bottom Polished Andesite Slab

TPAS = Top Polished Andesite Slab

PD = Polished Diorite

Bottom Layer:




Middle Layer:
| |
| PD |
| |
Top Layer:




Note: The Ultra Amplified Dimension will have a portal at 8, y, 8 always and is unabled to be removed in Survival. Any other portal can be removed by left clicking on it to turn it back into Polished Diorite.


-Added option to modify the values used for the terrain perlin noise generator. Gives people the ability to make it more or less crazy.


-Columns in Wooded Hills biomes now generates Dirt under its Grass Blocks correctly on the bottom half of the column.

-Fixed bug that prevent glowstone patches from fully generating.

-Greatly increased spawnrate of crosses in Swamp Hills biome.

(V.6.2 Changes) (1.14.4 Minecraft)


-Adjusted terrain so top layers islands are less frequent. Feedback on this change would be appreciated.


-Made the M form config now correctly make an actual area M form instead of tiny chunk size patches of the M biomes.

-Config values for if Plains, Savanna, and Wooded Mountains biomes should generate now correctly applies when these biomes tries to generate as a border separation between certain biomes.

-Stronghold config values changed to reflect the new way Strongholds generate and the config values now applies correctly.


-Snowy Beach biome now spawns less often on land and will now also spawn along edges of where snowy biomes meets oceans.

-Stone Beach biome now spawns less often on land and will now also spawn along edges of where Extreme Hills biomes meets oceans.

-Mushroom Biomes will no longer spawn in ocean biomes but will continue to generate on land like it has before. This is because the ocean biomes looks better when it is mainly ocean and not interrupted by the Mushroom biome.

-Glowstone variant patches are more tighter.

-Added roots and short vines that spawn on the under-side of floating land in Forest, Birch Forest, Dark Forest, Giant Tree Taiga, Wooded Badlands Plateau, Savanna, Shattered Savanna, Snowy Taiga, Swamp, Taiga and all their hills and M variants biomes. The hills variants has denser roots.


-Strongholds now generate like other structures instead of being limited to a certain number per world so it is easier to find Strongholds.

-Fixed bug that prevented Ender Eyes from pointing to closest Stronghold.

-Locate command now works and will find all main structures. (Cannot find Stonehenge or Sun Shrine)

(V.6.1 Changes) (1.14.4 Minecraft)

Major Changes:

-Now compatible with 1.14.4 as 1.14.3 wouldn't work in 1.14 due to some import changes and an accesstransformer issue.

(V.6.0 Changes) (1.14.3 Minecraft)

Major Changes:

-Mod updated from 1.13.2 to work on 1.14.3 now!


-Added config option for Pillager Outposts.

-Lava ocean config option now applies to Ocean biomes.

-Changed how M biome config option now affects the spawnrate of M variant biomes. It should be more uniform and consistent now and should work better

-Added config option for Bamboo Jungle generation.

-Patched bug that prevented most Wooded Badlands Plateau biome from spawning when config is set to only Badlands biomes for generation.

-Added config option to turn on and off column/ramp generation.

-Combined the structure generation and spawnrate config options into one to reduce number of configs. Set the structure spawnrate to 101 to turn off generation for that structure.

-Added config option to affect the spawnrates of glowstone variant patches


-Added Bamboo Jungle biome to generate in this mod along with some modification. Uses real Bamboo unlike the Sugar Cane that the 1.12 version of this mod used!

-Adjusted grass density in Jungle biomes so the grond isn't 100% covered in grass.

-Fixed Jungle Bushes in Jungle biome to generate under ledges now.

-M forms of Redwood Taiga biomes now generates slightly less trees to be less dense.

-Fixed bug preventing Mesa Plateau variant biomes from spawning.

-Patched bug that made Deep variants of oceans super rare when config biome options is set to oceans only.

