Simple AWS lambda serverless function for crud operations using Expressjs.
- Install
- Run the following commands
# Install serverless globally
$ npm install -g serverless
# Provide credentials of AWS to serverless
$ sls config credentials --provider aws --key PUBLIC_KEY --secret SECRET_KEY
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Export Env variable
$ export MY_API_KEY= Some text for api key generation
Setup the following variables into your AWS lambda function.
DATABASE= Name of the database.
DB_USERNAME= Database user name
DB_PASSWORD= Database password
DB_HOST= Database host
DB_PORT= Database port
Deploying serverless function to AWS.
$ sls deploy # Deploying serverless function to AWS
- Make a POST APIs call with the API URL returned.
- Set API key value in the x-api-key header of every request.
- The API key is auto-generated by AWS and printed on the screen while running 'sls deploy'.
- Refer to postman collection in the codebase with the file named 'serverless-node-simple-crud.postman_collection.json'
Built under MIT license.