A Unity Project containing Nitrox Assets used in the mod.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Visual Studio 2017
Please follow this guide to make sure its setup to work with Unity.Clone the repo
Open the project in Unity 5.6
The AssetBundles and Scenes will be in the project view.
In the project view there is a folder called "Editor" which contains a "CreateAssetBundles" script you need to run this script and "Attach to Unity" through VS2017.
You can now build AssetBundles with Assets -> Build AssetBundles
Here is a guide to building assets
Simply submit a pull request. Feel free to join us in the Nitrox Discord channel.
We do not accept donations to the mod. Those wishing to give money can do so here: https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/