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File metadata and controls

84 lines (57 loc) · 4.62 KB

Upgrading guide

For versions newer than 11.1.1, breaking changes and corresponding upgrade guides will be published with their respective releases

This document is just kept for reference for older versions, but it should not be modified.

Upgrade to version 11.1.1

Both preset9FontWeight and preset10FontWeight have been added to Brand interface. We should add these new values to our brand implementations.

Upgrade to version 10.0.0

calloutIcon has been replaced with calloutAsset and calloutAssetType to allow the use of images and circular images in the Callout component

Upgrade to version 9.3.0

button2.Button is a wrapper to be used in traditional views that uses under the hood the Button() composable. We should start migrating the links that have to use chevron from button.Button to button2.Button Watch out that the new app:style attribute is needed to set the button style (with LINK / LINK_INVERSE for links). Later on we'll deprecate the button.Button in favour of button2.Button and start migrating the rest.

When this new compose wrapper is used on dialogs the ViewTreeLifecycle should be provided (see initViewTreeOwners() in Sheet.kt).

Upgrade to version 9.0.0

Some colors have been renamed and deleted

In order to align the color names with the one defined by UX team, some colors have been renamed. Some examples:

  • buttonSecondaryBackgroundSelectedInverse -> buttonSecondaryBackgroundInverseSelected
  • In XML implementation:
    • promoLow -> colorPromoLow
    • brandLow -> colorBrandLow
    • successLow -> colorSuccessLow
    • warningLow -> colorWarningLow
    • errorLow -> colorErrorLow
    • promoHigh -> colorPromoHigh
    • successHigh -> colorSuccessHigh
    • warningHigh -> colorWarningHigh
    • errorHigh -> colorErrorHigh
  • In compose implementation:
    • controlActive ->controlActivated

Other colors have been removed because UX team has decided to remove them from the design system. Some examples:

  • carouselIndicatorActiveColor -> controlActivated
  • carouselIndicatorInactiveColor -> control

Changes in FeedbackScreenView

  • TYPE_CUSTOM has been removed. Use TYPE_INFO instead, it allows custom icon or animation.
  • shouldAnimateOnAttachedToWindow is now private. Use method setShouldAnimateOnAttached() or xml attribute app:shouldAnimateOnAttached instead.

Upgrade to version 8.3.0

Removed 'catalog-compose' component

From version 8.3.0 and higher 'catalog-compose' has been removed and migrated into 'catalog' module.
Note that if your project is implementing 'catalog-compose', please consider to change it into 'catalog' module which now supports both XML and Compose catalog components.

debugImplementation "$mistica_version"

debugImplementation "$mistica_version"

Upgrade from 1.x to 2.x

Dark mode support

2.0.0 is the first version of Mistica that supports dark mode in Android 10 (API level 29) and higher. In order to do so, every Mistica theme passes from extending Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.NoActionBar to extend Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight.NoActionBar. This means that if you're using MisticaTheme or any of the brand variants(MisticaTheme.Movistar, MisticaTheme.O2, MisticaTheme.O2Classic or MisticaTheme.Vivo) in your app, the moment you use the 2.x version of Mistica your app will support dark mode and automatically change the colors of the Mistica components when the device is set to dark mode.

If your app still doesn't support dark mode you will want to read the official documentation and adapt your app accordingly before using Mistica 2.x.

I need to use a new component, but don't want to support dark mode

If you need to upgrade to Mistica 2.x or higher to use a new component but still don't want to support dark mode, you can always force light mode in your app by using AppCompatDelegate as explained in the official docs

In your Application code add:


And your app will be forced to always use light themes.

SectionTitleView replaced by TitleView component

SectionTitleView has been replaced by TitleView component.