-Added Coarse Dirt, Clay, and Gravel patches to spawn at bottom of water in all biomes (except oceans, Nether, and End biomes. Desert biomes gets Sandstone, Sand, and Clay patches). These patches can be easily found between sea level and Y = 40 in all biomes or in the shallow lakes in Swamp, Desert lakes, Modified Jungle, Modified Jungle Hills, and Bamboo Jungle Hills biomes.

-Warm and Lukewarm Ocean biomes now has a sandy bottom below sea level and neutral Ocean biomes has Gravel bottom below sea level.

-Badlands biome now generates Red Sand at all heights above sea level to better distinguish it from Badlands Plateau biome.

-Modified Badlands Plateau biome and Modified Wooded Badlands Plateau biome generates Deadbush, lavafalls, and Gold Ore more often with the wooden biome generating more trees as well.

-The End biome has been changed so that terrain above Y = 70 generates Grass Blocks, Dirt, and Stone like most other biomes. Reduced spawnrate of Chorus Plant. Generates patches of Endstone, Endstone Bricks, and Obsidian. Spawns Berry Bushes, small amount of Tallgrass/Ferns, and a hybrid tree with Birch Trunk, Dark Oak Leaves, and a patch of Blue Terracotta at base of trunk.

-Added Barren End Field biome to make a thin border around the End biome for better biome transition. This biome is slightly less purple than the End biome, has a small amount of patches of Obsidian and Endstone, no trees, and can spawn Berry Bushes.

-Nether biome now has a thin Savanna border for better biome transition.

-All biomes has patches of mainly Glowstone Ore blocks (and sometimes other Glowstone variants) between Y = 45 to 70 (some has Y = 60 as max) to provide light at top of the topmost Ravine maze and at top of Cave Caverns.

-Most biomes now has patches of Glowstone variant blocks under their ledges to provide light (spawns at Y = 70 and higher). The biomes that does not have these patches includes all snowy biomes, all ocean biomes, and most Badlands biomes.

-Patched bug that made Tall Birch Forest trees leaves break because the leaves were too far from the trunk.

-Patched bug that generated giant trees too close to build height limit and got them cut off in Dark Forest Hills biome.


-Crosses with very rare hidden chest in Swampland Hills biome has their loot nerfed.

-End Cities lowered by 8 blocks so they do not get cut off by height limit.

-Nether Fortresses that spawns underground in all biomes now generates as a stone variant. Aboveground Nether Fortresses in the Nether remains the same.

-Added Pillager Outposts to Plains, Snowy Taiga, Taiga, Dark Forest, Tundra, Savanna, Shattered Savanna, and Desert biomes.

-Made Marked Treasure Chests 2.5 times more common due to difficulty finding the Red Sand 'X' below sea level.

-Mineshaft blocks has been changed for most Mineshaft types to add variety and look better.

-Water filled caves has been added to all ocean biomes. You may find entrances to these new caves in Ravines, Cave Cavities, or on the ocean floor!

-Added pool in front of Ocean Monument entrance so it is easier to get inside as before, the small entrance could be easily blocked by terrain.

-Fixed Ocean Monument bug preventing entrances to the Elder Guardian rooms from being made.

-Fixed Ocean Monument bug that let terrain blocks be generated in the Monument. Coral and Icebergs can rarely still be generated inside.

-Ocean Monument can be at a random height between Y = 67 and Y = 85 as they were at a fixed height at Y = 67 before to minimize the occurrence of the terrain block bug.

-Added columns and ramps to most biomes to give a more cave-like appearance as well as make travel between layers of land easier. All ocean biomes does not have columns/ramps.

-Jungle Temple chest loot has been significantly buffed and the Dispensers now shoot Arrows with long poison effect.


-Coarse Glowdirt, Glowdirt, Glowgrass Block, Glowmycelium, Glowpodzol, Glowsand, Glowstone Ore, and Red Glowsand has been added. The blocks will give off light and when mined, will drop Glowstone dust and the base block. Fortune and Silk Touch works on these blocks.

(V.5.0 Changes) (1.13.2 Minecraft)

Major Changes:

-Mod updated from 1.12.2 to work on 1.13.2 now!


