A ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ curated list of high quality resources (mostly free) made with ❤️ by Kati Michel. See also...
- VC Theory
- VC Firms, Accelerators, Resources
- Company and Product Databases
- Open Companies
- Unicorns, Companies, Industry and Product Classifications, Associations
- Regulatory, Business Entity
- Documents and Advice
- Economics, Models, Biases, Metrics
- Warren Buffet, Charlie Munger, Alphabet
- Analyst Groups
- Business and Tech News Sources
- Government and International Data
- Python and Django General
- Python and Django Packages and Snippets
- Python and Django Conferences and Mentors
- Python and Django Girls
- Python and Django Contributing
- Python and Django Deployment
- Python and Django Templates and Microframeworks
- Python and Django Useful Tools
- Python and Django Books and Tutorials
- Albert Wenger, Albert Wenger Archive, and Albert Wenger Tech Tuesday
- Andrew Chen, Andrew Chen List of Essay, and Andrew Chen Recent, Andrew Chen Lecture Description
- Andy Weissman
- Balaji Srinivasan A16Z and Balaji Srinivasan Twitter
- Ben Horowitz
- Bijan Sabet Archive and Bijan Sabet SoundCloud
- Bill Gurley Archives
- Bill Janeway
- Brad Feld and Brad Feld Archive
- Bubba Murarka
- Caterina Fake
- Charles Hudson
- Charlie O'Donnell and Charlie O'Donnell Meet with Me
- Chris Dixon, Chris Dixon Old Blog (Nonchalantrepreneur), and Chris Dixon Medium
- Chris Sacca via Lowercase Capital, Lowercase Creed, Lowercase Prospecting, and Chris Sacca Old Blog
- Christine Herron
- Dave McClure Medium and Dave McClure Old Blog
- Fred Wilson (AVC), AVC Archive, AVC MBA Mondays Archive, and Fred Wilson Hackpad Profile
- Heidi Roizen
- Hunter Walk
- Jason Calcanis
- Jason M. Lemkin (SaaStr and Jason M. Lemkin Medium
- Jeff Jordan Archives
- Jerry Neumann (Reaction Wheel)
- Jessica Livingston and Jessica Livingston Old Blog
- Joanne Wilson (Gotham Gal)
- John Lilly Tumblr and John Lilly Slideshare
- Kanyi Maqubela
- Leo Polovets
- Marc Andreessen Archive, Marc Andreessen Old Blog, Marc Andreessen Another Old Blog, and Marc Andreessen Old Blog E-Book
- Mark Suster, Mark Suster: Both Sides of the Ghost, Mark Suster Archive, and Mark Suster Slideshare
- Matt Turck
- Megan Quinn Twitter
- M.G. Siegler 500ish and M.G. Siegler Archive
- Naveen Selvadurai the Artist
- Om Malik
- Paul Graham
- Paul Kedrosky
- Peter Levine Archives
- Reid Hoffman Slideshare
- Richard Branson
- Roger Ehrenberg and Roger Ehrenberg Slideshare
- Sam Altman Archive
- Sam Lessin
- Satya Patel
- Scott Weiss Archive
- Semil Shah Archive
- Seth Levine Archive
- Steven Sinofsky and Steven Sinofsky Old Blog
- Ted Rheingold Twitter
- Tomasz Tunguz, Tomasz Tunguz Feed, Tomasz Tunguz Old Blog (Ex Post Facto), and Tomasz Tunguz Slideshare
- Yuri Milner Wikipedia
- Aaron Swartz
- Adam Khan: Hack the Bird
- Alan Kay Wikipedia
- Alex Howard Slideshare
- Alex Osterwalder, Alex Osterwalder Twitter, and Alex Osterwalder Slideshare
- Amy Jo Kim Slideshare and Amy Jo Kim Shufflebrain
- Andrew Sullivan
- Andy Grove Wikipedia
- Anil Dash
- Ben Bajarin
- Ben and Tim Bajarin
- Ben Thompson
- Benedict Evans and Benedict Evans Slideshare
- Beth Kanter Slideshare
- Bill and Melinda Gates
- Bob Lefsetz
- Brian Solis and Brian Solis Slideshare
- C. Todd Lombardo Speaker Deck
- Carlota Perez
- Charline Li Slideshare
- Clay Christensen
- Dan Olsen Presentations Page 1, Dan Olsen Presentations Page 2, Dan Olsen Presentations Page 3, and Dan Olsen Slideshare
- Danielle Morrill, Danielle Morrill Medium and Danielle Morrill Slideshare
- Dao Nguyen
- Dave Winer and Dave Winer GitHub
- Doc Searls
- Eric Ries and Eric Ries (Startup Lessons Learned) Slideshare
- Eric Schmidt
- Ev Williams Medium
- Felix Dennis Wikipedia
- Guy Kawasaki and Guy Kawasaki Slideshare
- Hiten Shah
- Horace Dediu
- Jake Knapp
- Jay Rosen
- Jeff Atwood and Jeff Atwood GitHub
- Jeff Jarvis
- Jeremiah Owyang and Jeremiah Owyang Slideshare
- Joel Spolsky
- John Battelle
- John Gruber
- John Maeda (Creative Leadership)
- John Resig
- Julie Zhuo
- Justin Kan
- Kevin Kelly, Cool Tools: A Catalog of Possibilities, and Cool Tools
- Kevin Marks and Kevin Marks GitHub
- Kevin Weil Slideshare
- Loic Le Meur and Loic Le Meur Slideshare
- Louis Gray
- Luke Wroblewski
- Marco Arment
- Marshall Kirkpatrick
- Matt Cutts
- Matt Mullenweg
- Michael Arrington
- Michael Dearing (Harrison Metal)
- Naval Ravikant
- Peter Rojas
- Reed Hastings Slideshare
- Rick Klau Medium
- Robert Scoble Facebook
- Rosabeth Moss Kanter
- Sean Ellis Slideshare and Sean Ellis Wikipedia
- Sean Rose
- Seth Godin and Seth Godin Typepad
- Shane Parrish (Farnam Street Blog)
- Sree Sreenivasan Twitter
- Startup L. Jackson Archive
- Steve Blank, Steve Blank Slides, Steve Blank Slideshare, and Steve Blank Wikipedia
- Stowe Boyd
- Tim Ferriss (Four Hour Work Week)
- Tom Eisenmann
- Tom Peters, Tom Peters Slides, and Tom Peters Excellence Now
- Vala Afshar Twitter and Vala Afshar Slideshare
- Venkatesh Rao Ribbonfarm and Venkatesh Rao Breaking Smart
- William Mougayar Twitter, Startup Management, and Startup Management Venture Capital Library
- Youngme Moon Twitter
- Harper Reed GitHub
- Kenneth Reitz (Heroku/Python) and Kenneth Reitz GitHub
- Mark Otto GitHub
- Zac Holman
- Zed Shaw GitHub
- Alfred D. Chandler, Jr. Wikipedia
- Buckminster Fuller Wikipedia
- W. Brian Arthur (books/articles recommended by Sonal) Wikipedia
- Michael Porter Wikipedia
- Peter Drucker Wikipedia
- W. Edwards Deming Wikipedia
- Walter A. Shewhart Wikipedia
- List of Inventors Wikipedia
- List of Economists Wikipedia
- List of Philosphers Wikipedia
- Abraham Maslow Wikipedia
- Arthur Schopenhauer Wikipedia
- Friedrich Nietzsche Wikipedia
- George Soros Wikipedia
- Jean Tirole Wikipedia
- Joseph Stiglitz Wikipedia
- Karl Popper Wikipedia
- Kurt Gödel Wikipedia
- Milton Friedman Wikipedia
- Philip Arthur Fisher Wikipedia
- René Girard (influenced Peter Thiel) Wikipedia
- Richard Foster Wikipedia
- Richard Posner Wikipedia
- Søren Kierkegaard Wikipedia
- Seneca the Younger: Tren Griffin: A Dozen Things I’ve Learned from Seneca The Younger About Venture Capital, Startups, Business and Life (cf. Nassim Taleb)
- Ben Carlson
- Barry Ritholtz and Barry Ritholtz Masters in Business
- Howard Marks (Chairman, Oaktree Capital) Memos and It’s not Easy
- Jason Zweig
- Joshua M. Brown (CEO, Ritholtz Wealth Management and The Reformed Broker)
- Larry Summers
- Michael Batnick (The Irrelevant Investor)
- Morgan Housel
- Nick Szabo (Unenumerated) and Nick Szabo (Best)
- Tadas Viskanta (Abnormal Returns)
- Michael Mauboussin
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb (Fooled by Randomness) and Nassim Nicholas Taleb (The Black Swan) Wikipedia
- Tren Griffin, 25iq Featured Individuals, and 25iq Index by Topic
Mauboussin, Callahan, Rone, Burns, Bartholdson
- Sharpening Your Forecasting Skills
- Calculating Return on Invested Capital
- Total Addressable Market
- Capital Allocation – Updated
- IQ versus RQ
- Min(d)ing the Opportunity
- Animating Mr. Market
- Managing the Man Overboard Moment
- Methods to Improve Decisions
- A Long Look at Short-Termism
- Capital Allocation
- Outcome Bias and the Interpreter
- Measuring a Moat
- Cultivating Your Judgment Skills
- Frontiers of Finance: Competitive Advantage Period "CAP", The Neglected Value Driver
- The Babe Ruth Effect: Frequency versus Magnitude
Nassim Nicholas Taleb: Antifragile and The Black Swan
- Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder (Incerto) and Antifragile Wikipedia
- The Black Swan Wikipedia
- Black Swan Theory Wikipedia
- Black Swan (Fallacy) Wikipedia
- Extremistan (The Black Swan via Tren Griffin) Wikipedia
- Tren Griffin: The Best Venture Capitalists Harvest Optionality (Dealing with Risk, Uncertainty and Ignorance)
- Flâneur Wikipedia
- Code of Hammurabi (Skin in the Game) Wikipedia
Nassim Nicholas Taleb's Teachings
- Statistical Estimation Under Fat Tails, The Program
- Antifragility’ as a mathematical idea
- How to Legally Own Another Person and Coase: The Nature of the Firm
- Silent Risk: Technical Incerto, Lecture Notes on Probability, Vol 1
- Extreme Risk Analytics and Management
- How to (Not) Estimate Gini Coefficients for Fat Tailed Variables
- The Most Stubborn Wins: The Dominance of the Minority
- The Irrational Discussions of Rationality, Part I
- On Things that Do Not Average or the Mean Field Problem
Investor Frameworks
- Brad Feld Framework
- Chris Dixon Framework
- Fred Wilson Framework
- Mark Suster Framework
- Paul Graham Framework
- Sam Altman Framework
Funding Options
- Angel Investor Wikipedia
- Venture Capital Wikipedia and Venture Capital Financing Wikipedia
- Private Equity Wikipedia and List of Private Equity Firms Wikipedia
- History of Private Equity and Venture Capital Wikipedia
Venture Capital and How Funding Works
- Wealthfront Venture Capital Economics, Wealthfront Venture Capital Economics, Part 2, and Wealthfront Venture Capital Economics, Part 3
- How Funding Works Infographic
- Startup Growth Calculator
- Venture Dealr
Venture Capital Terminology- General
- Entrepreneurship Wikipedia
- Fear of Missing Out Wikipedia
- Loss Aversion Wikipedia
- Signalling (Economics) Wikipedia
- Carried Interest (Deduction) Wikipedia
- Capital Gains Tax Wikipedia
- Equity Wikipedia
- Oversubscribed
- Pay to Play Wikipedia
- Froth
- Proxy (Law of Agency) Wikipedia
Venture Capital Terminology- Documents
- Due Diligence Wikipedia
- Letter of Intent Wikipedia
- Term Sheet Wikipedia and Termsheet Investopedia
- Non-Disclosure Agreement Wikipedia
- Capitalization Table Wikipedia
Venture Capital Terminology- Funding Instruments
Venture Capital Terminology- Stock Classes
- Dual Class Stock (Important for Public Companies)
- Common Stock Wikipedia
- Preferred Stock Wikipedia
- Participating Preferred Stock Wikipedia
- Startup Company Lawyer: What is the difference between non-participating preferred stock and participating preferred stock?
- Class B Shares
- Warrant Wikipedia
Venture Capital Terminology- Stock Options
- Employee Stock Ownership Plan Wikipedia
- Employee Stock Option Wikipedia
- Restricted Stock Unit
- Incentive Stock Option Wikipedia
- Vesting Wikipedia
- Strike Price Wikipedia
- Option Pool Shuffle Wikipedia
Venture Capital Terminology- Rights- Pro Rata, Refusal, Pre-Emption, Redemption
- Pro Rata Wikipedia
- Right of First Refusal Wikipedia
- Pre-Emption Right Wikipedia
- Right of Redemption Wikipedia
Venture Capital Terminology- Rights- Senority
- Senior Debt Wikipedia
- Subordinated Debt Wikipedia
- Liquidation Preference (Also: Multiple Liquidation Preference)
- What is a senior liquidation preference?
Venture Capital Terminology- Rights- Anti-Dilution
Venture Capital Terminology- Rights- Voting Rights
Venture Capital Terminology- Rights- Minority
Venture Capital Terminology- Rights- Activism
- Activist Shareholder Wikipedia
- Shareholder Rights Plan (Poison Pill) Wikipedia
- Super-Majority Amendment Wikipedia
- Staggered Board of Directors Wikipedia
- Control Premium Wikipedia
- Corporate Raid Wikipedia
- Takeover Wikipedia
- Reverse Takeover Wikipedia
- Proxy Fight Wikipedia
- Tender Offer Wikipedia
- Mergers and Acquisitions Wikipedia
- Equity Carve-Out Wikipedia
- Carve-Out
- Corporate Spin-Off Wikipedia
- Fire Sale Wikipedia
- Pro Forma Wikipedia
- Single Trigger and Double Trigger
- Clawback Wikipedia
- Cram Down Wikipedia
- Hamburger Helper
Lists of VC Firms and Accelerators
- List of VC Firms Wikipedia and Venture Capital Firms (Category) Wikipedia
- Private Equity and Venture Capital Investors (Category) Wikipedia
- European Startup Investors
- VC Funds At/Below $200M in Size (New Funds Raised Since 2011)
- AngelList Syndicates and AngelLList Investing
- CB Insights Periodic Table of Tech, CB Insights Periodic Table of U.K. Tech, and CB Insights Periodic Table of VC Blogs
Angel Investors
VC Funds/Accelerators
Startup Studios
Accelerator, Angel, VC Firm Blogs and Learning Resources
- 500 Startups Activity, 500 Startups Livestream, 500 Startups Slideshare, and Dave McClure Slideshare
- A16Z Blog, A16Z Slideshare, and A16Z Tweet Stormed
- Bloomberg Beta Manual GitHub
- Bessemer Venture Partners Blog
- Felix Capital Manifesto
- First Round Magazines, First Round Review, First Round Slideshare, First Round 2005-2015 and First Round Q1 LP Letter
- Founders Club Learn
- Introducing Google Ventures Library, Google Ventures Library, and Google for Entrepreneurs
- KPCB Insights, KPCB Slideshare, and KPCB Fellows
- Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center
- NFX Guild Program
- OS Fund Playbook
- Sam Altman: Startup Playbook and Sam Altman: Startup Playbook (Spanish)
- Sequoia Capital Grove
- Social Capital Eightball Diligence Tool
- StackExchange Startups
- True University
- Upfront Insights
- Venture Hacks, and Venture Hacks Slideshare
- The Macro, YCombinator Alumni Investors, YCombinator Fellowship, and YCombinator for Hardware
Blogs and Whatnot
- CB Insights Blog, CB Insights Twitter, and CB Insights Slideshare
- CrunchBase Sitemap
- Datafox Blog, Datafox Twitter
- Mattermark Slideshare
- Product Hunt Blog
- Tech EU Research
RFS, Trends, Emerging Technologies
- Emerging Technologies Wikipedia
- List of Emerging Technologies Wikipedia
- A16Z 16 Things
- Homebrew: What We're Curious About
- Loic Le Meur: My Life in 2030
- YCombinator RFS
VC Firm Numbers
VC Firm Portfolios and Anti-Portfolios
- A16Z Portfolio and A16Z Seeds
- Bessemer Venture Partners Anti-Portfolio
- Expa Portfolio
- Homebrew Companies
- StartX Stanford Companies
- Union Square Ventures Portfolio
- YCList
VC Firm Newsletters
VC Firm Demo Days
VC Firm Events
- PreMoney, PreMoney Resources, WMD, and Warm Gun
VC and Tech Videos and Podcasts
VC Firm Apps
VC Firm Alpha and Beta
Federal Opportunities and Funding
- Federal Business Opportunities
- DARPA: Wikipedia, DARPA Solicitations, and DARPA Open Catalog
- National Science Foundation Funding
- The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program
Database List
- AngelList, AngelList Blog, and AngelList Help
- CB Insights
- CrunchBase
- Datafox
- GitHub Explore and GitHub Showcases
- Makerbase and Makerbase Explore
- Mattermark, Mattermark Companies, and Mattermark for iOS
- Product Hunt
Databases and Benchmarking- Freemium
- Amazon Launchpad
- AngelList Markets, AngelList Companies, AngelList Trending, AngelList Funds, AngelList Leads, AngelList Valuations, AngelList Salaries, and AngelList Jobs
- Betalist Markets, and Betalist Regions
- CB Insights Research Downround Tracker
- CrunchBase Business Graph, CrunchBase Leaderboard
- Datafox Blog- Featured Lists and Datafox Google Docs- Featured Lists
- Mattermark Benchmarking, Mattermark Startup Indicators
- Product Hunt Collections, Product Hunt Topics, Product Hunt The 1000 Club, Product Hunt The Almost 1000 Club, Product Hunt All-Time Leaderboard, and Product Hunt Uber Hunters
- Wall Street Journal Startup Stocks to Watch
Europe and U.K.
