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Snakemake pipeline for functionally annotating microbial communities from metagenomic shotgun sequencing data using HUMAnN3.

HUMAnN3 uses a tiered approach - it first maps reads to clade-specific marker genes to identify species present in samples, then maps reads to functionally annotated pangenomes of identified species, and finally aligns unclassified reads to a protein database using a translated search (DIAMOND).



  • Cleaned and filtered reads from shotgun metagenome sequencing. Can be paired or unpaired.


This pipeline produces 7 files, which can be found in the results directory upon completion of all steps.

  • merged_genefamilies.tsv, a table of gene family abundances.
  • merged_genefamilies_relab.tsv, a table of gene family abundances, normalized using relative abundance.
  • merged_genefamilies_cpm.tsv, a table of gene family abundances, normalized using copies per million.
  • merged_pathabundance.tsv, a table of metabolic pathway abundances.
  • merged_pathabundance_relab.tsv, a table of metabolic pathway abundances, normalized by relative abundance.
  • merged_pathabundance_cpm.tsv, a table of metabolic pathway abundances, normalized by copies per million.
  • merged_pathcoverage.tsv, a table of the presence (1) and absence (0) of pathways in a community, independent of their quantitative abundance.

Pipeline summary


  1. If reads are paired, merge forward and reverse reads.

  2. Run HUMAnN2 on samples.

  3. Merge output files.

  4. Normalize output.


To use this pipeline, navigate to your project directory and clone this repository into that directory using the following command:

git clone metannotate

Note: you need to have conda and snakemake installed in order to run this. To install conda, see the instructions here.

To install snakemake using conda, run the following line:

conda install -c bioconda -c conda-forge snakemake

See the snakemake installation webpage for further details.

Config file

All the parameters required to run this pipeline are specified in a config file, written in yaml. See/modify the provided example file with your custom parameters, called config.yaml. This is the only file that should be modified before running the pipeline. Make sure to follow the syntax in the example file in terms of when to use quotations around parameters.

HUMAnN3 Databases

Two databases are needed to run this pipeline - a nucleotide database (ChocoPhlAn) and a protein database (UniRef).

The HUMAnN3 Databases were downloaded and installed previously for ease of use.


Directory Paths:

The nuclotide database path: nuc_db /bulk/IMCshared_bulk/shared/dbs/humann_dbs/chocophlan

The protein database path: prot_db /bulk/IMCshared_bulk/shared/dbs/humann_dbs/uniref

If there are newer versions of the databases that you want to use for your project you can download the newer versions;

To download them, follow the instructions here.

Place the paths of each database in its corresponding parameter nuc_db for the nucleotide database and prot_db for the protein database in the config.yaml file.

Data and list of files

Specify the full path to the directory that contains your data files in the config file. You also need to have a list of sample names which contains the names of the samples to run the pipeline on, one sample per line. You can run this pipeline on any number or subset of your samples. Sample names should include everything up to the suffix of the file names of the fastq files. Specify the path and name of your list in the config file.

Description of parameters

Parameter Description Example
list_files Full path and name of your sample list. "/export/home/hramay/projects/Arrieta/PC1000/antibiotic_babies/analysis/metqc/list_files.txt"
path Location of input files. "/export/home/hramay/projects/Arrieta/PC1000/antibiotic_babies/analysis/metqc/output/bmtagger/"
metaphlan_results_path Location of processed metaphlan files "/export/home/hramay/projects/Arrieta/PC1000/antibiotic_babies/analysis/metaphlan/output/metaphlan/"
num_threads Number of threads to use for humann3. 8
paired Are the input reads paired? TRUE
for If paired, suffix of forward reads. "_filtered_1.fastq"
rev If paired, suffix of reverse reads. "_filtered_2.fastq"
suff If unpaired, suffix of reads. "_bmt_merged_ELC_trimmed_filtered.fastq"
nuc_db Location of nucleotide database. "/bulk/IMCbinf_bulk/hramay/projects/databases/humann_dbs/chocophlan"
prot_db Location of protein database. "/bulk/IMCbinf_bulk/hramay/projects/databases/humann_dbs/uniref"

Running the pipeline on ARC (SLURM cluster)

Test the pipeline by running snakemake -np. This command prints out the commands to be run without actually running them.

To run the pipeline on the ARC compute cluster, enter the following command from the project directory:

sbatch <

The above command submits jobs to ARC, one for each sample and step of the metannotate pipeline.

Note: the file cluster.json contains the parameters for the SLURM job submission system that ARC uses. In most cases, this file should not be modified. Use the cluster.json file in the cluster_files/slurm_files/ folder.

The ARC Cluster Guide can be found here:

The General Guidelines and Policies can be found here:

Running the pipeline on Synergy (LSF cluster)

Test the pipeline by running snakemake -np. This command prints out the commands to be run without actually running them.

To run the pipeline on the Synergy compute cluster, enter the following command from the project directory:

snakemake --cluster-config cluster.json --cluster 'bsub -n {cluster.n} -R {cluster.resources} -W {cluster.walllim} -We {cluster.time} -M {cluster.maxmem} -oo {cluster.output} -e {cluster.error}' --jobs 500 --use-conda

The above command submits jobs to Synergy, one for each sample and step of the metaphlan pipeline. Note: the file cluster.json in the cluster_files/lsf_files/ folder contains the parameters for the LSF job submission system that Synergy uses. In most cases, this file should not be modified.

Results and log files

Snakemake will create a directory for the results of the pipeline as well as a directory for log files. Log files of each step of the pipeline will be written to the logs directory. Intermediate output files can be found in the output directory.


Snakemake pipeline for running HUMAnN3.6






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