-The Config GUI no longer works as 1.13 Forge does not have a working config UI. Instead, exit the Minecraft world you are in, look for the serverconfig folder in the save folder for that specific world, and edit the ultra_amplified_mod-server.toml file to change the config. Then enter the Minecraft world or restart server for the changes to take place. To make a fresh new world with a different config, create a new world and force close Minecraft before it starts showing the generation percentage. Then change the config and re-enter the world.

-Added config options for the new ocean biomes and ocean structures.

-Seperated scattered structures config to now let players control generation of every kind of scattered structure separately.

-Now can control whether Nether Fortresses can generate aboveground or underground or both.

-Renamed biome config names to match the new biome names in 1.13.


-Added Ultra Amplified versions of all Oceans! Deep Oceans has Shipwrecks and Ocean Monuments while shallow Oceans has Ruins, Treasure Chests, and Ocean Monuments!

-All Ocean biomes can spawn a new kind of Treasure Chest that is marked with an 'X' made of Red Sand at Y = 52! I call this feature... Marked Treasure Chest! (Original I know lol)

-Most biomes now generate extra Gold, Redstone, and Lapis in a small range around 5 and 15 blocks below sea level to make underwater diving more rewarding.

-Many changes was made to how features (plants, snow, etc) so they spawn more efficiently and cleaner on all ledges.

-Ice Mountain biome now has lakes made of Ice and Blue Ice.

-Ice Mountain biome now can generate waterfalls made of Blue Ice.

-Ice Spike biome now has a layer of Ice with Water below it at sea level instead of Snow Blocks.

-Nether biome now spawns regions of Gravel and Soul Sand that is different at each height (before it was based on x and z positions).

-Nether biome now generates a layer of Magma Blocks several blocks below sea level Water and then generates Lava below the Magma Blocks.

-Nether biome now generates Quartz Ore less frequently above Y = 120.

-End biome now generates End Islands less frequently at higher heights.

-End biome now generates Shulker Boxes and Dragon Heads below sea level at a low chance and can spawn a Dragon Egg at any height but is extremely rare.

-Desert M biome now generates large areas of water to better fit its new 1.13 name which is Desert Lake biome.

-M forms of Redwood Taiga biomes now generates tiny boulders and their pillars are now shorter but thicker.

-Jungle Edge biomes now generates always at Jungle borders.

-All Jungle biomes no longer spawn Ocean Monuments.

-Nether biome will generate a border of Savanna biome if it touches a Snowy Tundra or Snowy Taiga biome.

-Biomes that does not use Stone for their main block now generates their block true to their biome edge (before, if you were underground, you would see the Nether's Netherrack spawning by chunks instead of following the Nether's biome edge cleanly)

-Savanna Plateau and Shattered Savanna Plateau now generates giant pillars under its dirt terrain!

-Tall Birch Forest Hills biome now generates more giant Birch Trees to make it more dense.

-Desert Biomes, Snowy Beach biome, and Gravely Mountain biomes now have blocks that cannot fall under their Sand/Gravel to help reduce the insane nearly-unplayable lag that occurs when ledges of Sand/Gravel begins falling.

-Removed Bamboo Forest due to Bamboo Jungle being added in vanilla 1.14 and that this biome caused a great deal of lag from all the Sugar Cane.


-Hay Bales in M forms of Jungles are now more common.

-Dungeons now have a new appearance for what biome they are in. (Forms include normal, mesa, desert, snow, nether, end, dark forest, mushroom, and swamp)

-Dungeon now have less strict requirements on where they can generate and so spawnrates and density bands have been re-adjusted to account for more successful generations.

-Mineshafts now takes on the Swamp variant when in Dark Forest biome and Ocean variant when in any Ocean biome.

-Mineshafts now place their supports/archs even when the hallway is not in the ground.

-Fossils now generates on the surface of a ledge that does not have direct sunlight (before it could spawn floating in midair).

-End Cities now generates much, much bigger (three full branches instead of one).

-Desert Temples now have more TNT and is more dangerous to make safe. Be very careful!