Database APIs
- AngelList API
- CrunchBase API
- Mattermark API
- Product Hunt API Blog Post, Product Hunt API GitHub, Product Hunt API Docs
- GitHub: styleguide
- GitHub: guide
- GitHub: playbook
- GitHub: handbook
- GitHub: code of conduct
- GitHub: consulting
- GitHub: freelance
- GitHub: contract
- Buffer, Buffer About, Buffer Blog, and Buffer Slideshare
- Buffer Transparency, Buffer Dashboard, and Buffer Spreadsheet
- Aileen Lee: Welcome to the Unicorn Club
- Atomico Explore Unicorns Founded Since 2003
- CB Insights Unicorn List and CB Insights 2014 Billion Dollar Valuations
- Datafox Blog Billion Dollar Startups, Datafox Billion Dollar Startups Slideshare, and Datafox Billion Dollar Startups Google Docs
- Fortune Age of Unicorns and Fortune Unicorns List
- TechCrunch Unicorn Leaderboard
- Wall Street Journal Billion Dollar Club
- William Mougayar: The Global Unicorn Universe
- Fred Wilson: Billion Dollar Valuations For Vintage Years 2003-2014- Hackpad
- OSV Research: Unicorns, Startups, and Giants
The Terms Behind the Unicorn Valuations
Breakout Companies
Companies and Indices
- List of Stock Exchanges Wikipedia
- Dow Jones Averages and Dow Jones Industral Average Wikipedia
- Fortune 500 and Fortune 500 Wikipedia
- List of Fortune 500 Computer Software and Information Companies Wikipedia
- Inc. 5000
- Standard & Poor's 500 and S&P 500 (Standard & Poor's 500) Index Wikipedia
- NASDAQ Technology Company Listing
- New York Stock Exchange and New York Stock Exchange Listings Directory
- FTSE 100 Index Wikipedia
- London Stock Exchange
- DAX Wikipedia
- Hang Seng Index Wikipedia
- Nikkei 225 Wikipedia
Industry and Product Classifications
- Industry Wikipedia
- Industry Classification Wikipedia
- Industry Classification Benchmark Structure and Definitions Document
- Product Classification Wikipedia
- UN Central Product Classification
Income Reports
U.S. Law
Corporate Law- General
- Corporate Law Wikipedia
- Limited Partnership Wikipedia
- LLC Wikipedia
- S Corp Wikipedia
- C Corp Wikipedia
Small Business Administration- Corporate Law
- Small Business Administration: Choose Your Business Structure
- SBA Corporations
- SBA S Corporation
IRS- Corporate Law
Benefitcorp and B Corporation
- Benefitcorp (not B Corporation) Wikipedia
- Benefitcorp
- Bcorporation and Benefitcorp Website Find a B-Corp
- Delaware Code Online
- State of Delaware Division of Corporations
- Delaware General Corporation Law Wikipedia
- The Delaware Court of Chancery
- IRS Delaware
- Becoming a DE Benefit Corp
- State of Kansas Business
- State of Kansas Business Planning
- State of Kansas Business Planning Forms
- State of Kansas Procurement and Contracts
- Angel Capital Association and Angel Capital Associations Knowledge Center
- British Private Equity and Venture Capital Association
- National Association of Investment Companies
- National Association of Investment Companies Partners
- National Venture Capital Association
Special Rules- via AngelList
- SEC No Action Relief Letter
- AngelList Accreditation and AngelList API / Accreditation
- AngelList General Solicitation (Public Fundraising) 506(c)
- K-1 Form (Syndicates)
Special Rules- via IRS
- Internal Revenue Code section 409A (Valuation) Wikipedia
- 123R
- Internal Revenue Code Sections 1202 and 1045
Special Rules- via SEC
- The Laws That Govern the Securities Industry
- Glass-Steagall Legislation Wikipedia
- Small Business and the SEC
- SEC Rule 506, 506(b) (Public Fundraising)
- Regulation A (Public Fundraising)
- Eliminating the Prohibition Against General Solicitation and General Advertising in Rule 506 and Rule 144A Offerings
- Final Rules and Amendments to Regulation A (March 25, 2015)
- Regulation A+
- Morrison Foester: Regulation A+: Final Rules Offer Important Capital Raising Alternatives
- SEC Accredited Investors
- Investor.gov Accredited Investors
Special Rules- General
- Regulation Fair Disclosure Wikipedia
- FAS 157
- Sarbanes–Oxley Act Wikipedia
- Basel II Wikipedia and Basel III Wikipedia
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
- EDGAR About, Edgar Guide, and EDGAR Search Tools
- SEC Forms List and Descriptions of SEC Forms
- SEC Filings Wikipedia
- Form S-1 Wikipedia
- Form 10-K Wikipedia
- Form D Wikipedia (cf. Brad Feld)
IPO List
Notable SEC Filings
- Box S-1
- Etsy SEC and Etsy S-1
- Facebook SEC and Facebook S-1
- Groupon SEC and Groupon S-1
- Hortonworks S-1
- HubSpot SEC and HubSpot S-1
- Linkedin SEC and LinkedIn S-1
- Match Group S-1
- RetailMeNot SEC and RetailMeNot S-1
- Salesforce Marketing Cloud and Salesforce S-1
- Shutterstock SEC and Shutterstock S-1
- Square S-1
- Trulia SEC and Trulia S-1
- Twitter SEC and Twitter S-1
- Zendesk SEC and Zendesk S-1
- Zillow SEC and Zillow S-1
- Zynga SEC and Zynga S-1
Central Banks/Reserves
- Bank of England Wikipedia
- Federal Reserve (News Events)
- Federal Reserve Bank Wikipedia and Federal Reserve System Wikipedia
- Kansas City Fed
- San Franscisco Federal Research Bank
- St. Louis Fed Research and Archive
Accounting Types
Accounting Methods
- Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Wikipedia
- International Financial Reporting Standards Wikipedia and International Financial Reporting Standards
- Historical Cost Wikipedia
- Mark-to-Market (Fair Value) Accounting Wikipedia
- Generally Accepted Auditing Standards Wikipedia
Accounting Organizations
- American Institute of CPAs
- CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) Institute and CFA Institute Blog
- Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
- Financial Accounting Standards Board
- International Accounting Standards Board Wikipedia and International Accounting Standards Committee Wikipedia
- Financial Conduct Authority Handbook
Regulatory Agencies and Rules- Business and Finance Related
- Federal Trade Commission, Business Center and FTC Business Center Guidance
- Internal Revenue Service
- Securities and Exchange Commission, Securities and Exchange Commission Investor Pubs, and Investor.gov
- Small Business Administration
- Treasury, Treasury Resource Center, and Treasury Data and Chart Center
Regulatory Agencies and Rules- General
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- Federal Aviation Administration
- Federal Communications Commission
- Federal Drug Administration
Ecommerce, Advertising, Marketing
- FTC Advertising and Marketing on the Internet: Rules of the Road
- FTC Business Guide to the FTC's Mail or Telephone Order Merchandise Rule
- FTC CAN-SPAM Act: A Compliance Guide for Business
- SBA Ecommerce Resources
- SBA Online Advertising Law
Labor Law
- 1099 Non-Corporate Independent Contractors Wikipedia
- National Labor Relations Act and National Labor Relations Act Wikipedia
- NCA Wikipedia
Trade Unions
- List of Trade Unions Wikipedia
- List of Trade Unions in the United States Wikipedia
- Freelancers Union
Patent Search and FOIA
- U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
- Google Patent Search
- Stack Exchange Patents
- Twitter Innovator's Patent Agreement
Digital Millennium Copyright Act
- Digital Millennium Copyright Act Wikipedia
- Digital Millennium Copyright Act
- Buzzfeed DMCA Policy
- Pinterest DMCA Wikipedia
Investors on GitHub
A16Z Funding and Valuation Advice
Law and Transaction Services
- Entrepreneurs Guide to Business Law, via Chris Dixon, and Yokum Taku (Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati)
- Cooley and Cooley Alerts
- Gunderson Dettmer
- Fenwick & West LLP and Fenwick & West LLP Publications
- Ted Wang (Fenwick & West LLP/Series Seed)
- Walker Corporate Law Group, PLLC (Highly Recommended by Someone)
- Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati and Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati Resources
- Yokum Taku (Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati)
- Fortis
VCs on Standard Docs and Terms
- Brad Feld: The Proliferation of Standardized Seed Financing Documents, Brad Feld: The Challenge of The Ideal First Round Term Sheet, Brad Feld and Jason Mendelsen: Terms, Terms, and First Round Terms, Brad Feld and Jason Mendelsen: Term Sheet Series, Brad Feld and Jason Mendelsen: (First) Term Sheet Series Wrap Up (2005), and Brad Feld and Jason Mendelsen: Term Sheet Summary (by Greg Martin)
- Chris Dixon: Ideal First Round Funding Terms
- Fred Wilson: Standardized Venture Funding Docs, Fred Wilson: The Ideal First Round Term Sheet, and Fred Wilson: The Ideal First Round Term Sheet, Continued
- TheFunded, Chris Dixon: TheFunded Term Sheet, and The Funded Publishes Ideal First Round Term Sheet
- Walker Corporate Law Group, PLLC: VC Term Sheets – Protective Provisions
Standard Docs and Terms
- 500 Startups Keep It Simple Security
- Cooley Go Documents and Cooley Go Document Generator
- Foundry Group Docs via Ask the VC (Series A Term Sheet, Series A Restated Certificate of Incorporation, Series A Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement, Investor Rights Agreement, Co-Sale Agreement, Voting Agreement, Bylaws)
- Gunderson Dettmer Term Sheet and Other Gunderson Dettmer
- Indie.vc Termsheets for LLCs and C Corps and Indie.vc Blog Post (in Conjunction with Cooley Go)
- Marc Andreessen on “Series Seed Documents,” and Why VCs Should Start Using Them, Ted Wang (Fenwick & West) Series Seed (Term Sheet, Restated Certificate of Incorporation, Preferred Stock Investment Agreement) and SeriesSeed GitHub
- National Venture Capital Association Model Legal Documents (Certificate Of Incorporation, Term Sheet, Indemnification Agreement, Investor Rights Agreement, Management Rights Letter, Model Legal Opinion, Right of First Refusal and Co-Sale Agreement, Stock Purchase Agreement, Voting Agreement)
- Sam Altman: A Founder Friendly Term Sheet and Sam Altman: A Founder Friendly Term Sheet Blog Post
- Tech Stars Docs (in Conjunction with Cooley Go) (Term Sheet, Convertible Promissory Note Purchase Agreement, Note, Restated Articles, Bylaws, Subscription Agreement, Board Member Election Consent) and TechStars Equity Back Guarantee
- TheFunded Founder Institute Document List (Certificate of Incorporation, Plain Preferred Term Sheet, Bylaws, Initial Stockholder Consent, Invention Assignment Agreement, Restricted Stock Purchase Agreement, Indemnification Agreement, Initial Board Consent, Action by Incorporator), TheFunded Founder Institute Ideal First Round Term Sheet Post, Ideal First Round Term Sheet, Incorporation Documents, and Founder/Advisor Standard Template (in Conjunction with Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati)
- Founder Institute Agreements (The Founder Agreement, Form of the Warrant, Form of Board Consent)
- Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati Incorporation Questionnaire, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati Term Sheet Generator, and Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati Term Sheet Generator (Convertible Notes)
- YCombinator Library, YCombinator Docs (Safe Financing Documents, Series AA Equity Financing, Sales Template Agreement) (in Conjunction with Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati), YCombinator Handshake
Document Libraries- Free/Freemium
- Docracy Documents
- Orrick's (Docracy) Documents, Orrick's Start Up Forms Library (with Doc Explanations), Orrick's Start Up Toolkit, and Orrick's Term Sheet Creator
- Shake Simply Legal, Shake Simple Legal Templates, and Shake Simple Legal Startup Bundle
- Venture Docs
- Wilmerhale Launch Build and Wilmerhale Document Generator
Document Libraries- Not Free/Freemium
Standard Docs- International
- British Private Equity and Venture Capital Association Standard Industry Documemts
- Full Stack Foundry Blog Post and Full Stack Foundry GitHub
- Passion Capital Plain English Term Sheet and Important Decisions
- Seedsummit Docs and Seedsummit Docs Article
VC Firm Pitch Deck and Operational Report Templates
- IA Ventures Resources, IA Ventures Resources Board Deck, IA Ventures Resources Investor Update Deck, IA Ventures Resources Investor Update Email, IA Ventures Resources Operating Expenses Budget (Seed Stage), and IA Ventures Resources SaaS Dashboard
- Next View Ventures Blog, Next View Free Startup Resources, Next View Ventures Pitch Deck Templates, Next View Ventures Board Deck Templates, Next View Ventures Post Fundraise Checklist, and Next View Ventures Growth Guide Content Marketing
- RRE Ventures: Update My VC Library
Term Sheets 101
Carried Interest 101
Document Web Services
Cap Table
Raising a Seed Round- The Spreadsheet
Equity Investment Simulation
How to Read A Financial Report
Initial Public Offering of Facebook
Types of Acquisitions
Warburg Pincus
- Leverage Wikipedia
- Leveraged Buyout Wikipedia
- Leveraged Recapitalization Wikipedia
- Financial Sponsor Wikipedia
Leveraged Buyout Firms
Corporate Finance
- Corporate Finance Wikipedia
- Capital Structure Wikipedia
- Investment Banking Wikipedia
- Investment Management Wikipedia
- Valuation Wikipedia
- Business Valuation Wikipedia
- Business Valuation Standard Wikipedia
- Enterprise Value Wikipedia
- Relative Valuation Wikipedia or Valuation Using Multiples Wikipedia
- Fair Value Wikipedia
- Fair Market Value Wikipedia
- Market Value Wikipedia
- Market-Based Valuation Wikipedia
- Price Discovery Wikipedia
Excel and Financial Modeling
- Microsoft Excel Wikipedia
- Excel Function (by Category)
- Financial Modeling Wikipedia
- Best Practice Modelling Standards Download, Best Practice Modelling Downloads, and Best Practice Modelling Fundamentals
- European Spreadsheet Risks Interest Group
- Spreadsheet Standards Review Board
- IBM Best Practice Modelling Standards
Free Market and Capitalism
- Economics Wikipedia
- Behavioral Economics Wikipedia
- Computational Finance Wikipedia
- Quantitative Behavioral Finance Wikipedia
- Financial Engineering Wikipedia
- Keynesian Beauty Contest Wikipedia
- Keynesian Economics Wikipedia
- Modern Portfolio Theory Wikipedia and Post-Modern Portfolio Theory Wikipedia
- Efficient Market Hypothesis Wikipedia
- Arbitrage Pricing Theory Wikipedia and Fundamental Theorem of Asset (Arbitrage-Free) Pricing Wikipedia
Economic Models
- Economic Model Wikipedia
- Capital Asset Pricing Model Wikipedia
- Roll's Critique Wikipedia
- Fama–French Three-Factor Model Wikipedia
- Carhart Four-Factor Model Wikipedia
- Fed Model Wikipedia
- Dow Theory Wikipedia
- Single-Index Model Wikipedia
- Hamada's Equation Wikipedia
- T-Model Wikipedia
- Dividend Discount Model (Gordon's Model) Wikipedia
- Alpha Wikipedia, Beta Wikipedia, and Delta (Method) Wikipedia
- Monte Carlo Method Wikipedia and Monte Carlo Methods in Finance Wikipedia
Volatility and Stochastic Calculus
- Volatility Wikipedia
- Stochastic Volatility Wikipedia
- Stochastic Calculus Wikipedia and Stochastic Differential Equation Wikipedia
Technical and Fundamental Analysis
- Technical Analysis Wikipedia and Fundamental Analysis Wikipedia
- Confidence Interval Wikipedia
- Time Series Wikipedia
Options Models
- Option Style Wikipedia
- Valuation of Options Wikipedia and Finite Difference Methods for Option Pricing Wikipedia
- Black–Scholes Model Wikipedia
- Black Model Wikipedia
- Monte Carlo Methods Methods for Option Pricing Wikipedia
- Vanna-Volga Pricing Wikipedia
Financial Market and Instruments
Rational Decisions
Public Market
- Primary Market Wikipedia and Secondary Market Wikipedia
- Initial Public Offering Wikipedia
- Follow-On Offering Wikipedia
- Secondary Offering
- Secondary Market Offering Wikipedia
- Earnings Call Wikipedia
- Market Capitalization Wikipedia
- Shares Outstanding Wikipedia
- Share Repurchase Wikipedia
- Lock-up Period Wikipedia
Demand-Side and Supply Side Economics
- Value Investing Wikipedia
- Lollapalooza Effect (Charlie Munger) Wikipedia
- Parimutuel Betting Wikipedia
Google and Alphabet
- "Ten things we know to be true"
- Google Investor Relations Corporate Governance
- Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation of Google Inc.
