A selection of 4 curated gamedev Python libraries and frameworks ordered by stars.
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pygame (the library) is a Free and Open Source python programming language library for making multimedia applications like games built on top of the excellent SDL library. C, Python, Native, OpenGL.
16 stars per week over 252 weeks
4,283 stars, 1,909 forks, 148 watches
created 2017-03-26, last commit 2022-01-16, main language C
game-dev, game-development, gamedev, pygame, python, sdl, sdl2
Powerful, mature open-source cross-platform game engine for Python and C++, developed by Disney and CMU
7.16 stars per week over 433 weeks
3,108 stars, 669 forks, 188 watches
created 2013-09-30, last commit 2022-01-14, main language C++
c-plus-plus, cross-platform, game-development, game-engine, gamedev, multi-platform, open-source, opengl, panda3d, panda3d-game-engine, python
Easy to use Python library for creating 2D arcade games.
3.53 stars per week over 315 weeks
1,115 stars, 207 forks, 54 watches
created 2016-01-04, last commit 2022-01-17, main language Python
arcade-api, arcade-framework, arcade-learning-environment, educational-resources, educational-technology, opengl, python, python3
pyglet is a cross-platform windowing and multimedia library for Python, for developing games and other visually rich applications.
7.5 stars per week over 137 weeks
1,028 stars, 203 forks, 34 watches
created 2019-06-09, last commit 2022-01-15, main language Python
gamedev, hacktoberfest, hacktoberfest-2021, hacktoberfest2021, opengl, pyglet, python, scientific-visualization
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