-Jungle Temples now have more hidden chests, more Dispensers that shoot arrows, and some Cobblestone is infested with Silverfish.

-Witch Huts now generate 2 Witches at start instead of 1.

-Witch Huts now continually spawn Witches over time which makes a Witch farm now possible.

-Woodland Mansions cannot spawn in Plains biome or mutated Birch Forest biomes now.

-Igloos can now also spawn in Ice Mountain biome and all Snowy Taiga biomes.

-Fixed Ocean Monuments so most rooms can be accessed now without resorting to TNT to break walls. Though there is a glitch that lets terrain blocks generate inside the monument at the moment.

-Ocean Monuments now continually spawn Guardians over time which makes a Guardian farm now possible.

-Adjusted what kind of blocks spawn in Villages.

-Ravines are now split between two levels. The first kind of Ravine spawn higher at a high rate to make a maze. The second kind of Ravine spawns around lava level and are extremely long. Both kinds of ravines are much shorter than the Ravines in 1.12 version of this mod.

-Cave Cavities have been redone. They now spawn giant areas with ledges along the edges with stalagmites in the ceiling. Giant pillars will also spawn that flattens out towards the bottom to provide a path for the player to walk across past the lava floor of the cave.

-Icy Village now generates in Snowy Beach and Snowy Tundra biomes as well.

-Crosses in Swampland Hills biome will now have a 10% chance of generating a Wither Skeleton Skull instead of a normal Skeleton Skull if it has room for the skull.

(V.4.4 Changes) (1.12 Minecraft)


-Added super secret setting that does something! (Can't say what lol. Try it!)

-Fixed some config namings.

-Added config option to turn on and off mini-structures such as Crosses, Hay Bale, Fossils, Sun Shrine, Stonehenges, and Desert Wells.

-Made lower config values now spawn more Villages, Temples, Nether Fortresses, End Cities, Ocean Monuemnts, and Woodland Mansions but raised default value to keep same default spawnrates.


-Biome distribution is now much better when fewer biomes are selected in the config settings.

-Fixed bug where Desert M Biome spawned instead of Desert Hills Biome.

-Bamboo Forest now spawns Llamas, Parrots, Pigs, Chickens, and Bats instead of default passive mobs.

-Increased Pumpkin spawn rate due to difficulty in finding them with current terrain.

-Fixed Chorus Plant's spawn placement so they are less clustered. (Probably not noticable)

-Fixed bug where End Islands could spawn low enough to replace Bedrock at Y = 0 with End Stone.

-Increased Slime spawnrate in Swampland M Biome.


-Added a very rare Sun Shrine to generate in any biome with "Hills" in its name. (Except for Extreme Hills Biomes)

-Added a rare small Stonehenge to generate in any biome with "Hills" in its name (Except for Extreme Hills Biomes) and has a very small chance of generating an Enchanting Table.

-Villages in Stone Beach Biome generates Stone instead of Dirt so the bottom of Farmlands blend better with the biome.

-For Mesa and Desert biomes, replaced the 1% Dungeon chance of Giant Zombie Spawners with Illusioner Spawners as Giant Zombies cannot spawn through Mob Spawners.

-The bug that caused Ocean Monument to not spawn at correct heights is squashed. Now they generate between the height Y = 97 and Y = 242 regardless of what the terrain height is.

-Witch Huts' Brewing Stand now can have up three potions which can be Potion of Leaping, Potion of Poison, and Potion of Night Vision with the last potion being the rarest.


-Updated info that shows under this mod's World Type to be more accurate.

(V.4.3 Changes) (1.12 Minecraft)


-Fixed several config descriptions, names, and order.

-Added config option to choose whether Giant Pit Mineshafts or aboveground Floating Mineshafts spawn!

-Increased max possible spawnrate for several options from 500 to 1000.

-Decreased minimum possible spawn height for Sea Level option from 65 to 0.

-Biome Size option can be set to 1 now. (Looks really ridiculous though lol)

-Broken up the Ore Spawnrate option to being many options to control each ore's spawnrate individually.

