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Overview of translated keywords

Original Keyword Hepburn (if different) Translated Keyword Kanji Description
suu number/amount/total Depending on context this is total or amount
senbun line segment 線分
sen line
men face / surface
smen sub face - Probably combination of sabu and men
bou line A different type of line
ten point
kousi koushi grid 格子
en circle
zu figure / drawing
syuokunin shokunin worker 職人
jyuufuku juufuku overlapping 重複
tenkaizu crease pattern 展開図 Wireframe is probably a better translation
hikonshi basic 基本 Not sure/ complete
jyougehyou jouge hyou class table 上下表 Not sure, 'top and bottom table` is the literal translation
touka equivalence 等価
heikinzahyou average coordinates 平均座標 Combination of two words
takakukei polygon 多角形
tyokusen chokusen straight line 直線 A line of infinite length
oekaki drawing お絵かき The act of drawing
narabebako narabu hako sorting box 並ぶ箱 Combination of two words
dougubako toolbox 道具箱
egaki egaku drawing 描く
jyouken jouken condition 条件
keijiban bulletin board 掲示板
syuugou shuugou set 集合
orisensyuugou orisen shuugou fold line set 折り線集合
senbunsyuugou senbun shuugou line segment set 線分集合
tensyuugou ten shuugou point set 点集合
keisan calculation 計算
dainyuukeisan assignment calculation 代入計算
haikei background 背景
takasa height 高さ
haba width
kaiten rotation 回転
iti ichi position 位置
sakujyo sakujo removal 削除
oritatami folding 折畳み
yomi reading 読み
kazoeta kazoeru count 数える
uekara from top 上から
nyuuryoku input 入力
mitisirube michijirushi guide 道標
tatekae rebuild 建て替え
tuika tsuika additional 追加
youtai condition 容態
jyunban junban order 順番
yubisasi yubisashi pointing at 指差し
heikouna parallel 平行な
memori scale division 目盛り
byouga drawing 描画
naibu inside / internal 内部
tyouten chouten vertex 頂点
tikai chikai close / near 近い
mottomo most 最も
kyori distance 距離
kazu number / amount
jyogai igai except / excluding 以外
omote front
ura back
omote ura flipped Front = back
hojyosen hojosen additional line 補助線
nobasi nobasu lengthen 伸ばす
hayai fast 早い
syuui shuui surrounding 周囲
naibun internal division ratio