For each edge present in the interactome of at least two extant taxa
1: present / 0: absent
-- 1 X--O (edge present in the interactome of this species)
| -- 1 X--O (edge present in the interactome of this species)
| | -- 0
--| --|
| -- 0
-------- 1 X--O (edge present in the interactome of this species)
Returns the evolutionary history of the edge along the tree inferred by parsimony. This allows ancestral interactomes inference.
-- 1 X--O
| -- 1 X--O
| | -- 0
1--| 0--|
| -- 0
-------- 1 X--O
pip install ete3
cd <your_install_directory>
Run on linux, with python3
usage: [-h] [-t TREE] [-e EDGES_DIR]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TREE path to the reference phylogenetic tree in Newick
-e EDGES_DIR path to directory where networks/edges are stored, each under
the name <taxon_name_on_the_tree>__<whatever_suffix>
-o OUTDIR path to the output dir
see ancestral_interactome_inference/first_lines_of_input_data_files_to_visualize_format
for examples
A phylogenetic tree of the taxa for which interactome data is available (in newick)
A directory where the interactomes are stored.
Each interactome file must be named according to the corresponding taxon name (as referenced on the leaves of the aformentionned tree) followed by "__" and whatever suffix. An interactome file is a tabular file (tab-separated tsv file) with no header and two columns (nodeA, nodeB). Each line corresponds to an edge. Each node (protein) must be named according to the orthologous group id in order to allow comparisons of interactomes between extant taxa.