-Added option to control Magma spawnrate below Y = 100 in Nether Biome.

-Added option to control single Lava Block spawnrate in Nether Biome.

-Changed Silverfish Block Spawnrate option for Extreme Hills Biome and Stronghold into two seperate options.


-Made Plains, Forest, and Ice Mountain unable to spawn through the GenLayer for hills if those biomes are disabled.(example: Roofed Forests Biomes may generate Plains Biomes in them which is unwanted if player has the option for Plains disabled.)

-Lava Ocean will spawn instead of Snow Blocks in Ice Mountain and Ice Spike Biome when the Lava Ocean config option is turned on.

-Decreased Lava spawn rate in Nether to cut down a bit on the excessive amount of Lavafalls.

-Slightly adjusted Magma and Quartz spawnrates in Nether Biome.

-Made Taiga M and Cold Taiga M Biomes look like a miniature Mega Taiga Biome.

-Made Swampland M Biome now have wooden crosses with a chance of a hidden chest, thicker spooky trees, and swamp water can spawn at higher heights.

-Made Mega Spruce Taiga and Redwood Taiga Hills M Biomes (both looks almost exactly the same) have larger boulders that are stacked on top of each other to form massive pillars.

-Made boulders have decreased chance of spawning ores.

-Changed Cactus generation to be shorter and have arms to look much better instead of looking like a green stick lol.

-Changed Desert M Biome to have Smooth Sandstone at top with patches of Sand along with increased Dead Bush spawnrate and taller Cactus than normal Desert Biomes.

-Jungle M Biomes now generates large bodies of water (that aren't floating or at edge of cliffs) and will spawn huge amounts of flowers but with no red flowers. In addition, Hay Bale Piles will rarely spawn as well.

-Jungle Biomes will very rarely spawn Green Concrete Powder Patches but Jungle M Biomes will spawn them more commonly.

-Fixed cascading worldgen lag due to Chorus Plant.


-Added Dark Oak Village to spawn in Roofed Forest Biome.

-Changed what Doors spawn for some Village types.


-World generation progress is shown on loading screen when creating a new world!

(V.4.2 Changes) (1.12 Minecraft)


-Fixed major crash when selecting certain single biomes to spawn through config.

-Added massive Dark Oak trees to Roofed Forest M biomes.

-Adjusted world height that giant Birch Trees can generate to in Birch Forest M biome so the tree does not get cut off as often.


-Fixed Mineshaft bug not spawning Rails in them.

-Rails now will spawn in Icy Mineshafts (but will break off Ice Block when a block update occurs).

(V.4.1 Changes) (1.12 Minecraft)

Major Change:

-Added config options to select biomes, biome size, ores spawnrates, structures spawnrates, and certain decorative generations!


-Fixed Bug that prevented M variants of biomes from spawning naturally.

-Increased spawnrate of natural M variant Biomes.

-Attempting to optimize biome's ore generation to make creating a new world work faster.

-Bamboo Forest generates less Sugar Cane and Vines to help reduce lag.

-Vines in Bamboo Forest do no generate underground anymore.

-Smoothed out border of End Biome and Nether Biome against other biomes.

-Slightly reduced End Island spawn rate in End Biome to make it a little less messy.

-Made Birch Forest biomes have taller trees to match the crazy landscape.

-Added massive 2 by 2 Birch Trees to Birch Forest M biomes.


-Attempting to optimize Cave Cavities and Ravines to reduce slowdown with world generation.

-Ravines have more variety in their height size.

-Cave Cavities spawn slightly less now.

-Fixed bug where normal sized Dirt Room Mineshafts spawned underground instead of aboveground.

-Added Nether style Mineshaft to spawn in Nether Biome.

(V.4.0 Changes) (1.12 Minecraft)

Major Change:

-Made the .jar mod now a compatiable Forge mod! WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

-Updated mod from 1.11.0 to 1.12.2


-Large Mushrooms now generate under floating islands and overhangs.