- Google Announces Plans for New Operating Structure, Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation of Alphabet Inc., Form 8-K, and Alphabet
Berkshire Hathaway
- Original Warren Buffett Partnership Agreement Found Here and A Look at Warren Buffett’s Original 7 Investment Partnerships
- Berkshire Hathaway, Owner's Manual (Inspired Google), and Reports
- Warren Buffet Wikipedia
- Charlie Munger Wikipedia
- Benjamin Graham Wikipedia
- Philip Arthur Fisher Wikipedia
Charlie Munger: The Complete Investor by Tren Griffin
Charlie Munger and A Dozen Things via Tren Griffin
Charlie Munger Mental Models via Tren Griffin
- Tren Griffin: A Dozen Things I’ve Learned from Charlie Munger about Mental Models and Worldly Wisdom
Mental Models
Charlie Munger Mental Models (A partial list of some Mental Models used by Charlie Munger, compiled from many sources by Tren Griffin)
Analyst Groups
- Accenture
- Altimeter Group, Altimeter Slideshare, and Altimeter Twitter
- Bain & Company
- Booz Allen Hamilton
- Boston Consulting Group Perspectives
- Constellation Research
- CreditSuisse Plus
- Deloitte and Deloitte University Press
- Forrester and Forrester Blog
- Gartner, Gartner: Twitter, Gartner Technology, Gartner Methodology, Gartner Hype Cycles, Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2014, and Gartner Magic Quadrants
- GMO (Jeremy Grantham)
- Goldman Sachs Our Thinking
- Jana
- McKinsey & Company, McKinsey & Company Insights, and McKinsey & Company Insights Technology and Innovation
- Nielsen
- O'Reilly and O'Reilly Radar
- Pew Research, Pew Research Fact Tank, Pew Global, Pew Internet, and Pew Forum
- PricewaterhouseCoopers, PricewaterhouseCoopers Technology Institute, and PricewaterhouseCoopers Research and Insights
- PricewaterhouseCoopers MoneyTree
- RedMonk Twitter
- State of the Internet
Management Consulting Firms
Think Tanks
- Brookings
- Cato Institute Live
- Centre for Entrepreneurs
- Milken Institute
- Paley Center
- Startup Britain Resources
Business News
- Bloomberg (Business) and Bloomberg Live
- BloombergView and BloombergView Tech
- Business Insider
- Economist
- Entrepreneur
- Forbes
- Fortune
- Inc.
- New York Times Business
- Wall Street Journal Venture Capital Blog
- Wealthfront Blog
Venture Analysis
- Fortune Venture and Fortune Termsheet
- Graham and Doddsville
- Horsley Bridge
- New York Times DealBook
- PitchBook
Markets and Finance
- Fitch
- Google Finance
- Reuters Stocks
- Yahoo Finance
- MarketWatch
- Nasdaq
- StockTwits, StockTwits StockTwits, and StockTwits Charts
- Wikinvest
Investor Vocab
Ivy League Business and Tech
- Harvard Business Review, Harvard Business Review, My HBR, and Harvard Business Review Topics
- Harvard Business School Working Knowledge
- MIT Sloan Review
- MIT Technology Review
- Stanford News
- Wharton Knowledge
STEM Journals
- ACM Publications, ACM Digital Library, Journal of the ACM, and ACM Queue
- Computing Research Repository
- Electrical Engineering Times
- Journal of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and IEEE Spectrum
- Materials Research Society
- Nature (Sonal) and Nature Archive
- New Scientist
- Public Library of Science
- Science News
- Social Sciences Research Network and Social Sciences Research Network Search
Tech Aggregated, Question and Answer Forums
- Hacker News, Hacker News Top, and Hacker News API
- Inside Tech
- Launch Ticker
- LinkedIn Pulse Technology
- Quora Technology
- Reddit Technology
- Stack Exchange Sites Technology
- Programmers Stack Exchange
- Stack Overflow
- Yahoo Answers: Computer and Internet
Nuzzel Custom Feeds
Tech Periodical
- Mashable Tech
- New York Times Tech
- Recode
- Stratechery (Partially Subscription Based)
- TechCrunch
- Techpinions (Partially Subscription Based)
- Tech EU and Tech EU Features
- The Next Web
- The Information (Subscription Based)
- Wired
Tech Longform
The Wirecutter, Consumer Reports, Popular Mechanics, Tom's Hardware
- REDEF Charts
- [Techmeme Leaderboard](http://techmeme.com/lb Leaderboard)
General News Sources- High Brow
Question and Answer Forums
Aggregated News Sources
- Feedly
- Flipboard and Robert Scoble Flipboard
- Grasswire
- Inside Top
- LinkedIn Pulse Discover
- Matthew Keys
- Medium, Medium Top 100, Medium Top Stories, Medium Highlights, and Medium Matter
- Nuzzel (including Twitter List support)
- REDEF and Originals
- Slideshare Slideshare, Explore Tab, and Featured
- Brain Pickings
- Freakonomics
- Marginal Revolution
- Praxtime
- Priceonomics
- The School of Life and The Book of Life, via Alain de Botton
- Wait But Why
Directory of News Websites, Today's Front Pages, and NewsDiffs
Fact Checking
Australian Gov
U.S. Departments
- The White House and The White House Blog
- Presidential Innovation Fellows
- United States Federal Executive Departments Wikipedia
- List of Federal Agencies in the United States Wikipedia
- Independent Agencies of the United States Government Wikipedia
- U.S. Census
- U.S. Department of Commerce Data Hub
- U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
U.S. Open Government, Data
- U.S. Executive Order: Making Open and Machine Readable the New Default for Government Information
- U.S. Dot Gov Domains
- U.S. Data and U.S. Data Catalog
- U.S. Open Data Action Plan
- U.S. Office of Science and Technology Policy
- U.S. Open Government Initiative and U.S. Open Government Twitter
- U.S. Project Open Data
G8 and U.K. Data
International Organizations
- International Monetary Fund
- Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Wikipedia
- World Bank and World Bank Blog
- World Bank Wikipedia and World Bank Group Wikipedia
- Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency Wikipedia
- World Economic Forum and World Economic Forum Agenda
International Organizations Reports and Data
- OECD Data
- Our World in Data
- United Nations Statistics Division
- World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
- World Economic Forum Reports Homepage
International Organizations Special Reports: Business and Competitiveness
- Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) and Reports
- International Innovation Index Wikipedia
- OECD Innovation and OECD Technology and Innovation Data
- World Bank- Doing Business Country Rankings (The Ease of Doing Business) and The Ease of Doing Business Ranking Wikipedia
- World Bank Entrepreneurship
- World Economic Forum Entrepreneurial Innovation Report
- World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report
- World Economic Forum Global Information Technology Report
- World Economic Forum Human Capital Report
- World Economic Forum Global Gender Gap Report
International Organizations Special Reports: Development
- Human Development Index Wikipedia and List of Countries by Human Development Index Wikipedia
- Sustainable Development Goals (Goal 8)
- The 2015 Revision of World Population Prospects
- United Nations Millenium Goals Reports
- World Bank GINI Index
- World Bank World Development Indicators
Social Entrepreneurship
- Information and Communication Technologies for Development Wikipedia
- Gates Foundation: How We Work and Gates Foundation: Evaluation Policy
- Gates Notes
- Stanford Social Innovation Review and Stanford Social Innovation Review Twitter
International Info
- Countries of the World Wikipedia
- Lists of Countries and Territories Wikipedia
- Lists of Countries by Number of Internet Users Wikipedia
- Lists of Countries by Number of Mobile Phones in Use Wikipedia
- Lists of Countries by Smartphone Penetration Wikipedia
- List of Circulating Currencies Wikipedia
- Currencies by Country (Category) Wikipedia
- List of Time Zones by Country Wikipedia
- Coursera and Specializations
- Stanford Open Classroom, Online Courses, and Classroom.fm
- Stanford Continuing Studies Public Lectures (iTunes)
- MIT Open Courseware Homepage, MIT Open Courseware Scholar, and MIT Open Courseware Most Visited Courses
- HarvardX and Harvard University Online Learning
- EdX
- Plus Acumen Courses (Social Entrepreneurship)
- Udacity and Udacity Nanodegree Plus
- Udemy
- NovoEd (Social Entrepreneurship)
- University of Reddit
Foreign Language
Foreign Language- Spanish
- Spanish Language Wikipedia, Spanish Grammar Wikipedia, Spanish Nouns Wikipedia Spanish Verbs Wikipedia, Spanish Irregular Verbs Wikipedia, Spanish Tenses Wikibook, Spanish Conjugation Wikipedia, Spanish/How to Conjugate Verbs Wikibook, Spanish Pronouns Wikipedia, Spanish Prepositions Wikipedia, and Spanish Determiners Wikipedia
- Medium en Español
- CNN en Español Radio
- Iberian Romance Languages Wikipedia
Bullet Journal
General Research
Scholarly Journals
Libraries and Museums
- City of London Business Library
- The British Library
- The British Museum
- The Smithsonian Institute and Smithsonian Mag
Google for Education
Conferences (See also Designer/Developer Conferences and Python Django Conferences)
- Crunchbase Global Events List
- Techmeme Events List
- Tech EU Events List
- 500 Startups Events
- Startup School
- Launch Scale and Launch Festival
- TechCrunch Events
- Crunchies
- Recode Events
- LeWeb
- Pitch at the Palace Livestream
- Salesforce Dreamforce
- KC Addys
- Groupe Speciale Mobile Association (GSMA)
- Mobile Ecosystem Forum
- Mobile World Congress
- Recode Mobile
Google, Google Tech, and TED Talks, Charlie Rose, PBS, This American Life
- Google Talks and Google Tech Talks Videos Popular
- Google Zeitgeist Minds
- Google Tech Talks, Google Tech Talks Videos and Google Tech Talks Videos Popular
- TED Talks, TED Talks Technology, TED Talks Business, andTED Talks design
- Charlie Rose
- This American Life
- Founder Stories
- Heart Startup
- Product Hunt Live
- Stanford ecorner Speakers
- This Week in Startups
- This Week in Tech
- Andy Grove: High Output Management
- Ben Horowitz: The Hard Thing About Hard Things and Chapter 1 Annotated
- Bill Janeway: Doing Capitalism in the Innovation Economy: Markets, Speculation and the State
- Brad Feld and Jason Mendelsen: Venture Deals: Be Smarter Than Your Lawyer and Venture Capitalist
- Carlota Perez: Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital: The Dynamics of Bubbles and Golden Ages
- Dale Carnegie: How to Win Friends & Influence People
- Daniel Kahneman: Thinking, Fast and Slow
- Eric Ries: Lean Startup
- Howard Marks
- Michael Mauboussin Amazon
- Nir Eyal: Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products
- Peter Thiel, with Blake Masters: Zero to One
- Philip E. Tetlock (Author), Dan Gardner: Superforecasting and Superforecasting
- Steve Martin: Born Standing Up: A Comic's Life
Books- Historical
- Balaji S. Srinivasan and Vijay S. Pande: Startup Engineering, "Spiritual sequel to Peter Thiel's CS183 course on startups."
- Marissa Mayer: Ideas Come from Everywhere (New Product Development Process)
- Peter Thiel Stanford CS183 Course, Notes by Blake Masters
- Reid Hoffman: CS183C Blitzscaling Introductory Post, Eric Schmidt and Student Collection
- Sam Altman: YCombinator Stanford Startup Class and YouTube
- Michael R. Pratt: New Venture Finance: Startup Funding for Entrepreneurs, Overview, The Language of Early-Stage Finance, Why Start With A Business Plan?, A “Good” Plan and What VC’s Look For, Financial Statements for Investors, Balance Sheets, What an Income Statement Presents, Statement of Cash Flow, Corporate Structure, and What Investors Are Looking For
Unconscious Bias
- Facebook: Managing Unconscious Bias and Google: Unconscious Bias at Work
- Paradigm: Managing Unconscious Bias
Personality Tests
The Happiness Project
Public Speaking
Journalism Handbooks
- BBC Journalism Academy Article, BBC Journalism Academy- Journalism, BBC Journalism Academy- Production Online, and BBC Journalism Academy- Technology
- BBC Journalism Academy- Project Management
- On the Media: The Breaking News Consumer's Handbook and On the Media: The Breaking News Consumer's Handbook Post
Journalism Style Guides
- Style Guide Wikipedia
- List of Style Guides Wikipediar
- AP Style Guide
- BBC News Style Guide
- Economist Style Guide
- Guardian Observer Style Guide (A-O) and Guardian Observer Style Guide (P-Z)
- New York Times Style Guide Wikipedia
- Reuters Handbook of Journalism
- Telegraph Style Guide
- Google Ventures Research Sprint Questions to Ask Before Starting User Research
- Sequoia Capital: Writing a Business Plan
- Sten Tamkivi: Toolkit for Evaluating a New Venture based on Some Thoughts on Business Plans, William A. Sahlman
- Tomasz Tunguz: Breaking Down a Typical VC Startup Diligence Process
- Tomasz Tunguz: How To Analyze Your Startup Like A VC In 15 Minutes Or Less
- Tomasz Tunguz: The 11 Risks VCs Evaluate
- Porter's Five Forces Wikipedia, PEST Analysis, and SWOT Wikipedia
- Dave Nevogt: Test Your Startup Idea
- Mike Butcher: The Press Release is Dead
Idea State Machine and Idea Maze
Google Insights and Trends
- Google Insights
- Think with Google and Think with Google- Planning Tools
- Google Trends and Google Trends Top Charts by Year
Apple and Google Statistics
App and Website Statistics- General
- List of Most Popular Websites Wikipedia
- Alexa Top 500 Most Visited Websites in the World, Alexa Topsites Categories, Alexa Tools, and Alexa Traffic Rank
- AppAnnie, AppAnnie Blog, and AppAnnie Twitter
- Gallup
- Quantcast and Quantcast Top Sites
- ComScore
Mobile and Browser
- List of Mobile Software Distribution Platforms Wikipedia
- Amazon Appstore Wikipedia
- App Store iOS Wikipedia
- Apple Store
- Chrome Web Store
- Google Play
- Mac App Store Wikipedia
- Microsoft Store Wikipedia
- Salesforce App Exchange and Salesforce Developer
- Ubuntu Software Center Wikipedia
- Windows Store Wikipedia
Product/Service Directories
Wayback Machine
Market Analysis
- Target Market Wikipedia
- Market Analysis Wikipedia
- Market Research Wikipedia
- Market Segmentation Wikipedia
- Demography Wikipedia
Horizontal Market, Vertical Market, Vertical Integration
Business Models
- Business Model Wikipedia
- Business Model Examples Wikipedia
- List of Web Business Models GitHub
- HBR: What is a Business Model?
