Elixir binding for Libpostal - a library for parsing/normalizing street addresses around the world. Powered by statistical NLP and open geo data.
Tutorial on how to write Elixir/Erlang NIF: http://cs.mcgill.ca/~mxia3/2017/06/18/tutorial-extending-elixir-with-c-using-NIF/
The package can be installed by adding expostal
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
[{:expostal, "~> 0.1.0"}]
Depends on system-wide installation of libpostal.
Parsing an address:
iex> Expostal.Parser.parse_address("615 Rene Levesque Ouest, Montreal, QC, Canada")
%{city: "montreal", country: "canada", house_number: "615",
road: "rene levesque ouest", state: "qc"}
Expanding an address:
iex> Expostal.Expand.expand_address("781 Franklin Ave Crown Hts Brooklyn NY")
["781 franklin avenue crown heights brooklyn new york",
"781 franklin avenue crown heights brooklyn ny"]
View the docs on https://hexdocs.pm/expostal, or
generate the docs locally with mix docs