-Tall Grass, Deadbush, and small Mushrooms is now more likely to spawn under floating islands and overhangs.

-Changed the distribution of Corse Dirt and Grass Blocks in Bamboo Forest Biome.

-Vines now spawn from edge of a block downward until they hit another block in Bamboo Forest Biome.

-Vines now generate up to 5 blocks downward below edge of a block in Jungle Biome.

-Vines in Bamboo Forest and Jungle can generate underground too.

-Stone Beach has increased mob spawn rate.

-Made Iron Ore, Coal Ore, Redstone Ore, Andersite, Dorite, and Granite more common in Stone Beach Biome.

-Increased height at which Emerald Ore and Silverfish Stone Blocks spawn in all Extreme Hills Biome.

-Stone Blocks are now replaced with Ice Blocks in Ice Mountain Biome.

-Ice Villages can spawn in Ice Mountain Biome.

-Large underground lakes turn into Snow Blocks in Ice Spike and Ice Mountain Biome.

-Reduced waterfalls spawn rate underground.

-End, Nether, and Bamboo Forest now have specific colored water for their biomes.

-End and Nether biomes have specific grass and leaves color.

-Nether biome's sky is now a reddish color to make it more spooky!


-Mineshaft Torches now generate facing correct way.

-Made End Villages and End Mineshafts generate End Rods instead of Torches.

-Village paths and pillars blocks now generate properly in Nether, Mesa, and End biomes.

-Zombie Villages keep their Doors now so Zombie Villagers do not walk into sunlight and kill themselves.

-Significantly increased Dungeon spawn rate between Y = 75 and Y = 85.

-Dungeons now will spawn mobs based on what biome it is in with more mob options to choose from.

-Dungeons will no longer replace other Dungeon's Mob Spawner with Cobblestone.

-Witch Huts now have a Brewing Stand and the Cauldron partially filled with water.

-Sharply decreased the excessive rate that chests spawn in Nether Fortress as well as buffed loot of one chest in the fortress.

-Fixed stucture spawn issues again...

-Decreased Structure spawnrates to better balance the world.

(V.3.1 Changes) (1.12 Minecraft)


-Fixed bug that turned Cold Beach biome into a snowed-in Bamboo Forest.

-Ice Patches generate in Cold Beach biome now.

-Increased Lava Lake spawn rate in Nether Biome.

-Decreased Glowstone, Quartz Ore, and Magma Blocks spawn rate in Nether Biome.

-Quartz Ores and Magma Blocks should now be able to generate at top of Nether Biome landscape.

-Iron Ore, Coal Ore, and Andersite spawn more frequently in Stone Beach Biome at all heights.

-Granite spawns more frequently between Y = 120 and Y = 170 in Stone Beach Biome.

-Dorite spawns more frequently between Y = 150 and Y = 190 in Stone Beach Biome.

-Gold Ores now generates up to Y = 250 in Mesa biomes.

-Ice Mountain Biome now generates a layer of Snow Blocks on top of Ice Blocks instead of Dirt Blocks.


-Fixed bug that made Woodland Mansion spawn in incorrect biomes.

-Tweaked structure generations based on bug fix for Mansions.

-Decreased Spawn rates for all structures by a little bit.

-Decreased spawn rate of Silverfish Blocks in Strongholds.

-Slime Lakes are more uncommon but made Water Lakes generate more at top of land.

-Adjusted height of Nether Fortresses that generate aboveground in Nether Biomes so they should spawn higher.

-Cave cavities now can remove Magma Blocks so no more floating Magma Blocks at lower levels in Nether Biome.

-Cave cavities now generate through water so it leave less chunks uncarved at walls.

(V.3 Changes) (1.12 Minecraft)


-Flower Forest generate more flowers in greater density.

-Sunflower Plains generate more Sunflowers in greater density.

-Made Hell biome (Nether biome) less common in overworld and now can only be found next to Mesa Bryce biome.

-Made Hell biome now look very similar to the Nether with all the natural blocks found in Nether plus Nether Wart.

