Organize and automate the task of handling snaps of slides/lecture notes/files. Basically, move files created/modifed within a certain time interval from one folder into another folder.
Scored pretty low on my end-semester exams, as I didn't have good notes 😢
To prepare and hype-up myself for the upcoming semester, I thought I should ease up some of my note-taking work. So there it is, my motivation for building this program 😊
- Download and open the SSO python file in any text-editor 💻
- Change the :
- New_Folder string with the location of your Storage folder
For example, if you want to store the screenshots for the course M1 (Mathematics) and you wish to organise them into a folder into M1 folder(which is present in the D drive, 2-2 folder), replace "F:\2-2{}" with "D:\2-2\M3{}"
Replace withNew_Folder = r"F:\2-2\{}" .format(today().strftime('%I %p %d %b'))
New_Folder = r"D:\2-2\M1\{}" .format(today().strftime('%I %p %d %b'))
- src string with the location of your Screenshot folder
TO know your Screenshot Folder, Open file explorer and click on the Pictures under This PC sub-heading. You should now be able to see the Screeenshot's folder.If not, google your way around 😝
Replace withsrc = r"C:\Users\Swastik\Pictures\Screenshots"
src = r"Your_Screenshot_Folder_Address"
- New_Folder string with the location of your Storage folder
- The previous steps need to be repeated incase you would be taking Screenshots for multiple Courses/subjects.Else, we are done with the editing part, ALMOST.
- Incase your lecture is/was of more than 1 hour, change the variable x to the number of hours your lecture is going to take place.
- Incase your work was one timer, you may now execute the program. Elsewise, depending on your OS you may want to undergo complete automation for an entire semester:
After all this work, its time to consume the fruits of your labour.Take Screenshots with Win + Prt Scr or your set hotkey for taking Screenshots and let SSO handle the task of organising them into your study folder each course.
Be sure to organise the time of execution of this program so that past 1 hour of SS are organized.For example, for the M1 course, if the class is from 3-3:50 PM, Schedule the SSO's execution at 3:55 PM so that all SS since 2:55 PM are organized into the M1 folder.
- Install Python (Preferably 3.9 version)
- Thats all, Unless you do not have the basic modules such as datetime, os, etc. present locally on your system. In that case, install them with pip or again google your way around 😝
- Python