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This is Feeds, a Django full-stack web application using Python and JavaScript that empowers users to subscribe to web feeds across the World Wide Web.

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Problem to Solve

Given the Information Age of 2024, we are being overwhelmed by vast amounts of web content; however, our capacity to process this information is limited. feeds addresses this problem by offering a simplified RSS feed reader that allows users to subscribe to multiple web feeds, aggregate content, and view it in an organized format. By automatically updating feeds, this application enables users to manage their web content efficiently.

While RSS feed readers are not new technology, feeds combines the functionality of profile creation, public/private feeds, and interactive exploration, offering users a more personalized and social experience. The feeds application leverages core web technologies:

  • Python (Django): For handling back-end logic, user authentication, and data management.
  • JavaScript: For front-end interactivity and dynamic behavior.
  • Bootstrap: For responsive design and styling of the user interface.
  • Python Feedparser, Schedule, and Threading Libraries: To automate the retrieval of RSS feed data and update it on a regular schedule.


The project builds on concepts from CS50’s Web Programming with Python and JavaScript using the Django framework for the back-end and JavaScript for interactive components on the front-end, leveraging several modern web technologies to provide a smooth and responsive user experience. The stack includes:

Python & Django (Back-End Framework):

  • Django is a high-level Python web framework that promotes rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. The Django Model-View- Template (MVT) architecture is used to handle data storage, business logic, and user interface rendering:
    • Models: Define the data structure (e.g., User, Profile, Feed, Item). These models map directly to the database tables, managing user profiles, subscriptions, and feed items.
    • Views: Handle requests and responses. Views like index_view, profile_view, and feed_view dynamically render pages based on user input and data from the models.
    • Templates: Use Django’s templating language to dynamically generate HTML content, ensuring that each user gets a personalized view of their feeds and profiles.
  • Django's built-in authentication system (using AbstractUser) handles user registration, login, logout, and password hashing, ensuring security for user data.

JavaScript (Frant-End Interactivity):

  • JavaScript is used to make the application interactive and responsive. It powers dynamic elements like Bootstrap modals for creating and editing profiles and feeds, improving the user experience without requiring full-page reloads.
    • JavaScript is essential for handling event-driven actions, such as user form submissions (via fetch API) and updating the user interface (UI) based on server responses.
    • Single-Page Application (SPA) elements are implemented on the index page for smooth, uninterrupted navigation between feeds and items, making the user experience more fluid.

Bootstrap (Responsive User Interface):

  • Bootstrap, a popular front-end framework, is used to style the application and ensure it is responsive across different devices. It provides a clean and modern design for:
    • Navigation: A responsive navbar is used for quick navigation between feeds, profiles, and account management.
    • Modals: Bootstrap modals allow users to dynamically interact with the application, such as creating and editing feeds or profiles.
    • Layout: Bootstrap grid and layout components help ensure the app is visually appealing and easy to navigate on both desktop and mobile devices.

RSS Feed Parsing with feedparser

  • The Python feedparser library is used to retrieve and parse RSS feeds. Feedparser can handle a variety of RSS and Atom feed formats, making it easy to extract relevant information like titles, descriptions, links, and publication dates from external websites.
  • Once parsed, the feed data is stored in the database as Item instances, associated with a user’s subscribed feed.

Task Scheduling with schedule and threading

  • Python’s schedule library is used to automate the process of fetching and updating RSS feeds. The app is set up to update all user feeds daily at 07:30, ensuring the content stays up-to-date without requiring manual refreshes.
  • Threading is employed to run the scheduled tasks in the background, preventing the scheduled jobs from blocking the main application flow. This allows the application to continue serving users while feeds are being updated.

Database (SQLite / PostgreSQL)

  • The application uses Django’s default SQLite database during development, but it can be easily configured to use PostgreSQL or other database systems in production environments.
  • The database stores user profiles, subscribed feeds, and the items associated with each feed, with Django ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) facilitating seamless database interactions.


feeds is a web application that syndicates and aggregates RSS feed content. Below is an overview of the app’s architecture and functionality:

  • Back-End (Python & Django):
    • Core models include User, Profile, Feed, and Item. Users can create profiles and subscribe to RSS feeds, which are parsed and stored as Item instances.
    • manages feed retrieval using feedparser, while the schedule and threading libraries ensure feeds are updated daily at 07:30.
  • Front-End (JavaScript & Bootstrap):
    • JavaScript handles dynamic content, such as creating and editing profiles and feeds through Bootstrap modals.
    • A single-page application structure is used to enhance interactivity without page reloads.
  • Feed Management:
    • Users can create, edit, delete, and toggle the visibility of their feeds. The app also features a random feed exploration function where users can discover public feeds.
  • Profile Management:
    • Profiles can be public or private, and users can customize their profile description and subscribed feeds.