-Added End biome to overworld with islands and Chorus Plant and can only be found next to Ice Spike biome.

-Water level raised to Y = 75 for entire world.

-Added Stone Beach, Cold Beach, and Mesa biomes that was missing from world generation.

-Added a customized Beach Biome that looks like a bamboo forest. (Sugar Cane generate at insane rate and are extra tall)

-Sugar Cane generate a bit higher now.

-Vines generate up to Y = 250 now.

-Trees now can generate under islands and overhangs.

-Increased spawn rate of small Mushrooms in Swamp biome so they can be found easier among the layers of land.


-Made Slime Lakes unable to be covered by blocks so more of them are exposed.

-Increased Woodland Mansion spawn.

-Decreased Fossil spawn rate.

-Added 3 double chests to Ocean Monuments with loot.

-Added tons of Guardians to Ocean Monuments.

-Added End Cities to generate in End biomes.

-Added Nether Fortresses to generate aboveground in Hell biomes (Nether biome).

-Made Nether Fortresses spawn underground around Y = 35 in any biome.

-Slightly increased Zombie Vilage spawn rate.

-Made Zombie Village have Mossy Cobblestone to help distinguish them from normal Villages.

-Mineshafts now generate Rails and Minecarts properly.

-Decreased chest spawn rate in Mineshafts.

-Changed ratio of normal floating Mineshafts to Mineshafts with massive pits.

-Mineshafts now made of Ice blocks in Ice Spike biome.

-Mineshafts now made of Birch Planks in Ice Plains, Birch Forests, and Cold Beach biomes.

-Mineshafts now made of Jungle Planks in Jungle biome.

-Mineshafts now made of Spruce Planks in Taiga biome.

-Mineshafts now made of Sandstone blocks in Desert biome.

-Mineshafts now made of Purpur blocks in End biome.

-Mineshafts now made of Acacia planks in Savanna biome.

-Mineshafts now made of Stone blocks in Stone Beach biomes.

-Mineshafts now made of Grass blocks in Swamp biomes.

-Dark Oak Mineshafts spawn in Nether biomes as well.

-Made Mineshaft paths generate directly in sunlight.

-Made Stronghold generate completely in air instead of in pieces.

-Replace Silverfish spawner in Portal Room with Endermite spawner.

-Strongholds now generate much much larger and 3 kinds of rooms now has a Silverfish spawner.

-Strongholds generate more chest hallways and Libraries to make up for increased difficulty caused by Silverfish spawners.

-Villages now spawn in End, Nether, Mesa, Ice Spikes, Cold Taiga, and Stone Beach biomes with their own variation of the Village.

-Slightly reduced number of Ravines.

-Readjusted ratio of ores and stones in Mega Taiga boulders so Diamond Ores are slightly more rare.

(V.1 Changes) (1.12 Minecraft)


-Made world terrain far more amplified than what amplified world type normally makes. The terrain is a mixture of being layered, full of overhangs, and having loads of floating islands.

-Change caves to be supermassive open areas to create giant underground caverns that are filled with lava at the bottom.

-Increased Ravine spawn rate significantly to insane values as well as limit their height to just be barely above lava at y = 10. This creates a massive maze-like network underground.

-Made all ores and stone patches (such as granite) spawn higher to compensate for the amplified terrain.

-Made Lapis Ore, Coal Ore, Redstone Ore, and Iron Ore slightly more common.


-Made all Biomes generate much smaller to help player not have to travel as far to reach a new Biome.

-Replaced Ocean Biome with Ice Spike Biome.

-Replaced Deep Ocean Biome with Mesa Bryce Biome.

-Added Mushroom Biome to cold biome and neutral Biome generation list so it spawns inland in cold and neutral biome areas.

-Increased spawn rate of small and large mushrooms in Mushroom Biome.

-Gave all Birch Forests super tall Birch Trees that are larger than normal Birch Forest M Trees.

-Made Ice Spikes have a bigger chance of generating extra tall Ice Spikes as well and making those spike's heights much taller.

