This page hasn't been updated for 2.0 yet
Connect to your AWS management console
Under VPC > Subnets
- Select your VPC ID
- Select the corresponding Availability Zone
Under Identity and Access Management > Users
- Create a new user
- Save the newly generated pair Access Key / Secret Access Key
- Edit the user permissions and give it the policy AmazonEC2FullAccess
Before deploying GPU containers, we first need to provision an EC2 P2 instance.
Using Docker machine and the information above:
docker-machine create --driver amazonec2 \
--amazonec2-region us-west-2 \
--amazonec2-zone b \
--amazonec2-ami ami-efd0428f \
--amazonec2-instance-type p2.xlarge \
--amazonec2-vpc-id vpc-*** \
--amazonec2-access-key AKI*** \
--amazonec2-secret-key *** \
Once the provisioning is completed, we install the NVIDIA drivers and NVIDIA Docker on the newly created instance (using a Ubuntu 16.04 AMI).
Note that if you create a custom AMI, you could simply reuse it instead of doing what follows:
# Restart the instance first, to be sure we are running the latest installed kernel
docker-machine restart aws01
# SSH into the machine
docker-machine ssh aws01
# Install official NVIDIA driver package
sudo apt-key adv --fetch-keys
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb /" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cuda.list'
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends linux-headers-generic dkms cuda-drivers
# Install nvidia-docker and nvidia-docker-plugin
wget -P /tmp
sudo dpkg -i /tmp/nvidia-docker*.deb && rm /tmp/nvidia-docker*.deb
# Reboot to complete installation of the NVIDIA driver
docker-machine restart aws01
First, setup your environment:
eval `docker-machine env aws01`
export NV_HOST="ssh://ubuntu@$(docker-machine ip aws01):"
ssh-add ~/.docker/machine/machines/aws01/id_rsa
Using nvidia-docker
remotely you can now deploy your containers in the Amazon cloud:
$ nvidia-docker run --rm nvidia/cuda nvidia-smi
Wed May 17 17:13:09 2017
| NVIDIA-SMI 375.51 Driver Version: 375.51 |
| GPU Name Persistence-M| Bus-Id Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
| Fan Temp Perf Pwr:Usage/Cap| Memory-Usage | GPU-Util Compute M. |
| 0 Tesla K80 Off | 0000:00:1E.0 Off | 0 |
| N/A 26C P8 29W / 149W | 0MiB / 11439MiB | 0% Default |
| Processes: GPU Memory |
| GPU PID Type Process name Usage |
| No running processes found |