How These Technologies Work Together

  • User Interaction:
    • Users interact with the front-end, which is powered by JavaScript and styled with Bootstrap. Actions like creating or editing profiles and feeds are handled by JavaScript modals and sent to the back-end via AJAX requests.
  • Back-End Logic:
    • Django processes the user requests. For example, when a new feed is added, Django validates the feed URL, stores the data in the database, and invokes feedparser to fetch items from the feed.
  • Feed Parsing and Scheduling:
    • After a user subscribes to a feed, the back-end uses the feedparser library to extract content from the RSS URL. Then, the schedule and threading libraries ensure that feeds are updated at 07:30 daily without user intervention.
  • Content Rendering:
    • The content (e.g., user profiles, feeds, and items) is dynamically rendered using Django templates, providing users with an up-to-date view of their feeds. Public and private feeds are managed through Django views, ensuring that only authorized users can view private feeds.

This tech stack allows feeds to offer a responsive, secure, and scalable platform for users to manage their RSS subscriptions and interact with content in real time.


Input and Output:

  • Input: Users interact with the application via a web interface to create profiles, subscribe to feeds, and manage feed items.
    • Users provide information such as RSS feed URLs, profile descriptions, and preferences for feed visibility (public/private).
    • JavaScript modals are used to gather user input dynamically for profile creation, feed subscriptions, and editing.
  • Output: The app retrieves, parses, and displays RSS feed content in an organized format. Profile pages display users' feeds and their latest items, allowing for easy consumption of web content.
    • Feed data is automatically updated at a scheduled time (07:30), ensuring fresh content for users.


  • User Authentication:

    • Registration: New users can register via the register_view which handles registration through a POST request, capturing the username, email, and password and creating a new user in the database.
    • Login: The login_view authenticates users, allowing them to log in with their credentials. A JavaScript POST fetch captures the login data.
    • Logout: The logout_view logs users out and redirects them to the homepage.
  • Feed Management:

    • Feed Subscription: Users can add new RSS feeds through the new_feed_view. They provide details like the feed's title, URL, description, and comments via a JavaScript POST request. The app fetches and stores the feed items using the get_items() function from
    • Feed Display: The feed_view renders the items of a feed if the feed is public or owned by the requesting user.
    • Feed Editing: Users can edit their feed information (title, URLs, description) via the feed_edit_view. Feed details are sent via a POST request, and changes are saved only if the user owns the feed.
    • Feed Activation/Deactivation: Users can toggle a feed’s active status (whether the feed should be updated) using feed_active_view.
  • Public/Private Toggle: Users can toggle their feeds between public and private using feed_public_view, controlling whether other users can view the feed.

  • Feed Deletion: Users can delete their feeds using feed_delete_view. If the user owns the feed, it is permanently removed.

  • Profile Management:

    • Profile Display: The profile_view renders the user's profile page. Users can view their profile or other users' profiles if public.
    • Profile Editing: Users can update their profile information (professional info, hobbies, interests) via the profile_edit_view. If no profile exists, a new profile is created for the user.
    • Profile Public/Private Toggle: Using profile_public_view, users can toggle the visibility of their profile, deciding if other users can view it.
  • Item Management:

    • Item Display: The item_view renders a detailed view of a feed item. Users can access items from public feeds or their own feeds.
    • Item Deletion: Users can delete items from their feed using item_delete_view, ensuring only feed owners can perform this action.
  • Random Feed Exploration:

    • Random Feed: The random_view allows users to discover random public feeds from other users. It selects and displays a random feed from the database that has its is_public flag set to True.
  • Views:

    • index_view: The homepage view that displays the authenticated user's active and inactive feeds.
    • register_view: Handles user registration.
    • login_view: Authenticates and logs in users.
    • logout_view: Logs out the current user.
    • new_feed_view: Allows users to create a new RSS feed.
    • profile_view: Displays a user's profile and their feeds.
    • profile_edit_view: Allows users to edit their profile.
    • profile_public_view: Toggles the visibility of the user's profile.
    • feed_view: Displays the items of a feed.
    • feed_edit_view: Allows users to edit an existing feed.
    • feed_delete_view: Deletes a user's feed.
    • feed_active_view: Toggles the active status of a feed.
    • feed_public_view: Toggles the public visibility of a feed.
    • item_view: Displays a feed item in detail.
    • item_delete_view: Deletes an item from the feed.
    • random_view: Displays a random public feed.
  • Command-Line Execution (for Feed Updates):

    • The application’s feed update process runs automatically using Python’s schedule and threading libraries. It updates all feeds daily at 07:30, but can also be manually triggered via Django management commands for testing purposes.
  • Edge Cases:

    • Invalid RSS Feeds: The app validates the RSS URL and displays an error if the feed cannot be parsed or if the URL is invalid.
    • Feed Ownership: Users can only edit, delete, or toggle visibility on their own feeds and profiles.
    • Public / Private Feeds: Users can set their feeds as public or private. Public feeds are visible to all, while private feeds are only accessible by the feed’s owner.
  • Performance Considerations:

    • Feeds are updated on a schedule, running in the background via separate threads to ensure the main application remains responsive. The database queries are optimized to ensure minimal latency during feed retrieval and updates.
  • Security Considerations:

    • The application uses Django’s built-in user authentication system, ensuring that sensitive data like passwords are hashed.
    • The use of @login_required decorators ensures that only authenticated users can access certain views, such as creating, editing, or deleting feeds.


This is Feeds, a Django full-stack web application using Python and JavaScript that empowers users to subscribe to web feeds across the World Wide Web.







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