Open-source bot that helps you to administrate Telegram groups.
If you are about to obtain your own copy/fork of this bot complete the following steps:
Clone repo
$ git clone
Install dependencies (you need node.js and NPM installed)
$ cd telegram_bot_for_admins $ npm install
file (you haveconfig-example.json
, you can copy and edit it). Fill it with your bot api token and mongo connection string. To obtain telegram bot token you may need to use BotFather. Free mongo database you can obtain at, for example.{ "bot_token": "<tokenFromBotFather>", "mongo_connection": "<mongoDBConnection>", "test_connection": "<mongoDBConnection>" }
Run it
$ npm start
- Add your bot to supergroup.
- Promote him to admin
- Activate bot by sending him any message.
- Configure it by typing
right in your group. This step is important, because you can administer more than one group, so bot needs to know, what group you want to configure right now. - Bot will send you keyboard (in private message), that you can use to toggle message filters and more.
You can activate and configure features in the menu, that bot sends you by typing /setting
in the supergroup you want to configure. You must be admin of the supergroup.
Just push the button with function you want to toggle.
If enabled, bot will delete all "%user%
joined the group" and "%user%
left the group" service messages. That works only for new messages that was sent when option was enabled.
Works same as above for "pinned" service messages
If enabled, bot will delete all mesages with any arabic character.
If enabled, bot will delete all mesages with urls. Urls are detected by default telegram mechanism.
If enabled, bot will delete all mesages containing blacklisted word/Sentences. To get all blacklisted words/Sentences in group use "/blacklist
" in group.
This will reset(remove) all the blacklisted words for a particular group.
If enabled, bot will delete all mesages with commands, e.g. "/setting
If enabled, bot will delete messages that user sends too frequently. Rules and type of restriction will be configurable in future releases.
If enabled, bot will wellcome new members with provided message. You can change default message with "/set_hello
" command. Read "/help
" for more information.
If enabled, all admins of your group can use "/setting
" command. If disabled, you can separately grant access to any admin in your group, using "/access
" command.
- start to configure current group.
- Gives a list of blacklisted word for current group, if replied to a message by admin by message will be blacklisted.
- removes user from chat. Need to be written in a reply to user you want to restrict.
- removes and add user to blocklist. Need to be written in a reply to user you want to restrict.
- warns user about unacceptable behavior. Increases "warns" counter for user. If counter reach 3 - user get banned. Need to be written in a reply to user you want to restrict.
- clears "warns" counter. Need to be written in a reply.
/set_hello %%%
- sets hello message for new users. Message can have placeholder $name
. You can call /set_hello
without message to set default message for current group. To disable Hello message use configuration keyboard.
/blacklist %word%
Adds the new word to blacklist, turn on Delete blacklist from configuration keyboard to delete all messages with such words.
- show help message.
- show access menu to separately configure admins that can configure bot for current group.
You are free to help us to implement new features that described in issues. Please, make PRs into develop