- Subscription Business Model Wikipedia
- Data Monetization Wikipedia
- Website Monetizing Wikipedia
Pricing Strategies
Product Tiers
Pitch Deck Search
Notable Proposals and Pitch Decks
- Airbnb First Pitch Deck
- Airbnb Pitch Deck 2008, Event and Growth Projections, and Event Schedule, taken from Airbnb, My $1 Billion Lesson
- App Nexus Pitch Deck via First Round Capital
- Buzzfeed First Pitch Deck
- Buffer Seed Round Deck
- Dwolla Pitch Deck
- Facebook Media Kit, Spring 2004 and Facebook First Proposal, 2005
- Facebook Video Ad Pitch Deck
- Foursquare First Pitch Deck
- Foursquare Advertiser Pitch Deck
- Grindr Advertiser Pitch Document
- Jack Ma in 1999: Selling Alibaba From His Apartment
- LinkedIn Pitch to Greylock Deck
- Mattermark First Series A Pitch Deck and Second Series A Pitch Deck
- Mint.com Pre-Launch Pitch Deck
- Mixpanel Pitch Deck Blog Post and Pitch Deck
- MySpace Pitch Deck
- Reddit Advertisement Sales Pitch Deck
- SEOmoz Pitch Deck
- Snapchat for Business Pitch Deck
- Square Pitch Deck
- Tinder Pitch Deck
- Tumblr Ad Sales Pitch Deck
- Zendesk Customer Satisfaction Index
- Balaji Srinivasan Example Deal Analysis
- Dave McClure: How to Pitch a VC or Angel
- Rick Klau/Google Ventures Pitch Deck
- Guy Kawasaki Pitch Deck Template (Unverified)
- Peter Thiel Pitch Deck (Unverified)
- Sequoia Capital: Writing a Business Plan
- Sequoia Capital Pitch Deck #1 and Sequoia Capital Pitch Deck #2
- ZenPayroll Startup Deck Template
The Prince's Trust
- The Prince's Trust Business Plan Templates
- The Prince's Trust Business Plan Pack
- The Prince's Trust Business Plan Guide
- The Prince's Trust Business Plan Template
Financial Ratio
A16Z Metrics
Bill Gurley on Conversion and LTV
- Bill Gurley: Conversion: The Most Important Internet Metric of All (Revisited)
- Bill Gurley: The Most Powerful Internet Metric of All
- Bill Gurley: The Dangerous Seduction of the Lifetime Value (LTV) Formula
- Sabermetrics Wikipedia and Moneyball Wikipedia
Objectives and key Results (OKRs)
- OKR Wikipedia
- Superpowers at work: OKRs
- How Google Sets Goals Objectives and Key Results OKRs (Andy Grove, Intel: High Output Management)
Pirate Metrics
- Dave McClure: Slideshare Startup Metrics for Pirates
- Edith Yeung: Slideshare Mobile Startup Metrics for Pirates
- Scientific Method Wikipedia
- Eric Ries: The Lean Startup Principles, Lean Startup Wikipedia, The Lean Startup Wikipedia, Google Books
- Eric Ries: The Leader's Guide
- Harvard Business Review: Why the Lean Startup Changes Everything
- Eric Ries: Minimum Viable Product Wikipedia
- Brant Cooper and Patrick Vlaskovits: Lean Entrepreneur
- Steve Blank Slides and Steve Blank Slideshare
- Steve Blank: Startup Owner's Manual
- Steve Blank: Lean Launchpad Udacity
- Steve Blank: Customer Development Check List
- Steve Blank: Competitive Analysis Petal Diagram, Steve Blank: Competitive Analysis Petal Diagram Slideshare, and Tomasz Tunguz: Why The Petal Diagram Isn't The Best Competition Diagram For Startup's Pitch
- Alex Osterwalder: Business Model Generation, Strategyzer, and Strategyzer Slideshare
- Alex Osterwalder: Business Model Generation Book, Business Model Generation Canvas, Business Model Generation Canvas Poster, and Business Model Canvas Wikipedia
- Alex Osterwalder: Value Proposition Design Book, Value Proposition Canvas and Value Proposition Canvas Poster
- Business Model Fiddle
- Elevator Canvas Intro and Elevator Canvas Template
- Jobs to Be Done Framework
- Lean Canvas
- Lean Stack and Lean Stack Diagram
- Minimum Viable Brand Canvas
- Minimum Viable Canvas Resources, Minimum Viable Canvas Intro, Using the Minimum Viable Canvas, Minimum Viable Canvas Template, and Minimum Viable Canvas Example
- Product Market Fit Storyboard GitHub
- Social Lean Canvas
- Value Proposition Canvas
Operations, Changement Management, Program Management. Project Management
- Operations Management Wikipedia
- Change Management Wikipedia
- Program Management Wikipedia
- Project Management Wikipedia
- Project Manager Wikipedia
Project Management
- List of Project Management Topics, Outline of Project Management Wikipedia, and Glossary of Project Management Wikipedia
- Project Management (Category) Wikipedia
- Project Management Body of Knowledge and Project Management Body of Knowledge Wikipedia
- Project Finance Wikipedia
Project Management Associations, Certifications, Frameworks
- Association for Project Management
- Project Management Institute
- PRojects IN Controlled Environments
- Axelos (Formerly Managing Successful Programmes), Axelos Prince2, Axelos ITIL, ITIL Wikipedia, and Axelos MSP
- COBIT and COBIT Wikipedia
Project Management- Obvious Software
- Comparison of Project Management Software
- Microsoft Project Wikipedia
- Microsoft Visio Wikipedia
- Asana, Instagantt, and Asana Instagantt Guide
Project Management- Less Obvious Software
- Office Live (Windows Office Online) and Office Starter
- GitLab
- Quip and Quip Blog: Integrations
- Slack, Slack App Directory, and Slack API
- Slack Keyboard Shortcuts
- Hamsterpad
- Trello
Agile Project Management Methodologies
- Agile Management Wikipedia, Agile Software Development Wikipedia, Agile Methods Wikipedia, and Agile Practices Wikipedia
- Agile Manifesto
- PMI Agile Toolbox
- Extreme Programming Wikipedia and Extreme Programming Practices Wikipedia
- Extreme Programming and Extreme Programming Rules
- Extreme Project Management Wikipedia
- Lean Software Development Wikipedia
- Lean IT Wikipedia
- Kaizen Wikipedia
- Kanban Development Wikipedia, Kanban Wikipedia, and Open Kanban GitHub
- Toyota Just-in-Time
- Scrum Software Development Wikipedia
- Scrum Guide and The Scrum Guide PDF
- Scrum BOK Overview, A Guide to the Scrum BOK, and Scrum BOK PDF
Waterfall Project Management Methodologies
Software Project Management
Software Engineering/Development
- Software Engineering Wikipedia
- History of Software Engineering Wikipedia
- Outline of Software Engineering Wikipedia
- Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge and Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge Wikipedia
- List of Software Development Philosophies Wikipedia
- Software Development Wikipedia
- Software Development Process (Series) Wikipedia
- Software Design Pattern Wikipedia
Programming and Paradigm
- Computer Programming Wikipedia
- Programming Paradigm Wikipedia
- Comparison of Programming Paradigms Wikipedia
Software Release Life Cycle
Software Prototyping
Software Testing
- Software Bug Wikipedia
- Debugger Wikipedia
- Software Testing Wikipedia
- Acceptance Testing Wikipedia
- Integration Testing Wikipedia
- Operational Acceptance Testing Wikipedia
- Software Performance Testing Wikipedia
- Stress Testing Wikipedia
- System Integration Testing Wikipedia
- System Testing Wikipedia
- Test Automation Wikipedia
Project Documents
- Flywheel Wikipedia
- Mind Map Wikipedia
- Proof of Concept Wikipedia
- Business Case Wikipedia
- Kickoff Meeting Wikipedia
- Work Breakdown Structure Wikipedia
- Gantt Chart Wikipedia
- Schedule (Project Management) Wikipedia
- Project Network Wikipedia
- Critical Path Method Wikipedia
- Product Breakdown Structure Wikipedia
- Burn Down Chart Wikipedia
- Organizational Structure Wikipedia
- Organizational Chart Wikipedia
- Technology Roadmap Wikipedia
- Change Request Wikipedia
- Solution Architecture Wikipedia
- Objective, Assumption, Constraint
- Product Requirements Document Wikipedia
- Requirement Wikipedia
- Functional Requirement Wikipedia
- Non-Functional Requirement Wikipedia
- Specification Wikipedia
- Functional Specification Wikipedia
- Requirement Analysis Wikipedia
- Requirement Prioritization Wikipedia
- Requirement Management Wikipedia
- Product Market Fit Wikipedia
- Product Wikipedia
- Product (Business) Wikipedia
- Product Management Wikipedia
- Product Manager Wikipedia
- Strategy Series Wikipedia
- Strategic Management Wikipedia
- Strategic Planning Wikipedia
- Strategic Partnership Wikipedia
- Value Proposition Wikipedia
- Customer Value Proposition Wikipedia
- Value Engineering Wikipedia
- Value Chain Wikipedia
- Value Stream Mapping Wikipedia
Supply Chain
- Supply Chain Wikipedia
- Supply Chain Management Wikipedia
- Supply Chain Optimization Wikipedia
- Global Supply-Chain Finance Wikipedia
Business Process
Flow Chart
Improvement Schools of Thought
- Analytical Quality Control Wikipedia
- Continual Improvement Process Wikipedia
- Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control Wikipedia
- DuPont Analysis Wikipedia
- Capability Maturity Model Integration Wikipedia
- Learning Organization Wikipedia and Chris Argyris Wikipedia
- Plan-Do-Check-Act/Adjust Wikipedia
- Process Mining Wikipedia
- Six Sigma Wikipedia
- Theory of Constraints Wikipedia
- Balanced Scorecard Wikipedia
- Quality Function Deployment Wikipedia
User Centered Design, User Experience, Usability
- User Centered Design Wikipedia and User Experience Wikipedia
- User Experience Design Wikipedia
- Usability Wikipedia
- Affinity Diagram Wikipedia
- Dotmocracy Wikipedia
- Six Thinking Hats Wikipedia
- Storyboard Wikipedia
- Use Case Wikipedia
- User Story Wikipedia
Persuasive Technology
GitHub Government
U.S. Gov., Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Department of Veterans Affairs, Presidential Innovation Fellows, Usability Gov., 18F, Code for America, U.K. Gov., Australian Gov., - GitHub: See
U.S. Gov., U.K. Gov., Usability Gov., Australian Gov.: See
U.S. Gov.- WhiteHouse, U.S. Digital Service, C.I.O.- GitHub
U.S. Gov.- General Services Administration- GitHub
- G.S.A. Open Source Framework GitHub
- G.S.A. U.S. Public Participation Playbook Open Beta CSS and MD GitHub
U.S. Gov- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau- GitHub
U.S. Gov- Department of Veterans Affairs- GitHub
U.S. Gov- 18F- GitHub
- 18F Open Source Guide GitHub and 18F Open Source Policy GitHub
- 18F Analytics Standards GitHub, and 18F API Standards GitHub
- 18F Web Design Standards GitHub
- 18F Accessibility- Page Titles GitHub
Estonian E-Residence
U.S. Gov.: Code for America
Google and Google Ventures, Thoughtbot, Dockyard, Hanno, Gamestorming, IDEO, Nesta DIY, Nielson Norman and Various: See
- Prototype Wikipedia and Rapid Prototyping Wikipedia
- Mockup Wikipedia and Website Wireframe Wikipedia
- Paper Prototyping Wikipedia
- Technology Demo Wikipedia
Device Mockups
Photoshop and Similar
- Nik Collection
- Adobe Lightroom
- Adobe Experience Design CC
- Adobe Photoshop
- Gimp and Gimp Docs
- Inkscape
- Serif
Free Photos
Prototyping Software
- Keynotopia, Keynotopia Twitter, and Keynotopia Super Bundle (including Functionality List)
- Fake It Make It: How to Make an App Prototype in 3 Hours by Amir Khella (featuring Keynotopia)
- Keynotopia FontAwesome
- How to Use Keynote Master Slides in Apple Keynote
- Invision, Invision App Do, Invision App Tethr, Invision App Website Prototyping Tool, Invison App Android Prototyping, and Invision App Design Project Management Workflow
- Google Pixate and Google Pixate GitHub
- See also Apple
Quickie Websites
- Google Domains, Google Sites and Google Sites Templates
- Squarespace Templates
- Weebly Themes
- Wix Templates
Quickie Mobile Apps
- DWNLD and DWNLD GitHub
Turn Key Websites
Responsiveness- and Media Queries
- Media Queries Examples
- Bootstrap CSS
- Mozilla Developer Media Queries and Mozilla Developer Using Media Queries
- W3Schools HTML Responsive Web Design Tutorial
- W3Schools CSS Responsive Web Design Media Queries Tutorial
- W3Schools CSS3 @media Rule Tutorial
- Google Developers Responsive Fundamentals- Use of Media Queries
- Google Developers Responsive Fundamentals- How to Choose Breakpoints
Bootstrap, Font Awesome
- Bootstrap and Bootstrap GitHub
- Bootstrap Lint GitHub
- W3Schools Bootstrap Tutorial
- Bootstrap Basic Templates
- MaxCDN Bootstrap
- Font Awesome and Font Awesome GitHub
- Foundation GitHub and Foundation Demo GitHub
- Foundation Basic Templates
- Foundation for Emails
- Zurb Library
Good, Basic Templates, Themes
- Template Stash
- Bootstrap Zero and Bootstrap Zero (Ads) GitHub
- Bootswatch and Bootswatch GitHub
- Start Bootstrap, Iron Summit GitHub, and Start Bootstrap GitHub
- Modern Business Template
- Google-Styled Theme for Bootstrap GitHub
- Bootstrap Getting Started and Bootstrap Customize
- Bootstrap Magic GitHub
- HTML5 Boilerplate and HTML5 Boilerplate GitHub
- Initializr, Initializr GitHub, and Initializr Bootstrap GitHub
CSS Zen Garden
Design- General
- Design Thinking Wikipedia
- "How Might We"
- Matt Mullenweg: "Designer's Creed"
- Atomic Web Design
- Golden Ratio Wikipedia
Responsive Design
- Ethan Marcotte: Responsive Web Design and Responsive Web Design Wikipedia
- Responsive Design Examples
Design Publications
- NETTUTS GitHub and TUTS+ GitHub
- Smashing Magazine
- Tympanus
- Tympanus Codrops and Tympanus Codrops GitHub
- Our Favorite Codrops Resources 2015 and Our Favorite Codrops Resources 2014
Portfolio and Community Websites
- Flickr Explore, Flickr Commons, Flickr Creative Commons, Flickr The Internet Archive Commons Blog Post, and Flickr Internet Archive Book Images
KPCB and John Maeda Design in Tech Report
- KPCB Design in Tech Report 2016
- KPCB Design in Tech Report 2015 and John Maeda: Playbook for Publishing a Research Report
Salesforce Lightning Design System
IBM Design Language
Watson Design Guide
Digital Agency Playbook, Blog, Styleguide, Templates
- The Figure 53 Company Handbook
- Hanno Logbook, Hanno Playbook GitHub, and Hanno Body Storming GitHub
- Hypenotic Handbook GitHub
- North GitHub and North
- Thoughtbot Playbook, Thoughtbot Blog, Thoughtbot Templates GitHub, and Thoughtbot Dotfiles GitHub
- Thoughtbot Apprenticeship GitHub
- Valve Software Employee Handbook
Graph and Schema- General (See also Facebook Open Graph)
Web Analytics
Facebook Developers
Facebook Tools
- Facebook Pages (including Insights), Facebook Atlas (Analytics)
- Facebook Business
- Facebook Power Editor
- Fb Start for Mobile Startups
Google Developers
- Google Developers, Google Developer Products, Google Developers Events, and Google Developers University
- Google Developers Open Source
- Google Code Homepage and Google Code Wikipedia
- Google Developer Web
- Google Chrome DevTools, Google Chrome DevTools Tips and Tricks, Google Chrome DevTools Docs GitHub
- Google Chrome Home
- Google Chrome: Using the Console
- Google Canary Chrome and Mobile Emulation Feature
Google Analytics
- Google Analytics and Google Mobile Analytics Google Ads
- Google Ads
- Google AdMob (Apps)
- Google AdSense and Google AdSense Help Center
- Google AdWords Keyword Planner, Google AdWords Keyword Tool, Google AdWords, Google AdWords Get Started, Google AdWords Help Center, Google AdWords Editor, and AdWords Wikipedia
- Google Global Market Finder (AdWords)
- Google Display Network (Ads)
- Google DoubleClick (Ads) and Google DoubleClick (Ads) Wikipedia
- Google DoubleClick Campaign Manager
- Google DoubleClick for Publishers Help Center
Google Monetization
Google Rich Snippets
- Google Rich Snippets Official, About Rich Snippets and Structured Data for Rich Search Results, and Use Structured Data for Rich Search Results
Google Webmaster
Google News Publisher
- Slideshare Developers, Slideshare Insight, Slideshare Features
- Slideshare Creator Tools, Slideshare Haiku Deck, and Haiku Deck
- Twitter and Twitter Support
- Twitter Dev and Twitter Dev Docs
- Twitter Analytics, Twitter Answers (Mobile Analytics), Twitter Ads, and Twitter Video
- Twitter Business
- Twitter Cards, Twitter Card Types, Twitter Cards Mobile, Twitter Cards Validator, and Twitter Cards GitHub
- Twitter Curator
- Twitter Intents, Twitter Tweet Button, and Twitter Tweet Button/Web Intents
Twitter Data
Twitter Media and News
Twitter Advanced Search
Yahoo and Bing- Developer, Webmaster, and Ads
- Yahoo Development, Yahoo Developer Network Wikpedia, and Yahoo Webmaster Info (Powered by Bing)
- Bing Developer Center Wikipedia
- Bing Webmaster Center Wikipedia and Bing Webmaster Toolbox
- Bing Ads, Bing Ads, Bing Ads Wikipedia, and Bing Ads Slideshare
YouTube (Google) - YouTube Analytics
- YouTube Creators
- YouTube Developers, YouTube Developers, and YouTube Developers
Sharing Buttons
- AddThis, AddThis Developer Support, and AddThis Support
- AddToAny
- ShareThis, ShareThis Developer, and ShareThis Support
- Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons and Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons GitHub
- A/B Testing Wikipedia
- AWS Device Farm
- Crashlytics and Crashlytics Beta Testing
- Google App Invites
- Google Cloud Test Lab
- Google Pagespeed
- Google Play Alpha and Beta Testing
- Mixpanel and Mixpanel Education
- Optimizely, Optimizely A/B Testing, and Optimizely Non-Profits
- TestFlight App Beta Testing (Apple)
W3 Validators
Web General (See also JavaScript)
- Web Design Wikipedia and Web Designer Wikipedia
- Web Development Wikipedia and Web Developer Wikipedia
- Web Development Tools Wikipedia
- Web Application Wikipedia
- Web Application Development Wikipedia
- Web Application Framework Wikipedia
- Comparison of Web Application Framework Wikipedia
- Dynamic Web Page Wikipedia
- Static Web Page Wikipedia
- Single Page App Wikipedia
- Web Server Wikipedia
- Staging Site Wikipedia
CSS Tutorials
HTML Tutorials
Bootstrap Tutorials
- Document Type Definition Wikipedia
- Comparison of Document Markup Languages Wikipedia
- HTML Wikipedia
- HTML5 Wikipedia
- Dynamic HTML Wikipedia
- Mozilla Developer HTML Elements
- W3C Elements of HTML
- Style Sheet Wikipedia
- Cascading Style Sheets Wikipedia and W3Schools CSS Tutorial
- Cascading Style Sheets Wikibook
- Dynamic Cascading Style Sheets Wikipedia
Char Sets
- W3Schools HTML Character Sets Tutorial
- W3Schools HTML Unicode (UTF-8) Reference Tutorial
- W3Schools UTF-8 Miscellaneous Symbols Tutorial
- W3Schools HTML Character Sets Tutorial
- Bytecode Wikipedia
- Character Encoding Wikipedia
- Unicode Wikipedia
- UTF-8 Wikipedia
- ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) Wikipedia
- Base36 Wikipedia
- Base64 Wikipedia
- XML Wikibook
- W3Schools Introduction to XML
- XHTML Wikipedia
- List of XML and HTML Character Entity References Wikipedia
List of Engineering Blogs
Individual Engineering Blogs
- Buffer Engineering
- Facebook Engineering
- Instagram Engineering
- LinkedIn Engineering
- Pinterest Engineering
- Wealthfront Engineering
- Uber Developers
- Yelp Engineering
Guides for Development
Stack Overflow Developer Survey
Built With (Exluding Django)
- Programming Languages Used in Most Popular Websites Wikipedia
- Built With
- Built with Angular (Example Website) GitHub
- Built with Bootstrap
- Built with Jekyll GitHub
- Built with Node
- Sites Using React GitHub
- Squarespace (Website Examples)
Code Search
Whois Wikipedia
Company Design
Designer/Developer Conferences
- Apple WWDC, Apple WWDC Videos, and Apple WWDC Wikipedia
- F8 Facebook Developer Conference
- Google Design Form
- Google IO
- Google Summer of Code
- Twitter Flight
- Twitter Flock
Labs, Kitchens, Garages
- Google X Design Kitchen
- Microsoft Garage
- Bell Labs Wikipedia
- HP Garage
- PARC (Palo Alto Research Center Incorporated), formerly Xerox PARC Wikipedia
- Unix Wikipedia
- Stanford Open Classroom Practical Unix
- Unix Tutorial For Beginners
- Unix History SVG Wikipedia
- Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
- Unix Year 2038 Problem Wikipedia
- Linux
- Canonical
- Linux Foundation
- Linux.com
- Linux Wikipedia
- Linux Kernel Wikipedia
- Linux GitHub
- Linux in a Nutshell
- Linus Torvalds Google Group Post
- Linux Copyright, Trademark, and Naming Wikipedia
- Linux Journal
Linux- Ubuntu (Debian)
Linux- Ubuntu Dual Boot
Ubuntu Terminal, Command Line, and Aptget
Ubuntu- + Programs
Linux- Other Popular Distributions
- List of Linux Distributions Wikipedia
- Linux Distributions Timeline Wikipedia
- Linux Distribution Wikipedia
- Mint Wikipedia
- Fedora Wikipedia
- CentOS (Fedora) Wikipedia
- Gentoo (FreeBSD Ports) Wikipedia
- FreeBSD Ports Wikipedia
- Mojombo Chromebook Recommendation
- Google Chromebook
- Acer C720 Chromebook- 16GB
- Acer C720 Chromebook- 32GB
- Acer C720 Chromebook- Developer Info
- Mojombo Chromebook Convo
- Mojombo "How to set your Acer C720 Chromebook to boot to Ubuntu by default."