-Ice Spike's Spikes now will continue to generate downward to the first non-air block below y = 50.

-Made Spikes in Mesa Bryce much thicker and extremely tall to around max world height.

-Added Silverfish Stone Blocks to Mesa Bryce Biomes but made their spawn rate very low.

-Increased height that Silverfish Stone Blocks spawn in Extreme Hills Biomes and also increased their spawn rate there to keep the density of Silverfish Blocks in that Biome the same.

-Made 2 by 2 trees in Jungle Biomes much taller.

-Made 2 by 2 trees in Mega Taiga Biomes much taller and made their leaves bigger to compensate.

-Changed boulders in Mega Taiga Biomes to be much larger and changed the boulder's block composition to these blocks from most common to least common: Mossy Cobblestone, Cobblestone, Andersite, Coal Ore, Iron Ore, and Diamond Ore.

-Changed Mega Taiga Biomes' and Extreme Hills M Biomes' temperatures to make it so they do not get snow at any height.

-Changed Taiga Biomes' temperature so that they get snow only when higher than y = 234.

-Made Swamp Biomes alternate between land and water when in clear view of the sky for heights between 80 and 200 to create a cool visual effect.

-Increased spawn rates for Sugar Cane in Swamp Biomes.

-Increased spawn rate of Clay in Swamp Biomes. (Can be found quickly by digging around water)

-Added Hell Biome (Nether) as a possible Biome for neutral temperature Biome areas. This Biome is characterized by having no trees or tall grass. All Grass blocks looks dead. Pigmens should spawn in large numbers in this Biome.

-Increased spawn rate of Cactus in Desert Biomes as well as increased how tall they can be.


-Created Slime Lakes that spawn commonly below y = 175 to help facilitate jumping off cliffs safely.

-Villages now spawn more common and can spawn in Jungle and Mesa Bryce Biomes as well.

-Made Villages be able to fuse with other Villages. (Previously couldn't on Java Edition)

-Added a new Village type for when they spawn in Jungles. (Dubbed as Jungle Village)

-Increased spawn rate of Zombie Villages from 1 in 50 chance to 1 in 10 chance.

-Desert Temples now spawn at the highest non-air Block at their spawn locations like how Jungle Temples always did.

-Made Igloos be able to spawn in Ice Spike Biomes

-Made Jungle Temples be able to spawn in all they different types of Jungle Biomes such as Jungle M Biomes.

-Increased Spawn rare of Desert Temples, Jungle Temples, Witch Huts, and Igloos as well as allow all of them to fuse to themselves.

-Made Ocean Monuments be able to spawn at the highest non-air Block in Jungle Biomes.

-Worked really hard to get the water and rooms to spawn correctly and at the Ocean Monument's correct height.

-Made Woodland Mansions be able to spawn in Jungles Biomes and Plains Biomes as well as Increased it's spawn rate and allow for Woodland Mansions to fuse to themselves.

-Increased spawn rate of Fossil and added Savanna Biomes as a possible Biome for Fossils to spawn in. (Previously couldn't spawn in Savanna in Java Edition)

-Increased Dungeon spawn rates across the board but significantly jack up their spawn rates to extreme values for heights higher than y = 150.

-Decreased Mineshaft spawn rates slightly.

-Increased the max height at which Mineshafts can spawn.

-Mineshafts that spawn above around y = 130 will generate normally. Any Mineshaft below that will have their Dirt Room stretched up beyond a hundred blocks to create a super deep pit in the world. In addition, these Mineshafts will have their three layers of paths separated and generally generate at bottom, middle, and top of this pit/vertically stretched Dirt Room.

-All Mineshaft Dirt Rooms now can generate even when their location is filled with liquid or air.

-The radius of the Dirt Rooms in Mineshafts below Y = 130 is increased by 10 blocks to create 20 block wide pits in the world.

-Worked hard to get Strongholds to spawn at height of the land close to their coordinates.

-Increased spawn rate of Strongholds as well.

-Increased Desert Wells and Lava Lake spawn rates.