The Hadith Project is a self run site that, using Flask, gives you a random hadith from sahih bukhari, by just a click of a button.
- Very compact architecture
- Uses Python, HTML & CSS
- ⚡ Blazingly Fast ⚡
- Fetches random Hadith from an API
- Displays the Hadith along with its reference, narrator, and chapter
- Provides a button to fetch a new Hadith
: The main Flask application that fetches Hadith data and renders the HTML page.index.html
: The HTML template that displays the Hadith and provides a button to fetch a new one.styles.css
: The CSS file for styling the HTML template.
The T.H.P uses a Python version 3.10 or above. Once you've installed Python and set it up in the editor of your choice (we recommend VsCode).
Required PIP installations are flask
and requests
the rest of the modules are already installed.
pip install flask
pip install requests
To get into the website, you must run
which will start the self-hosted website. Then, you will
see the local IP address it is running on. Copy that into your browser and the website should display.
Open your browser and navigate to:
Example of what you should see in the terminal: (The x's are your IP)
> PS
* Serving Flask app 'flaskaroo'
* Debug mode: off
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Running on all addresses (
* Running on
* Running on
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details. Authors: Trash (Developer), MAG (Readme creator)