- Mojombo HP Stream Convo
Chromebook Ubuntu Installation
- Codestarter Ubuntu Installer Blog Post
- Codestarter Ubuntu Installer GitHub
- Original Ubuntu Installer GitHub
- ChrUbuntu Installer GitHub
- Crouton GitHub
Apple Posters of Ago
Apple El Capitan
Apple- Utilities
Apple Developer Program Membership
- Apple Developer Program Membership Details, Apple Developer Program Membership Center, and Compare Memberships
- Apple Developer Program Membership Enrollment Support
- D-U-N-S® Number
Apple Developer and Open Source
- Apple Developer, Apple Developer Resources, and Apple Developer Library
- Apple Developer Forum
- Apple Open Source
- OS X Wikipedia
- .DS_Store Wikipedia
Apple Developer Tools
- Homebrew, Braumeister, Homebrew GitHub, Homebrew FAQs GitHub
- Xcode and Xcode Wikipedia
- TestFlight App Beta Testing (Apple)
Apple- iOS
Apple- Swift
- Swift, Swift GitHub, and Swift Wikipedia
- Apple Swift, Apple Swift Developer, and Apple Swift Blog
- Stanford: Developing iOS 8 Apps with Swift
- Swift Education and Swift Education GitHub
- Swift Showcases GitHub and Swift Trending GitHub
- Accelerometer Wikipedia
iOS- IBM and Microsoft Resources
Apple- Major Swift References
- Swift Documentation
- The Swift Programming Language
- Book: The Swift Programming Language (Swift 2.2 Prerelease)
- Apple Swift Standard Library Reference
- Start Developing iOS Apps (Swift)
Apple- Cocoa
Apple- Package and Dependency Managers
Apple Developer Docs- Conceptual
Apple Developer Docs Navigation
- Navigation
- Xcode Navigation
- Xcode Tasks Navigation
- UIKit Navigation
- UIKit User Interface Catalog
- Cocoa Touch Layer Navigation
- Swift Navigation
Xcode References
Virtual Box and Vagrant
Apple Presentation and Design (See also Keynotopia)
Apple MacBook Air
Apple- Refurbished, Clearance, Reuse, Recycling
Apple- Windows
- Download Windows 10 Disc Image (ISO File)
- "How to install Windows using Boot Camp"
- "Use Windows 10 on your Mac with Boot Camp"
- Parallels
- VMware Fusion
- Wine
- Winclone
- External Hard Drive, USB SSD, Western Digital Terabyte
Apple- Platforms and Devices
Apple- More
- Objective-C Wikipedia
- iOS SDK Wikipedia
- iPad/iPhone Objective-C/iOS
- Native Mac App Objective-C/Cocoa
- Retina Display Wikipedia
- Apple Watchkit
- Apple Store App Rejections
- Apple Support
Mac Update
Computer glasses (solarized dark)
Wikipedia Portals
- Wikipedia Computer Science Portal and Wikipedia Technology and Applied Sciences Portal
- Wikipedia Internet Portal
- Wikipedia Information Technology Portal
How The Web Works
History of Technology and Computer Science
- History of Technology Wikipedia
- History of Computer Science Wikipedia
- History of Computing Wikipedia
- Timeline of Computing Wikipedia
- World Wide Web Wikipedia
- History of the World Wide Web Wikipedia
- Internet Wikipedia
- History of the Internet Wikipedia
- Outline of the Internet Wikipedia
- Information Technology Wikipedia
Computer Scientists
Great Unsolved Problems in Computer Science
Computing Classification
Computer Classes and Sizes
CPU and Instruction Set
- List of CPU Architectures Wikipedia
- Instruction Set Wikipedia
- Comparison of Instruction Set (CPU) Architectures Wikipedia
- Binary Number Wikipedia
- Binary Code Wikipedia
- Units of Information Wikipedia
- Power of Two Wikipedia
- Orders of Magnitude Wikipedia
General Terms
- Host Wikipedia
- Localhost Wikipedia
- Env Wikipedia
- PATH Wikipedia
- Path Computing wikipedia
- Home Wikipedia
- Firewall Wikipedia
- Computer Port Wikipedia
- Port Wikipedia
- List of TCP and UDP Port Numbers Wikipedia
- List of Well Known TCP and UDP Port Numbers Wikipedia
- Common Port Numbers Wikipedia
Operating Systems
- Operating System Wikipedia
- Comparison of Operating Systems Wikipedia
- History of Operating Systems Wikipedia
- List of Operating Systems Wikipedia
- Timeline of Operating Systems Wikipedia
- Microsoft Windows Wikipedia
32 Bit vs. 64 Bit
Web Browser
- Web Browser Wikipedia
- List of Web Browsers Wikipedia
- Timeline of Web Browsers Wikipedia
- Comparison of Web Browsers Wikipedia
Web Browsers
Web Browser Engines(See also JavaScript)
- Web Browser Engines Wikipedia
- Comparison of Web Browser Engines Wikipedia
- List of Layout Engines Wikipedia
- Comparison of Layout Engines Wikipedia
- Blink (Web Engine) Wikipedia and Blink Code
- WebKit and WebKit GitHub
Brower Object Model (BOM) and Document Object Model (DOM)
- Brower Object Model (BOM) Wikipedia
- Document Object Model (DOM) Wikipedia and DOM Scripting Wikipedia
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol Wikipedia
- List of HTTP Status Codes Wikipedia
- List of HTTP Header Fields Wikipedia
TCP-IP and OSI Protocols
- Transmission Control Protocol Wikipedia
- Internet Protocol Wikipedia
- OSI Model Wikipedia and OSI Protocols Wikipedia
Hidden File and Hidden Directory
Symbolic Link
Keyboard Shortcuts
12 Factor App
- Semver and Semver GitHub
The Distributed Developer Stack Field Guide
Trac Project Management and DB (Used with www.djangoproject.com)
Software Stacks
Distributed and Parallel Computing
Write the Docs (Conference and Community)
GitHub Wiki
Read the Docs
Python- Django-Sphinxdoc
API Docs (see also Python- Django- Rest Framework Swagger)
A Successful Git Branching Model
Git Learning Resources
- Getting Started A Short History of Git
- Getting Started About Version Control
- GitHub Development Git Cheat Sheet
- Git Book
- Git Docs
- Git Documentation
- Git Videos
- Git Downloads
- Git Index
- Stanford Git Magic
GitHub- Main
- GitHub and GitHub Wikipedia
- GitHub Features (Code Review, ect.)
- GitHub Help: Set Up Git
- GitHub Help
- GitHub Training
- GitHub Bootcamp
- GitHub Blog
- GitHub Guides
- Github Development (Example Website)
- GitHub Developer and GitHub Developer Program
Git Ignore and Licenses
GitHub Services Integration
GitHub Organizations
GitHub Status
- Gist and Gist Starred
GitHub- More
GitHub- Trending
GitHub- How To
Dear GitHub and Thank You GitHub
GitLab (See also Project Management)
GitHub Alternatives
Types of Licenses
- AGPL Wikipedia
- AGPL History Wikipedia
- Apache License Wikipedia
- BSD License Wikipedia
- GNU General Public License Wikipedia
- GNU Free Documentation License Wikipedia
- MIT License Wikipedia
- Creative Commons
- Creative Commons Wikipedia
GitHub Speaker Deck
Emoji and Other Funny Keyboard Shortcode
Names for command line: prompt, console, terminal, shell, bash; .bashrc, .bash_profile
Command Line
Integrated Development Environment
- Integrated Development Environment Wikipedia
- Comparison of Integrated Development Environments Wikipedia
- cURL, cURL GitHub, and cURL Wikipedia
- WGet
Unix Shell
- Unix Shell Wikipedia
- List of Unix Commands Wikipedia
- Tcsh Wikipedia
- Korn Wikipedia
- Z Shell Wikipedia
- Rsync Wikipedia
Bash and Zsh (Alternative)
- Bash (Unix Shell) Wikipedia
- Bash Handbook
- Bash Command Line Shortcuts
- Zsh (Bash (Shell) Alternative)
- Zsh Wikipedia
- Oh-My-Zsh GitHub
Emacs and Vim (Text Editors)
- Emacs and Emacs GitHub
- Emacs Wiki Wikipedia
- Emacs 24 Reference Card
- Emacs 24 Reference Card
- Emacs 24 Reference Card
- Vim and Vim (VimL Script) Wikipedia
- Emacs vs. Vim
Windows PowerShell
More Shell/Text Editors (See also Visual Studio and XCode)
- Sublime Text Editor
- Atom GitHub and Electron (Formerly Atom Shell) GitHub
- Textmate
- Orgmode.org
- Orgmode.org/features
- .emacs.d
- Lighttable
Dot Files
- Dotfile Wikipedia
- Dotfiles GitHub
- Dotfiles
- Ashe Dryden Dotfiles GitHub
- Cătălin’s Dotfiles GitHub
- Holman Dotfiles GitHub
- Jacobian Dotfiles GitHub
- Jeff Triplett Dotfiles GitHub
- Jessica Lord GitHub
- Kenneth Reitz GitHub
- Mathias’s Dotfiles GitHub
- Paul Irish Dotfiles GitHub
- Thoughtbot Dotfiles GitHub
- YADR GitHub
Startup Class Dotfiles and AWS EC2 Setup
Open Source Management, Codes of Conduct, Roadmaps
Open Source Hosting
Easy (Static/Client-Side) to Difficult (Dynamic/Server-Side)
Make What You Can Complete- Example of Using Notepad as CSS and Rendering in Browser)
Learn Git/GitHub
Make Something Static/Client-Side- HTML (Can Use GitHub Browser)
Make Something Static- Jekyll (Can Use Git Bash)
Make Something Dynamic/Server-Side- Can Store Code on GitHub, but Host Elsewhere (Heroku, AWS, Digital Ocean)
- Python, Ruby, Node.js, PHP (Dynamic and require hosting such as Heroku or AWS)
Start contributing to open source
- Seek out mentor(s) (some frameworks such as Django have mentor lists)
- Follow community members and projects (for instance, on Twitter) and look for opportunities
- Look for guides in repos that explain how to contribute
- Do a GitHub search such as "pull requests welcome"
Look for First-Timers Info
Example First-Timers Info
- Pinax First-Timer Opportunity via Twitter and First-Timer
- How to Contribute to Pinax Blog Post and How to Contribute to Pinax Blog Post
- Pinax First Timers Only, and Pinax Issues GitHub
- Pinax 16.04 and Proposal for Pinax Distribution Versioning GitHub
- Pinax Groupware Starter Project GitHub
Example Help Tweets
Programming Groups
Programming and Math Learning Tools (See also MOOCs)
- Arduino
- Programming Levels
- Guess the Programming Language
- Learn Code the Hard Way
- Code School GitHub
- Codecademy
- CodePath GitHub
- Code.org
- Feynman Lectures
- Free Code Camp and Free Code Camp GitHub
- Kano Playground
- Khan Academy and Khan Academy GitHub
- Learn X in Y Minutes
- Math Overflow
- Minecraft
- Node Together
- Pluralsight
- Project Euler
- Project Euler Local GitHub
- Project Euler Problems
- Raspberry PI
- Scratch (MIT)
- Skillshare
- W3Schools Web Development Tutorials
- Wolfram Alpha, Wolfram Alpha Blog, and Wolfram Alpha Wikipedia
- Wolfram MathWorld
Live Coding
Twitch Creative- Accounts
Text Editor and Code Demonstration
Documentation- General
- IT eBooks
- IBM Knowledge Center, IBM Redbooks Homepage, and List of IBM Products Wikipedia
- O'Reilly Free, O'Reilly Programming Free, and O'Reilly Design Free
Documentation- Mozilla
Documentation- W3C
- The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and * The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) GitHub
- W3C Standards Table of Contents
GNU Software and Manuals
Programming Languages
- Programming Language Wikipedia
- Alphabetical List of Programming Languages Wikipedia
- Comparison of Programming Languages Wikipedia
- Comparison of Programming Languages (Syntax) Wikipedia
- Programming Language Popularity Ranking
- History of Programming Languages Wikipedia
- Timeline of Programming Languages Wikipedia
- Programming Languages by Type Wikipedia
- Generational List of Programming Languages Wikipedia
- Computer Programming/Hello world Wikibooks
- Dynamic Programming Language Wikipedia
Chomsky Hierarchy and Automata
Hard Coding
Scripting and MVCs
- Scripting Language Wikipedia
- Server Side Scripting Languages Wikipedia
- Model View Controller Wikipedia
- Model View Controller Wikibook
Miscellaneous Programming Languages
- C Wikipedia
- C Wikibook
- Learn C the Hard Way
- C++ Wikipedia
- C++ Wikibook
- Stanford CS 106B: Programming Abstractions in C++
- Stanford CS 106B: Programming Abstractions in C++ Lectures
- Clojure GitHub and Clojure Wikipedia
- Dart and Dart Wikipedia
- Angular Dart GitHub
- Erlang Wikipedia
- Julia GitHub
- Hack and Hack Wikipedia
- Haskell, Haskell Wikipedia, and Haskell Lambda Calculus
- Lisp Programming Language Wikipedia
- OCaml and OCaml Wikipedia
- Perl Wikipedia
- Rust, Rust GitHub, and Rust Wikipedia
- Apple- Swift
- JavaScript Wikipedia
- List of JavaScript Libraries Wikipedia
- Comparison of JavaScript Frameworks Wikipedia
- The Best Free JavaScript Resources
JavaScript Tutorials
- Learn X in Y Minutes JavaScript
- W3Schools JavaScript Tutorial
- W3Schools JavaScript Statements
- JavaScript Mozilla
- JavaScript Reference Mozilla
- A Re-introduction to JS
- Eloquent JavaScript and Eloquent JavaScript Code Sandbox
- jQuery Wikipedia and jQuery GitHub
- jQuery UI GitHub
- jQuery Plugins GitHub
- jQuery Boilerplate GitHub
- jQuery Patterns GitHub
- jQuery UI Bootstrap GitHub
Ruby- Installation and Control
- Ruby Installation Methods
- RVM (Ruby enVironment (Version) Manager)
- Ruby Gems GitHub
- Rake GitHub
- Capistrano GitHub
Ruby- Learning Resources
- Try Ruby
- Ruby (including Syntax and Semantics) Wikipedia
- Ruby MRI Wikipedia
- Learn Ruby the Hard Way
- Ruby Standard Library
Ruby- Executable Specification
Rails, Jekyll- Preferred Templates and Documents
- Ruby on Rails and Ruby on Rails API
- Rails (Create project locally) (Example Website) GitHub
- Ruby on Rails Wikipedia
- Ruby Guides
- Ruby Getting Started with Rails
- Jekyll and Jekyll GitHub
- Jekyll Templates
- Shopify Liquid and Shopify Liquid GitHub
- Jekyll Bootstrap GitHub
- Jekyll Sitemap GitHub
PHP- Version Control and Frameworks
PHP- Laravel- Preferred Templates and Documents
- Laravel (Create project locally) (Example Website) GitHub
- Homestead- Laravel Development Environment GitHub
Node.js/PHP- WordPress- Preferred Templates and Documents
- WordPress Com and WordPress Com Support
- WordPress Calypso
- WordPress Org and WordPress Org Support
- WordPress Developer
- WordPress GitHub
- WordPress Plugins and WordPress Plugins Mirror
- WordPress Code
- WordPress Shortcode
- WordPress Appearance
WordPress Theme Development and Template Hierarchy
- WordPress Theme Development
- WordPress Page Templates
- WordPress PHP Template Hierarchy
- WordPress PHP In Depth Template Hierarchy
- WordPress PHP Retina Ready Template Hierarchy
- WordPress PHP Interactive Template Hierarchy
- WordPress PHP Whimsical Template Hierarchy
WP Engine
WordPress Development
WordPress Translation
Wikitech Development
- Wikipedia Development
- Wikipedia Search Engine
- Wikitech
- Wikitech AP
- Wikitech Account
- Download Wikimedia Core GitHub
Golang, otherwise known as "Go"
- Golang Wikipedia
- Golang
- Golang Documentation
- Golang Packages
- Golang Search
- Golang Play
- Golang Talks
- Golang Blog
- Deploying Go Servers with Docker
Golang, Uers
Golang Installation
Golang- Frameworks
Java- General
- Java Website
- Java Wikipedia
- Java Syntax Wikipedia
- Java
- Java Documentation
- Java Programming Language Wikipedia
- Java Programming Language Tutorials
- Learning the Java Language
- Java Core Libraries
- Java ME Reference
- NetBeans Docs
- NetBeans Plugins
- Eclipse Docs
- Eclipse Dynamic Languages Toolkit Wikipedia
- Java Applet Wikipedia
GitHub StyleGuides
Styleguides- Various
- Brand Style Guide Examples
- Khan Style Guides GitHub
- Styleguide Boilerplate GitHub
- Clef Frontend Styleguide GitHub
- EdX UX Pattern Library GitHub
- GitbookIO Styleguide GitHub
- Gov.UK Styleguides GitHub
- Healthcare.gov Styleguide GitHub
- Kissmetrics Styleguide GitHub
- Mozilla Styleguide
- ProPublica Styleguide GitHub
- Reddit Styleguide GitHub
- Starbucks Styleguide
- Thoughtbot Styleguides GitHub
- Trello CSS Styleguide GitHub
- Udacity Frontend Nanodegree Styleguide GitHub
GitHub CSS Styleguide
Google Styleguides
JavaScript Styleguide
PHP Styleguides
- PHP FIG, PHP FIG Standards Recommendations, PHP FIG Standars Accepted GitHub
- PHP FIG PSR-2 Coding Style Guide
