datasketch Public
Forked from ekzhu/datasketchMinHash, LSH, LSH Forest, Weighted MinHash, HyperLogLog, HyperLogLog++, LSH Ensemble
Python MIT License UpdatedSep 27, 2021 -
labelme Public
Forked from wkentaro/labelmeImage Polygonal Annotation with Python (polygon, rectangle, circle, line, point and image-level flag annotation).
Python Other UpdatedSep 15, 2021 Rate limit · GitHub Access has been restricted
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mmdetection Public
Forked from open-mmlab/mmdetectionOpenMMLab Detection Toolbox and Benchmark
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 8, 2021 Rate limit · GitHub Access has been restricted
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spektral Public
Forked from danielegrattarola/spektralGraph Neural Networks with Keras and Tensorflow 2.
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 10, 2021 -
pytorch-handbook Public
Forked from zergtant/pytorch-handbookpytorch handbook是一本开源的书籍,目标是帮助那些希望和使用PyTorch进行深度学习开发和研究的朋友快速入门,其中包含的Pytorch教程全部通过测试保证可以成功运行
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedAug 7, 2021 Rate limit · GitHub Access has been restricted
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cmrc2018 Public
Forked from ymcui/cmrc2018A Span-Extraction Dataset for Chinese Machine Reading Comprehension (CMRC 2018)
Python Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International UpdatedJul 5, 2021 Rate limit · GitHub Access has been restricted
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book Public
Forked from cosmicpython/bookA Book about Pythonic Application Architecture Patterns for Managing Complexity. Cosmos is the Opposite of Chaos you see. O'R. wouldn't actually let us call it "Cosmic Python" tho.
Python Other UpdatedJul 5, 2021 Rate limit · GitHub Access has been restricted
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Deformable-ConvNets Public
Forked from msracver/Deformable-ConvNetsDeformable Convolutional Networks
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 5, 2021 Rate limit · GitHub Access has been restricted
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pytorch-randaugment Public
Forked from ildoonet/pytorch-randaugmentUnofficial PyTorch Reimplementation of RandAugment.
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 2, 2021 Rate limit · GitHub Access has been restricted
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pytorch-tutorial Public
Forked from yunjey/pytorch-tutorialPyTorch Tutorial for Deep Learning Researchers
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 10, 2021 -
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effectivepython Public
Forked from bslatkin/effectivepythonEffective Python: Second Edition — Source Code and Errata for the Book
Python UpdatedMay 19, 2021 -
ResNeSt Public
Forked from zhanghang1989/ResNeStResNeSt: Split-Attention Networks
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 18, 2021 Rate limit · GitHub Access has been restricted
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keras-rl2 Public
Forked from inarikami/keras-rl2Reinforcement learning with tensorflow 2 keras
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 15, 2021 -
doccano Public
Forked from doccano/doccanoOpen source text annotation tool for machine learning practitioners.
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 11, 2021 -
tf_ResNeSt_RegNet_model Public
Forked from QiaoranC/tf_ResNeSt_RegNet_modeltensorflow 2.x version of ResNeSt,RegNet,DETR
Python UpdatedApr 20, 2021 -
NLP-progress Public
Forked from sebastianruder/NLP-progressRepository to track the progress in Natural Language Processing (NLP), including the datasets and the current state-of-the-art for the most common NLP tasks.
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 15, 2021 -
TensorFlow_Engineering_Implementation Public
Forked from aianaconda/TensorFlow_Engineering_ImplementationThe source code and dataset about <Deep Learning - Best Practices on TensorFlow Engineering Implementation>
Python UpdatedMar 16, 2021 -
CV-pretrained-model Public
Forked from balavenkatesh3322/CV-pretrained-modelA collection of computer vision pre-trained models.
MIT License UpdatedMar 3, 2021 -
Chinese-PreTrained-BERT Public
Forked from ShenDezhou/Chinese-PreTrained-BERT我们发布了基于全词遮罩(Whole Word Masking)技术的中文预训练模型BERT-wwm,以及与此技术密切相关的模型
Other UpdatedFeb 12, 2021 -