- Codeigniter PHP Style Guide
- Codeigniter PHP Style Guide
- PEAR Coding Standards
- Zend Framework Coding Standard for PHP
Ruby Styleguide
- GitHub Ruby Styleguide
- Airbnb Ruby Styleguide and Airbnb Ruby Styleguide GitHub
- Bozhidar Batsov Ruby Styleguide GitHub
Objective C Styleguide
Swift Styleguide
- Google Fonts and Google Fonts GitHub
- Google Roboto GitHub
- Google Design and Google Design Resources
- Google Web Fundamentals, Google Web Fundamentals: GitHub, and Google Web Fundamentals Research Study
- Google Web Starter Kit, Google Web Starter Kit Styleguide, and Google Web Starter Kit GitHub
Google Material Design (See also Facebook React)
- Google Material Design Introduction, Google Material Design Video,Google Material Design Lite GitHub, Google Material Design Lite Components, Google Material Design Lite Theme Buildr, Google Material Design Icons, and Google Material Design Icons GitHub
Bootstrap Material Design
Polymer (See also Facebook React)
- Polymer Project
- Polymer GitHub, Polymer Docs GitHub
- Polymer Designer GitHub
- Polymer Starter Kit (Compatible with Material Design) and Polymer Starter Kit GitHub (Compatible with Material Design)
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP HTML)
- Accelerated Mobile Pages Blog Post and How it Works
- Accelerated Mobile Pages Project and Accelerated Mobile Pages Project GitHub
Facebook- React (JavaScript)
- Facebook React and Facebook React GitHub
- Facebook React Dev Tools GitHub
- Facebook React- Getting Started
- React Community and React Community GitHub
React Relay (React Stack)
React Bootstrap (React Stack)
React-Router (React Stack)
Facebook- React Native (React Stack)
Ionic Framework (React Stack)
Webpack (React Stack)
Babel (React Stack)
Express (React Stack)
Angular (React Stack)
- Angular (Example Website) GitHub
- Angular Material and Angular Material GitHub
- Angular Protractor GitHub
Flux (React Stack)
Redux (React Stack)
- Redux and Redux GitHub
Gulp (React Stack)
Other React Stack Helpers
- Polymer
- ESLint
- Facebook Immutable
- Hapi
- JSON Web Tokens (JWT) based on RFC 7519
- ReactiveX and ReactiveX GitHub
- Node.js
- Node.js Docs/API
- Node.js Design
- Nodejsmodules.org
- NPM Package Search
- Node.js (Example Website) GitHub
- NPM GitHub
- NPM Developers GitHub
- NPM Publish GitHub
- NPM Read Package JSON GitHub
- JSDOM GitHub
- [Node Webkit GitHub](https://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit Node Webkit)
- Node 2 Different Module Versions GitHub
- Node Beginner
Node.js Launch and Ryan Dahl
Node Add-ons
MVCs General, Backbone, Ember
- Todo MVC (Example Website; nice meta) GitHub
- Backbone
- Backbone (Example Website) GitHub
- Chaplin (Backbone) GitHub
- Ember (Example Website) GitHub
- Ember Rails GitHub
Yo/Yeoman, Bower, Grunt
- Yo GitHub
- Yeoman (Example Website) GitHub
- Yeoman Bootstrap Generator GitHub
- Yeoman Node Generator GitHub
- Yeoman Node Generator GitHub
- Yeoman Backbone Generator GitHub
- Yeoman Ember Generator GitHub
- Yeoman Webapp Generator GitHub
- Yeoman Gulp Webapp Generator GitHub
- Bower (Example Website) GitHub
- Bower Package Search GitHub
- Grunt (Example Website) GitHub
Compilation Resources (See also Gulp)
Extension Languages
- Jade
- Jade GitHub
- Jade Syntax Documentation by Example
- HTML to Jade Converter
- Bootstrap Jade GitHub
- Bootstrap for Jade (Node, Express, Grunt) GitHub
- Handlebars GitHub
- Mustache GitHub
- Coffee Script GitHub
- Underscore
- Underscore GitHub
MEAN (Mongoose, Express, Angular, Node)
MongoDB (Document-based)
- MongoDB
- MongoDB GitHub
- MongoDB Wikipedia
- MongoDB BSON Wikipedia
- MongoDB Docs
- MongoDB Docs GitHub
- MongoLab (Database-aaS)
- MongoDB ElasticSearch GitHub
MongoDB- Drivers and Natives
- MongoDB Ruby Driver GitHub
- MongoDB Java Driver GitHub
- MongoDB Driver Examples GitHub
- Node MongoDB Native GitHub
- Node MongoDB Native GitHub
Mongoose, Mongoid, Moped, Mongomapper
- Mongoose.js
- Mongoose (Example Website) GitHub
- Mongoose Elastic GitHub
- Mongoose Express Node GitHub
- Mongoosastic (Example Blog) GitHub
- Mongoid GitHub
- Mongoid ElasticSearch GitHub
- Moped GitHub
- Mongomapper GitHub
V8 JavaScript Engine
Node Forks
Other JavaScript Helpers
JavaScript Presentations Frameworks
Python (See also Data Science)
- Python and Python Wikipedia
- Python Portal Wikipedia
- Python Syntax and Semantics Wikipedia
- Python Standard Library
- PyPy (Python Interpreter) Wikipedia
- Python Patterns Library
Python Authorities
Virtual Environment
- Virtualenv GitHub and Virtualenv Read the Docs
- Kenneth Reitz: Python Guide Virtual Environments
- Virtualenvwrapper-Win GitHub
The Top-Starred Python GitHub Devs, Orgs, and Repos to Follow (All-Time and Trending)
Python- Playbooks
- Kenneth Reitz: Python Guide GitHub and The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python!
- Kenneth Reitz: Dream Python GitHub
- Full Stack Python
Python- Playbooks
Python- Django
Python- Django People and Jobs
Python- Django Community
Python- Django- News
Python- Django- Resources
Python- Django- Sites
Python- Django- Major Organizations and Projects that Use Django (Excluding Templates)
- 18F GitHub
- Disqus
- Instagram GitHub
- Knight Foundation
- Mozilla GitHub
- National Geographic GitHub
- Northwestern University Knight Lab GitHub
- PBS GitHub
- Pinterest GitHub
- Rdio GitHub
- Reddit GitHub
- StyleSeat GitHub
- Wharton GitHub
Python- Mobile
- Kivy GitHub
- PyBee Briefcase GitHub
- VOC Read the Docs
- Russell Keith-McGee: "An Android app written in Python"
Python- Packages/Libraries
- Python Libraries (Category) Wikipedia
- Python Packaging Authority GitHub
- Python Package Warehouse
- PyPi Python Package Index PyPi
- PyPa Core Packaging Utilities
- PyPa Core Packaging Utilities Documents
- Python Packaging User Guide
- Digital Ocean Tutorial How to Package and Distribute Python Applications
Python and Django- Creating Packages
- Distributing Python Modules
- Cookiecutter Django Package GitHub
- Cookiecutter PyPackage Read the Docs
- Cookiecutter PyPackage GitHub
- PyPI Release Checklist and PyPI Release Checklist 2
- Cookiecutter via Django Rest Framework: How to create a Third Party Package
Python- Django- Packages and Snippets (Unofficial)
Python- Users and Members
Python Mentors
Python and Django Conferences
- PyCon
- PyLadies, PyLadies GitHub, and PyLadies Remote
- PyData
- Django Events Foundation North America
- DjangoCon U.S. and DjangoCon E.U.
Python and Django Conferences- Proposal Examples
- Russell Keith-McGee, DjangoCon Europe- A tale of two cellphones: Python on Android and iOS, Beyond Web 2.0 - Django and Python in the modern web ecosystem, and Rapid mobile application development with Python
- PyCon Proposals GitHub
Python and Django Conferences- Speaker Mentors
- DjangoCon E.U. 2016 Call for Proposals/Speaking Mentors
- DjangoCon E.U. 2015 Speaking Mentors
- DjangoCon U.S. 2015 Call for Proposals
- DjangoCon U.S. 2015 Speaking Mentors
DjangoCon Organizers
DjangoCon Talk Ideas
Lacey Williams Henschel- PyLadies Remote: Your First Conference Proposal!
Django Girls Co-Founders
Django Girls (Python- Django)
- Django Girls GitHub
- Django Girls Wiki
- Django Girls Blog
- Django Girls Tutorial GitHub and Django Girls Tutorial
- Django Girls Tutorial Deploy
- Django Girls Tutorial Extensions
- Django Girls Translation Guide GitHub
- Django Girls Organize
- Django Girls Coach
- Django Girls Resources
- Django Girls Store
Python- Django- Roadmaps
Python- Django- Code of Conduct and Contributing
- [Django Code of Conduct
- Django Contributing
- Django Contributor License Agreements
Python- Django- Forums and Lists
- Django Mailing Lists
- Django Original Team List
- Django Core Developers (Old Version)
- Django Organizational Repo People
- Django Google Developers Forum
Python- Django- Slack
Python- PEP
- PEP Index
- Kenneth Reitz: PEP 8 — the Style Guide for Python and Kenneth Reitz: PEP 8 — the Style Guide for Python GitHub
- PEP 0008 Style Guide for Python Code and PEP 0008 Style Guide for Python Code .txt
- PEP 0008 Style Guide for C Code
- PEP 0257 Doc String Conventions
- PEP 0515 Underscores in Numeric Literals
- PEP 0020 The Zen of Python (>>> import this)
Python- Style Guides
- Google Python Style Guide
- Khan Academy Python Style Guide Python
- The Chromium Project Python Style Guide
Python- Kenneth Reitz Contributor's Guide and Style Guides
- Kenneth Reitz: Requests Contributor's Guide
- Kenneth Reitz: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python! Code Style
- Kenneth Reitz: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python! Guide Style Guide
Python- Django- Sprints: See
Python- Django- Git and Deployment
Python- PEP 3333 (Python Web Server Gateway Interface)
Python- Psycopg (Psycopg is the most popular PostgreSQL adapter for the Python programming language.)
Dedicated Python Hosting
Python- Django- Django Girls Deployment (Heroku and Python Anywhere)
- Django Girls Tutorial- Python Anywhere GitHub
- Django Girls Switch to Python Anywhere GitHub
- Django Girls Tutorial- Heroku (just before Python Anywhere) GitHub
Python- Django- Environmental Variables
- os.getenv and os.environ.get
- Python Decouple (Example: Bootcamp) GitHub
Python- Django- Random SECRET_KEY
Python- Django- BCrypt (Not just for Django)
Python- Fabric
- Fabric and Fabric GitHub
Python- Django- Static File Serving
CGI and WSGI (Web Server API)
- Common Gateway Interface Wikipedia
- Web Server Gateway Interface Wikipedia
- WSGI Read the Docs
- WSGI Google Code
- WSGI Installation Instructions Google Code
- WSGI Quick Installation Guide Google Code
- WSGI Integration with Django Google Code
Werkzeug (Flexible WSGI) (Security Flaw)
More WSGI (See also Apache)
Gunicorn (Python WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX)
Waitress (Production-Quality Pure-Python WSGI Server)
Memcached (Object Caching)
pytest and Nose (Unit Test Extension)
Tox (Automation)
Automated Dependency Management
Python- Microframeworks and Template Engines
- Bottle
- Jinja and Jinja GitHub
- Flask and Flask GitHub
- WebPy GitHub
Python- Django- Pinax
Python- Django- Cookiecutter (See also Packages)
- Cookiecutter Django PyPi
- Cookiecutter Read the Docs
- Cookiecutter The Latest
- Cookiecutter Django Deployment on Heroku
- Cookiecutter Django Deployment with Docker
Python- Django- Debug Toolbar
Python- Django- Migrations
Python- Django and Celery (Also Example code)
Python- Django- Rest Framework (Including Authentication and Generic Views)
- Django Rest Framework
- Django Rest Framework GitHub
- Django Rest Framework Authentication
- Django Rest Framework Generic Views
- Django Rest Framework Swagger
Python- Django- Rest Framework (Serialization/Deserialization)
Python- Django- Rest Framework GIS
- Django Rest Framework GIS API Guide Fields
- Django Rest Framework GIS GitHub
- Django Rest Framework GIS PyPi
- Django Rest Framework GIS Forum
Python- Django- Records, Requests, DJ Static, DJ Database URL
- Kenneth Reitz: Records GitHub
- Requests PyPi, Kenneth Reitz: Requests GitHub, and Requests: HTTP for Humans
- Kenneth Reitz: DJ Static GitHub
- Kenneth Reitz: DJ Database URL GitHub and DJ Database URL Python Warehouse
Python- Python/Django- Internationalization and Localization, Translation
- Django i18n Forum
- Python Gettext Multilingual Internationalization Services
- Django Local Flavor
- Django Local Flavor Read the Docs
- Django Local Flavor GitHub
- Django Local Flavor PyPi
- Django Internationalization and Localization
- Django Internationalization and Localization, Translation
PostGIS (Spatial Database Extender for PostgreSQL)
SpatiaLite (Spatial Database Extender for SQLite)
Python- Django-MPTT (Modified Pre-Order Traversal Tree)
Python- Django-Treebeard (Modified Pre-Order Traversal Tree)
Python- Django- CMS, E-Commerce
- Django CMS
- Django CMS Wikipedia
- Django CMS GitHub
- Django CMS Admin Style GitHub
- Django CMS Column GitHub
- Django CMS Style GitHub
- Django CMS Text CK-Editor GitHub
- Django CMS Online Demo
- Django CMS E-Commerce
Python- Django- Wagtail (Recommended)
Python- Django- Other CMS and E-Commerce Options
- Django Fluent CMS, Django Fluent CMS GitHub, and Django Fluent CMS Docs
- Django Shop GitHub
- Mezzanine Docs
- Mezzanine Sites
- Mezzanine CMS GitHub
- Oscar Read the Docs and Oscar GitHub
- Satchmo
Python- Django- TinyMCE
Python- Django- Python Social Auth
- Python Social Auth
- Python Social Auth Django
- Python Social Auth Docs
- Python Social Auth Supported Backends
Python- Django- Search
Python- Imaging Library
- Python Imaging Library and Python Imaging Library GitHub
- Python Imaging Library Read the Docs
- Python Imaging Library PyPi
Python- Django- Forms
Python- Django- Everything
Python- Django- Cmatrix
Python- Books and Tutorials
- Dive into Python (Deprecated)
- O'Reilly Python in a Nutshell
- O'Reilly Think Python and O'Reilly Think Python GitHub
- Python Programming Wikibook
- Python Tutorial
- Learn Python the Hard Way
- Mechanical MIT Open Courseware: A Gentle Intro to Python
- Mechanical MIT Open Courseware: A Gentle Intro to Python Assignment Sequence
- Python One Day of IDLE Toying
- Python IDLE Advanced
- Python IDLE Wikipedia
O'Reilly Test-Driven Development with Python
- Test-Driven Development with Python
- Test-Driven Development with Python Chapter 8. Testing Deployment Using a Staging Site
Python- Django Tutorials (excluding Django Girls)
- Django Tutorials List
- Django Book (Deprecated but useful)
- Light Weight Django
- Light Weight Django GitHub
- Tango with Django Tutorial
Django Carrots (Python- Django)
- Microsoft.github.io
- Microsoft .NET
- Microsoft Dotnet GitHub
- .NET Foundation Projects on GitHub
- Dotnet GitHub
- Dotnet Core Docs and Dotnet Core Docs GitHub
- Installing .NET Core on OS X
- Dotnet Corefx GitHub
- ASP.NET Home GitHub, and ASP.NET Docs GitHub
- ASP.NET Razor GitHub
- ASP.NET Templates GitHub
- ASP.NET API Docs GitHub
- ASP.NET Identity GitHub
- ASP.NET Docs
- Installing ASP.NET 5 On Linux
- Installing ASP.NET 5 On Windows
- ASP.NET 5 Fundamentals
- "Getting Started"
- "Your First ASP.NET 5 Web App Using Visual Studio"
ASP.NET- Docker
ASP.NET- Yeoman Generator
ASP.NET- Boilerplate
- ASP.NET Boilerplate, ASP.NET Boilerplate Docs, and ASP.NET Boilerplate GitHub
- ASP.NET Boilerplate Questions/Answers GitHub
W3Schools ASP.NET
- W3Schools ASP.NET Tutorial
- W3Schools ASP.NET Web Pages Examples
- W3Schools ASP.NET Web Pages Helpers- Objects References
- W3Schools ASP.NET Web Pages Helpers- Classes References
Visual Studio
- Visual Studio
- Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio GitHub
- Visual Studio Code Languages
- Visual Studio Go GitHub
- Python Tools for Visual Studio GitHub
- NuGet and Nuget Packages
.NET Platform as a Service
Xamarin (Visual Studio Community Mobile Development Partner)
Client and Server-Side
- Client Wikipedia
- Client-Server Model Wikipedia
- Client-Side Wikipedia
- Client-Side Scripting Wikipedia
- Server-Side Wikipedia
- Server-Side Scripting Wikipedia
- Database Wikipedia
- Databases (Category) Wikipedia
- Database Management Systems (Category) Wikipedia
- Database Schema Wikipedia
- Database Model Wikipedia
- Online Database Wikipedia
- Comparison of Database Tools Wikipedia
Stanford Open Classroom- Introduction to Databases
Types of Databases
- Types of Databases (Category) Wikipedia
- Relational Model Wikipedia
- Relational Database Wikipedia
- Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) Wikipedia
- List of Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) Wikipedia
- Comparison of Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) Wikipedia
- The Active Record Paradigm and the concept of an Object/Relational Mapper (ORM)
- Object Database Wikipedia
- Object Oriented Programming Wikipedia
- Object-Relational Mapping Wikipedia
- Object Relational Database Wikipedia
- Comparison of Object-Relational Database Management Systems Wikipedia
- Document Oriented Databases (Category) Wikipedia
- NoSQL (Category) Wikipedia
- NoSQL Wikipedia
- Document Oriented Databases (Category) Wikipedia
- Document Oriented Databases Wikipedia
- Column Oriented Database Management System Wikipedia
Apache (See also mod_wsgi)
- List of Apache Modules Wikipedia
- List of Apache Software Projects and List of Apache Software Projects Wikipedia
- Apache HTTP Server Wikipedia
- mod_python Wikipedia
- mod_ruby Wikipedia
SQLite (RDBMS, written in C)
PostgreSQL (ORDBMS, written in C, OS- Windows, Linux, Solaris, OS X, FreeBSD)
- PostgreSQL
- PostgreSQL Documentation
- PostgreSQL GitHub
- Ubuntu PostgreSQL
- PostgreSQL Heroku
- Heroku PostgreSQL
Postgrest (PostgreSQL API)
MySQL (RDBMS, written in C and C++, OS- Windows, Linux, Solaris, OS X, FreeBSD)
MAMP and WampServer (See also PHP)
- Installing WordPress Locally on Your Mac With MAMP
- MAMP (Mac, Apache, MySQL, PHP)
- MAMP Pro
- MAMP Documentation and MAMP Documentation
- WampServer (Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP)
IANA, Domize, DNSimple, Heroku
- Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
- Domize
- DNSimple
- DNSimple New Domain
- DNSimple Account Subscription
- DNSimple Heroku
- Heroku SSL Certificate DNSimple
- DNSimple SSL Certificate
- DNSimple SSL Certifcate Hostname
- DNSimple GoogleApps
Heroku SSL Endpoint, SSL Self Certification, Custom Domains
Cloud Computing- General
Private Cloud/Virtual Private Server
IaaS- General and Alternatives to AWS
PaaS- General and Alternatives to Heroku (including Google App Engine)
SaaS- General and Alternatives to GoogleApps
Ubuntu (Debian) Deployment
GitHub, AWS, Heroku Deployment
- Startup MOOC: Interactive Start
- Startup MOOC: Deployment, DNS, and Custom Domains from Startup Engineering (by Balaji S. Srinivasan)
- GitHub, AWS, Heroku Deployment Illustrated
- Illustration: Startup Engineering Dev, Staging, Production
AWS Deployment/Staging- Virtual Private Networks
GitHub, Heroku, AWS SSH and SSH Keys
Amazon Web Services
AWS- Developer and Documentation
- AWS Products
- AWS Documentation
- AWS Getting Started
- AWS Developer Tools
- AWS Tools
- AWS Code
- Amazon Web Services Slideshare
- AWS Marketplace
AWS- Regions, Instances, Getting Started, EC2/CLI/Linux Reference
AWS- Pricing
AWS- Websites, Mobile, Social
AWS- Websites, Mobile, Social
AWS- Lambda (See also Google Cloud Functions)
Heroku- General (Languages Supported- Java, PHP, Python, Ruby, Node.js, Clojure and Scala/Add-ons- Postgres, Mongo, Redis, Hadoop, ElasticSearch, RabbitMQ)
- Heroku and Heroku GitHub
- Heroku Dev Center
- Heroku Toolbelt and Heroku Toolbelt GitHub
- Heroku Deploy GitHub
- Heroku Custom Domain
Heroku- Pricing and App Limits
Heroku Multiple Environments and Site Staging
Digital Ocean (VPS)
- Digital Ocean One Click Apps
- Digital Ocean Features Technology
- Digital Ocean Pricing
- Digital Ocean Developer Documentation
- Digital Ocean Tutorials
- Digital Ocean Community
Digital Ocean + Dokku/Deis (Alternative to AWS + Heroku)
- Digital Ocean One Click Apps Dokku
- Digital Ocean + Dokku Tutorial
- Dokku
- Dokku GitHub
- Deis
- Deis GitHub
Google Cloud, App Engine
- Google Cloud and Google Cloud Platform GitHub
- Google Cloud Products
- Google Cloud Solutions
- Google Cloud Quotas
- Google Cloud Pricing
- Google Cloud Developers
- Google App Engine and Google App Engine Wikipedia
- What is Google App Engine?
- Google App Engine Code
- Google App Engine Forum
- Google Apps for Work
Google Cloud, App Engine and GitHub
Google Cloud Functions (See also Amazon Web Services- Lambda)
Nitrous (IDE)
Cross Platform Dev Environment
Content Delivery Network
Microsoft Special Deals
JavaScript- Amazon
Node.js- Heroku
- Heroku Buildpack Node GitHub
- Heroku App.json GitHub
- Heroku Getting Started with Node.js
- Heroku Node.js Getting Started GitHub
- Heroku Node.js Sample GitHub
Node.js- Heroku and Docker
Node.js- Google Cloud
Node.js- Amazon
Python- Heroku
- Heroku Python Homepage
- Heroku Python Category
- Heroku Python Sample GitHub
- Heroku Buildpack Python GitHub
- Heroku Python Getting Started GitHub
- Heroku Getting Started with Python
- Heroku Getting Started with Python Introduction
- Heroku Python Docker GitHub
Python- Amazon
- AWS Python
- AWS Python SDK (Boto3) and Boto3 GitHub
- Deploying a Python Application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Python- Django- Heroku Deployment (URL: http://appname.herokuapp.com)
- Heroku Deployment Template GitHub
- Heroku Getting Started with Django
- Heroku Django App Configuration
- Heroku Django Memcached
Python- Django- AWS Elastic Beanstalk Deployment
Python- Django- Digital Ocean Deployment
Python- Django- OpenShift Deployment
PHP- Heroku Buildpacks and Getting Started
- Heroku Buildpack PHP GitHub
- Heroku Buildpack PHP ('More advanced') GitHub
- Heroku PHP Getting Started GitHub
- Heroku Deploying PHP
PHP- Heroku and Docker
PHP- Amazon
- Getting Started with the AWS SDK for PHP
- Deploying a PHP Application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk (WordPress?)
Ruby- Heroku Buildpacks and Getting Started
Ruby- Heroku and Docker
Ruby- Amazon
Ruby on Rails- Amazon
Go- Heroku Buildpacks and Getting Started
.NET and ASP.Net- Heroku
.NET- Amazon
- Hosting a .NET Web App on Amazon Web Services
- AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio
- AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Documentation
- Setting Up the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio
See also Fabric
Python- Kubernetes
VMware, Vagrant, VirtualBox
- VMware
- VMware Wikipedia
- Vagrant GitHub
- VagrantCloud
- Vagrant Boxes Docs
- VirtualBox (Ruby) GitHub
Ansible (Automation and Configuration Management)
Salt (Automation and Configuration Management)
Python- Django- Salt
Puppet Labs
Redis, Resque
Web Cache, Web Accelerator, Proxy Server, Reverse Proxy
- Web Cache Wikipedia
- HAProxy Wikipedia
- Squid Cache
- Squid Wikipedia
- Varnish Cache
- Varnish
- Varnish Wikipedia
Nginx (High-Performance HTTP Server, Reverse Proxy, IMAP/POP3 Proxy Server/Versus Unix Socket)
Jenkins CI and Travis CI (Continuous Integration), and PhantomJS (Testing, Automation, Scraping)
Selenium (Automated Testing)
CouchDB (Document-based)
Real Time Application Frameworks
Testing Frameworks
Event Tracking
Typeahead and Awesomeplete
See also: React-Native and Ionic
Mobile- General
- Mobile Operating Systems Wikipedia
- Comparison of Mobile Operating Systems Wikipedia
- Mobile Software Distribution Platforms Wikipedia
Mobile Phones- General
- History of Mobile Phones Wikipedia
- Mobile Phone Companies by Country Wikipedia
- Mobile Phone Makers by Country Wikipedia
- List of Mobile Phone Standards Wikipedia
- Comparison of Mobile Phone Standards Wikipedia
- Comparison of Smart Phones Wikipedia
- Mobile Web Wikipedia
- Mobile App Wikipedia
- Mobile Application Development Wikipedia
- Mobile Service Architecture Wikipedia
- Mobile Web Analytics Wikipedia
Embedded Operating Systems
- Android.com, Android GitHub, and Android Wikipedia
- Android Version History
- Android Developer and Google Developers Android
- Codepath Android Guides and Codepath Android Guides GitHub
- Programming Mobile Apps for Android Handheld Systems (Coursera) and Course Examples GitHub
- MIT App Inventor and MIT App Inventor Set Up
Golang Mobile
Tools (Parse is Going Bye-Bye)
Deep Linking
- Deep Linking Wikipedia
- Applinks Documentation
- Deeplink.me Documentation
- URXtech Developer Documentation and URXtech Documentation GitHub
- Mobile Web Standards Evolution Wikipedia
- Mobile World Congress Wikipedia
- Open Mobile Alliance Wikipeda
- W3C Mobile
- Wireless Markup Language Wikipedia
Internet of Things (including payments)
- Arduino
- Estimote and Estimote GitHub
- iBeacon Wikipedia
- Radius Networks Radius Networks GitHub
- PayPal Beacon
Internet of Things- Geo-fencing
- OculusVR Developer, OculusVR Developer Download, and OculusVR Developer Kit GitHub
- Twitch TV
- Epic Games, Unreal Engine, and Unreal Engine Docs
- Unity 3D and Unity Oculus Docs
- Vive
Data Monetization
Data Scientists
- Andrej Karpathy GitHub
- Andrew Ng
- Clare Corthell
- Daphne Koller and Daphne Koller Wikipedia
- Daryl Morey
- Drew Conway
- Edward Tufte and Edward Tufte
- Gilad Lotan, Data Scientist and Gilad Lotan, Data Scientist, Slideshare
- Hilary Mason
- Nate Silver
- Peter Skomoroch (Recommended Sites) and Peter Skomoroch Nuzzel
Machine Learning (Andrew Ng, Stanford)
- Machine Learning (Stanford)
- Stanford Open Classroom- CS 229: Machine Learning (Andrew Ng)
- Stanford Open Classroom- Unsupervised Future Learning and Deep Learning (Andrew Ng)
Mining Massive Datasets (Stanford)
Data Science Websites
- AnalyticBridge
- Data Science Central
- DataTau (The "Hacker News" of Data Science)
- Get Topical: Big Data
- KDNuggets and KDNuggets News Archive
- Reddit Machine Learning
- Deep Learning News (The "Hacker News" of Deep Learning)
Analyst Group Resources
- Booz Allen Hamilton Data Science, Booz Allen Hamilton Field Guide to Data Science Post, Booz Allen Hamilton Field Guide to Data Science, and Booz Allen Hamilton: Tips for Building a Data Science Capability
- McKinsey & Company: An executive’s guide to machine learning
Data Styleguide GitHub
- Kaggle and Kaggle Wikipedia
- Kaggle Competitions
- Kaggle Datasets
- Kaggle Scripts
- Kaggle Past Solutions
- Kaggle Competition Code and Methodologies Collection
Data Science Learning Programs
- Open Source Data Science Masters, Open Source Data Science Masters GitHub, and Open Source Data Science Masters Specializations
Roadmaps and Cheat Sheets
- Data Science Central: A Tour of Machine Learning Algorithms
- Dlib Machine Learning Guide and Paper
- Emanuel Ferm: Cheat Sheet: Algorithms for Supervised- and Unsupervised Learning
- Frank Dai: Machine Learning Cheat Sheet GitHub
- Jason Brownlee: Algorithms Mindmap
- Laura Diane Hamilton: Machine Learning Algorithm Cheat Sheet
- mln.io: Machine Learning Periodic Table
- Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Cheat Sheet
- Swami Chandrasekaran: Road to Data Scientist
- Scikit learn Algorithm Cheat Sheet
- Strata Conference Cheat Sheet
- Inquiry Wikipedia
- False Positives and False Negatives (True Positives and True Negatives) Wikipedia
- False Positive Rate Wikipedia
- Type I aand Type II Errors Wikipedia
- Linear Algebra Wikipedia
- Relational Algebra Wikipedia
- Calculus Wikipedia
- Trigonometry Series Wikipedia
- Computational Physics Series Wikipedia
Linear/Regression (Supervised Learning)
- Regression (Excel) Wikipedia
- Regression Analysis Series (Excel) Wikipedia
- Linear Regression (Best Fit Line) (Excel) Wikipedia
- Simple Linear Regression Wikipedia
- Linear Function Wikipedia
Statistics- General
- Probability Wikipedia
- Probability Theory Series Wikipedia
- Independence (Probability Theory) Wikipedia
- Prior Probability Wikipedia
- Conditional Probability Wikipedia
Common Probability Distributions and Tests
- Normal (Gaussian/Bell Curve) Distribution (Excel) Wikipedia
- Bell Curve Wikipedia and Gaussian Function Wikipedia
- Chi-Squared Distribution (Excel) Wikipedia, Chi-Squared Test Wikipedia, and Pearson's Chi-Squared Test Wikipedia
- Exponential Distribution (Excel) Wikipedia
- F Distribution (Excel) Wikipedia and F-Test Wikipedia
- Gamma Distribution (Excel) Wikipedia
- Lognormal Distribution (Excel) Wikipedia
- (Student’s) T Distribution(Excel) Wikipedia and Student's T-Test Wikipedia
- Weibull Distribution (Excel) Wikipedia
More Distributions, Logarithms, Transformations
- Beta Distribution Wikipedia
- Binomial Distribution Wikipedia
- Geometric Distribution Wikipedia
- Hypergeometric Distribution Wikipedia
- Poisson Distribution Wikipedia
- Sampling Distribution Wikipedia
- Natural Logarithm Wikipedia
- Fisher Transformation Wikipedia
More Tests
Standard Deviation, Error, Normalization, Standard Score
- Standard Deviation (Excel) Wikipedia
- Standard Error (Excel) Wikipedia
- Normalization Wikipedia
- Standard Score Wikipedia
Confidence and Confidence Interval
Stochastic Calculus, Stochastic Neural Network, Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
- Stochastic Calculus Wikipedia
- Stochastic Process Wikipedia
- Stochastic Neural Network Wikipedia
- Stochastic Gradient Descent (Used in Machine Learning) Wikipedia
The Science of Viral (See also Stochastic Calculus)
Artificial Intelligence- General
- Artificial Intelligence Wikipedia
- Applications of Artificial Intelligence Wikipedia
- Artificial Intelligence Category Wikipedia
- List of Programming Languages for Artificial Intelligence Wikipedia
- List of Artificial Intelligence Projects Wikipedia
Data, Data Science, Big Data
Data Mining and Machine Learning- General
- Data Mining Series ("Knowledge Discovery in Databases" process, or KDD) Wikipedia
- Data Mining Category Wikipedia
- Data Mining and Machine Learning Software Wikipedia
- Machine Learning Series Wikipedia
- List of Machine Learning Concepts Wikipedia
- Wikipedia Book: Machine Learning – The Complete Guide
- Algorithm Wikipedia
- List of Algorithms Wikipedia
- List of Machine Learning Algorithms Wikipedia * List of Algorithms- Machine Learning and Statistical Classification Wikipedia
- Statistical Classification Algorithms Wikipedia
- Machine Learning Algorithms Category Wikipedia
Online- Machine Learning, Analysis
- Online Machine Learning Wikipedia
- Online (and Off-Line) Wikipedia
- Online Analytical Wikipedia
- Competitive Analysis Wikipedia
Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
- Supervised Learning Wikipedia
- Unsupervised Learning ("program must discover hidden structure in unlabeled data") Wikipedia
- Semi-Supervised Learning ("Semi-supervised approaches make use of both labeled and unlabeled training data.") Wikipedia
Bayesian (Supervised Learning)
- Bayesian Statistics Wikipedia
- Bayesian Probability Wikipedia
- Bayesian Inference Wikipedia
- Bayes' Theory Wikipedia
Deep Learning and Neural Networks
Recommendations and Filtering
- Cold Start Problem Wikipedia
- Recommendation Wikipedia
- Recommender System Wikipedia
- Information Filtering System Wikipedia
- Collaborative Filtering Wikipedia
Natural Language Processing- General
Text Mining, Sentiment Analysis- General
- Text Mining Wikipedia
- List of Text Mining Software Wikipedia
- Sentiment Analysis (Opinion Mining) Wikipedia)
Web Crawling and Scraping
- Web Scraping Wikipedia
- Web Crawler Wikipedia
- Web Indexing Wikipedia
- Data Scraping Wikipedia
- Open Content Wikipedia
- Scraper Site Wikipedia
- Contact Scraping Wikipedia
- Screen Scraping Wikipedia
- Wrapper (Data Mining) Wikipedia
Graph and Tree Traversal
Statistical Packages
- Comparison of Numerical Analysis Software Wikipedia
- List of Statistical Packages Wikipedia
- Comparison of Statistical Packages Wikipedia
Facebook and Google Research
- Facebook Research
- Facebook's Top Open Data Problems
- Facebook Open Compute
- Facebook Code
- Google Research, Google Research Papers, and Google Research Blog
- [Google Drive Research](https://support.google.com/docs/answer/2481802?hl=en Google Drive Research)
Open-Source Machine Learning and Infrastructure
- AddThis: Hydra GitHub
- Airbnb: Aerosolve GitHub
- Amazon Web Services: Machine Learning Samples GitHub
- Cisco Systems: Cognitive GitHub
- Cloudera: ML GitHub
- Cloudera: Oryx GitHub and Cloudera: Oryx 2 GitHub
- Facebook: Torch, Facebook: Torch GitHub, Facebook: Torch Getting Started, Facebook: Torch Tutorials GitHub, and Facebook: Torch Cheatsheet GitHub
- Facebook: Torch Extension GitHub, Facebook: Torch/CUNN Extension GitHub
- Twitter Torch Autograd GitHub
- Google: DeepDream
- Google: TensorFlow, Google TensorFlow GitHub, and TensorFlow Whitepaper
- Google: TensorFlow Scikit Flow GitHub and Introduction to Scikit Flow and why you want to start learning TensorFlow
- Google: Pretty Tensor GitHub
- Microsoft Azure: Machine Learning, Microsoft Azure: Machine Learning-Data Science GitHub, Microsoft Azure: Machine Learning-Client Library Python GitHub, and Microsoft Azure: Machine Learning-Client Library R GitHub
- Microsoft: Computational Network Toolkit (CNTK)
- Microsoft: Distributed Machine Learning Toolkit and Distributed Machine Learning Toolkit GitHub
- OpenStack: Cognitive (MLaaS) GitHub
- Samsung: Veles GitHub and Samsung: Veles GitHub
- Yandex: REP (Reproducible Experiment Platform) GitHub
- Yelp: PaaSTA GitHub
Andrej Karpathy
Lambda Architecture
- Lambda Architecture
- Lambda Calculus Wikipedia
- Lambda Calculus (Category) Wikipedia
- MapReduce Lambda Architecture Explanation
- Nathan Marz Lambda Architecture Book
- Nathan Marz GitHub
Hadoop, Hortonworks Sandbox, Cloudera
- Hortonworks Sandbox
- Hadoop Apache
- Hadoop Hortonworks
- Hadoop ("Apache's free and open source implementation of MapReduce") GitHub
- Cloudera Hadoop Sandbox
- Hadoop Common GitHub
- Hadoop Distributed File System
- Hadoop Distributed File System
Hadoop and MapReduce/Elastic MapReduce (Run MapReduce jobs on Hadoop or Amazon Web Services)
Apache Shark and Spark
- Apache Spark GitHub and Apache Spark Wikipedia
- Shark ("Apache Hive on Spark") GitHub and Shark GitHub
Apache Hive and Pig (Provide SQL-like abstractions on top of Hadoop MapReduce layer) - Apache Hive (Data Warehouse) Wikipedia and Apache Hive GitHub
- Apache Pig ("A language and compiler to generate Hadoop programs") Wikipedia and Apache Pig GitHub
Apache Drill
Apache Mahout
Social Network Processing
Apache- More
- Apache Accumulo ("Secure Big Table") Wikipedia
- Apache Cassandra ("A column-oriented database that supports access from Hadoop") GitHub
- Apache Cassandra GitHub
- Apache HBase ("BigTable-model database", Column-based) Wikipedia and Apache HBase GitHub
- Apache Mesos (Cluster Manager) GitHub
- Apache Solr (An open source search platform based on Lucene)
- Apache Zookeeper (Distribution) Wikipediaand Apache Zookeeper GitHub
- Apache TrafficServer (Used by Yahoo) GitHub
Log Monitoring
- Apache Kafka (A high-throughput distributed messaging system- Apache Kafka is publish-subscribe messaging rethought as a distributed commit log) GitHub
- Apache Kafka Wikipedia
- Logstash
- Facebook Scribe
Apache- Python
Cascading, Cascalog, Scala, Scalding
- Cascading GitHub
- Cascalog GitHub
- Cascalog-Demo GitHub
- Scala GitHub
- Scala Wikipedia
- Twitter Effective Scala GitHub
- Twitter Scala School GitHub
- Twitter Scalding GitHub
- Scalding Tutorials GitHub
Hadoop, MongoDB, and ElasticSearch
Python- Package Platforms
Python- Statistics Stack- Documents and Galleries
Python- Statistics Stack- NumPy
Python- Statistics Stack- SciPy
- SciPy, SciPy Wikipedia, and SciPy GitHub
- SciPy Central
- SciPy Tutorial and Reference Docs
- SciPy Reference PDF
- SciPy Lectures GitHub
Python- Statistics Stack- MatPlotLib
Python- Statistics Stack- MatPlotLib Reference
- MatPlotLib Reference
- MatPlotLib General Index
- MatPlotLib Module Index
- MatPlotLib API
- MatPlotLib User's Guide
- MatPlotLib Artist Guide
- MatPlotLib Reference PDF
- MatPlotLib Gallery
- MatPlotLib Screenshots
- MatPlotLib Examples
- MatPlotLib PyPlot Command Summary
- MatPlotLib Toolkits
- MatPlotLib Excel Tools Dependency (See also MatPlotLib Toolkits) PyPi
Python- Statistics Stack- iPython
Python- Statistics Stack- iPython Reference
- iPython Docs Contents
- iPython Docs
- iPython Notebook Docs
- iPython- A Gallery of Interesting Notebooks
Python- Statistics Stack- Pandas
Python- Statistics Stack- SymPy (Symbolic Mathematics)
Python- Statistics Stack- StatsModel
- StatsModel and StatsModel GitHub
- StatsModel Main Features PyPi
- StatsModel Docs Homepage
- StatsModel General Index
- StatsModel Docs
- StatsModel Gallery
Python- Statistics Stack- GGPlot
Python- Statistics Stack- Scikit-Learn
Python- Statistics Stack- Scikit-Learn Reference
- Scikit-Learn User Guide
- Scikit-Learn Examples
- Scikit-Learn Machine Learning Map
- Scikit-Learn Supervised Learning
- Scikit-Learn Clustering
- Scikit-Learn Issam Laradji Neural Networks (See Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn)
- Scikit-Learn Issam Laradji Neural Networks (See Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn)
- Scikit-Learn Issam Laradji Neural Networks (See Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn)
Python- Integration with Other Languages
- Cython
- Using C++ in Cython
- Using Numpy in Cython
- Jython and Java Integration and Jython Wikipedia
- MatPy
- PyMat
- PyMatLab PyPi
- RPy2
- RPython
- RPython( Translation Toolchain and Other Uses) Read the Docs
Python- Deep Learning- PyBrain - PyBrain and PyBrain GitHub
- PyBrain Docs
Python- Deep Learning- PyLearn2, SKLearn-Theano, Theano
- PyLearn2 (Based on Theano) and PyLearn2 (Based on Theano) GitHub
- SKLearn-Theano and SKLearn-Theano GitHub
- SKLearn-Theano Examples
- Theano and Theano GitHub
- Theano Tutorial
- Theano Related Projects GitHub
Python- Image Processing- Scikit-Image (See also Python Imaging Library)
Python- Natural Language Toolkit
Python- Web Crawling and Scraping
Python- Screen Scraping
Social Network Graphing (Gilad Lotan)
- Gephi and Gephi GitHub
- Gephi Wiki
- Gephi Forum
- Networkx (Python) and Networkx (Python) Github
- Networkx (Python) Gallery
- NodeXL (MS Excel)
Python- Pickle/JSON
R Programming Language
- R Programming Language and R Programming Language Wikipedia
- S Programming Language
- R Programming Language Studio
- RStudio Cheat Sheets
- Data Science Masters- R Resources
Microsoft R
R Markdown
Analytics and Dashboards
RapidMiner (Open Source) and IBM SPSS
Import.io and Kimono Labs
Unstructured Data and Data Structures- General
- Unstructured Data Wikipedia
- List of Terms Relating to Algorithms and Data Structures Wikipedia
- Data Types Wikipedia
- Data Structure Wikipedia
- List of Data Structures Wikipedia
- Comparison of Data Structures Wikipedia
API Methods- Common
- JSON and JSON Wikipedia
- XML Wikipedia and XML W3Schools
- API Wikipedia
- API Web APIs Wikipedia
- Web API Wikipedia
- List of Open APIs Wikipeda
- Public APIs
- Programmable Web
- Programmable Web Developer
- Programmable Web Most Popular
General Terminology
Launch Guides: See
Advertising and Marketing
Distribution, Digital Distribution and User-Generated Content
Distribution, Growth, Sales Hacking
Marketing and Search Engine Land
Hiten Shah and Neil Patel
- Hiten Shah Twitter and Neil Patel Twitter
- CrazyEgg and CrazyEgg Twitter
- Kissmetrics, Kissmetrics Blog, Kissmetrics Twitter, and Kissmetrics Slideshare
- Quicksprout
Popular Tools
- Buffer
- Chartbeat and Chartbeat Blog
- Detour Blog
- HubSpot Blog, HubSpot Free Marketing Resources, HubSpot Resource Library, and HubSpot Slideshare
- HubSpot Free PowerPoint Infographic Template Designs
- Intercom Blog
- MailChimp Resources and MailChimp Research
- Moz, Moz Tools and Moz Search
- URX Blog
Digital Novel
Digital Stats
Two Factor Authentication
Google Products, Office
- Google Products
- List of Google Products Wikipedia
- Google Gmail
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- Google Docs, Google Docs Help Center, and Google Docs Editors Help
- Google Slides
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- Google Calendar
- Google Earth Engine and Google Earth Engine Pro is Now Free
- Google Flights
- Google Crisis Map Weather and Events
- Google News and Google Contributor
- Let Me Google that for You
Group Communication/Chat
Livestreaming, Video, Audio
Photo Hosting
Presentations (See also JavaScript Presentations Frameworks)
Document Hosting
Social Media Distribution
Social Media Distribution
- Buffer
- Hootsuite
- HubSpot CRM
- Storify
- TweetDeck and Tweetdeck Column Advanced Twitter List Searches
- Tweetbot
Customer Relationship Management
Task Automation
File Storage
- Craigslist and Craigslist U.K.
- Gumtree
- Mattermark General and Administrative
- Move Loot
- Nomad List
- Statewide List
- Teleport
Crowd Sourced Internet Marketplace
- Amazon Mechanical Turk and Amazon Mechanical Turk Wikipedia
- Amazon Mechanical Turk Case Studies
- Crowdflower
Admin, Hiring, Payroll
- Marc Andreessen: Why Software is Eating the World
- Benedict Evans: Mobile is Eating the World Slidedeck
- Fred Wilson: Mobile is Eating the World
- Balaji Srinivasan: Software is Reorganizing the World
- Joseph Schumpeter: Creative Destruction Wikipedia
- Disruptive Innovation Wikipedia
- Clay Christensen: The Innovator's Dilemma Wikipedia and Google Books
- The Innovator's Dilemma Explained by Marc Andreessen
- How The Innovator's Dilemma Affects You by Mark Suster
- Clay Christensen: Innovator's Solution Google Books
- Clay Christensen: Attacker's Advantage
- Clay Christensen: Jobs to be Done
Company Internal Policies
- Amazon: Pay to Quit
- Amazon: Back of the Napkin Drawing
- New York Times: Innovation Report
- Tesla Master Plan
Good Infographics
- Andy Carvell: The Mobile Growth Stack Revised
- IDC 2015 Marketing Technology Map and Forbe's IDC 2015 Marketing Technology Map
- Jeremiah Owyang Collaborative Economy Honeycomb Version 2.0, Jeremiah Owyang Collaborative Economy Timeline, and Jeremiah Owyang Collaborative Economy Funding in 2014,
- Kevin Ryan: Craig's List Unbundled
- Balaji Srinivasan: Chess Boxing (Metaphor for Entrepreneurship)
- Dabbawala Wikipedia
- Doc Searls and David Weinberger: New Clues
- Robert Scoble: Comparison of Social Media Networks
- Vinod Khosla: Gene Pool Engineering for Entrepreneurs
- Dion Hinchcliffe: Twenty-Two Power Laws of the Emerging Social Economy
- Ray Kurzweil Wikipedia and Ray Kurzweil: Law of Accelerating Returns
Models and Theories
- Dreyfus Model of Skill Acquisition Wikipedia
- John Doerr via Venture Hacks: Mercenaries vs. Missionaries
- Kurt von Hammerstein-Equord: Classification of Officers Wikipedia
- Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Wikipedia
- Simon Sinek: The Golden Circle Wikipedia
- Steve McClatchy via Shane Parrish: Two Forms of Human Motivation: Gain And Prevent Pain or Painkiller versus Vitamin
- Trevor Blackwell: Trough of Sorrow and Kübler-Ross Change Curve Wikipedia
Computer Lore
- KPCB/Mary Meeker: Internet Trends 2015, KPCB/Mary Meeker: Internet Trends 2014, KPCB/Mary Meeker: Internet Trends 2013, and KPCB/Mary Meeker: Internet Trends 2012
- Saul Klein: Majority World Reports (2015, 2014, 2013)
- Yiibu: The Emerging Global Web Slideshare
- Amazon 1997 Shareholders Letter
- Reed Hastings: Slideshare Freedom and Responsibility Culture Edition 1 and Edition 2
- Sequoia Capital: Slideshare RIP Good Times
- Steve Jobs: The Lost Interview via Fred Wilson
Innovation and Excellence
- Amy Jo Kim: The 7 Habits of Breakthrough Innovators Slideshare
- Tom Peters: 23 Part "Mother of All Presentations", "Master Presentation" Blog Post, Leadership 43 Blog Post, and Leadership 43 Presentation
Personal Advice
- Google: 2004 Founders' IPO Letter From the S-1 Registration Statement, "An Owner's Manual" for Google's Shareholders"
- Google: History of Spectral Ranking (basis for Google PageRank)
- Eric Schmidt: How Google Works
- Laszlo Bock: Work Rules! and Laszlo Bock: Work Rules! Slideshare
- Antoine de Saint Exupéry: "If you want to build a ship..."
- Buckminster Fuller via Tomasz Tunguz: "worldwide technological revolution" Prediction
- Daniel Burnham: "Make no little plans"
- Doublas Adams: "I've Come up with a Set of Rules that Describe Our Reactions to Technologies via Chris Dixon
- Ernest Hemingway: "Gradually, then suddenly"
- Michael Moritz via Chris Dixon: “This business is like bird spotting”
- Nikola Tesla via Chris Dixon: “A man will be able to carry one in his vest pocket”
- Steve Jobs: Bicycle Speech
- Steve Jobs via Chris Dixon: On Craftsmanship
- Steve Jobs via Chris Dixon: On Problem Solving
- Steve Jobs via Chris Dixon: "PCs are Going to be Like Trucks"
- Steve Jobs via Tyler Hogge: "I've never found anyone that didn't want to help me..."
- Wayne Gretzky Wikipedia: Skate "to where the puck is going, not where it's been."
- Whole Earth Catalog ("Stay Hungry; Stay Foolish")
- Steve Blank: Tools and Blogs for Entrepreneurs
- Chris Barber: Tools of the Trade GitHub
- Content Marketing Stack
- Growth Tools
- growth.supply
- Makerbook
- Marketing Stack
- SalesList
- Stacklist
- Startup Resources
- Startup Stash
Dev-Ops Wiki and Free for Dev
- Dev-Ops Wiki GitHub
- R.I. Pienaar: Free for Dev GitHub
- Awesome DevEnv GitHub
- Awesome Shell GitHub
- Awesome Dotfiles GitHub
- Awesome Emacs GitHub
- Awesome Vim
Awesome Non-Code
- Awesome Computer History GitHub
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- Awesome Places To Post Your Startup GitHub
- Awesome Remote Job GitHub
- Awesome README GitHub
Awesome Git
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- GitHub Cheat Sheet GitHub
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Awesome Apple
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- Awesome OSX Command Line GitHub
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- Awesome Swift Education GitHub
- Awesome WatchOS GitHub
Awesome Python and Django
- Awesome Python GitHub
- Awesome Pythonidae GitHub
- Awesome Pycrumbs GitHub
- Awesome Python Algorithms GitHub
- Awesome Django GitLab and Awesome Django GitHub (Deprecated)
Awesome Data Science
- Awesome Data Science GitHub
- Awesome Big Data GitHub
- Awesome Machine Learning GitHub
- Awesome R GitHub
Awesome- More
- Awesome AWS GitHub
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- Awesome Projects Boilerplates GitHub
Book Lists