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What and Why

Tired of fighting PowerPoint or Keynote to show basic code blocks? Want a web-native presentation template solution? One that can show code off quickly and easily with syntax highlighting, collapsible regions, and line numbers? Or a d3 visualization? Or maybe a simple twitter embed?

Do you want everything preconfigured out of the box (a non-trivial task), but ready to extend? Well, this is simply the fastest way to get to an in-memory, ready to run template for tech & code presentations - especially if you ❤️ TypeScript and Sass.

Quick Start

To install the dependencies (make sure you have Node.js installed before beginning) and start the application:

  1. Shell:
    npm install
    npm start
  2. Browser: Go to http://localhost/presentations/index.html.

Technical Stack

Here is the tech integrated and working is this template:

  1. Reveal.js: The open source slide framework used by, here is what is preconfigured:

    • Marked/Markdown: Built in plugin to add support for markdown blocks
    • Highlight.js: Built in plugin that provides a simplistic syntax highlighting of <pre><code></code></pre> blocks
    • Zoom.js: Built in plugin that allows speakers to alt-click a slide to zoom in
    • Speaker Notes: Built in plugin that allows speakers to press s to show a speaker notes view
    • Reveal.js-Menu: Adds a menu slideout (lists slides, allows theme & transition changes)
    • Reveal.js-Ace: Allows embedding an Ace editor into an iframe
    • Reveald3: Allows embedding a d3 html document into an iframe
    • Badges: Adds a language badge to Hightlight.js code blocks only
    • Elapsed Time Bar: Shows a time bar above the progressbar to help with talk pacing
    • Embed Tweet: Allows embedding a tweet (totally formatted) of any given tweet url
    • addHeader(): A custom extension to show the title (from your <title> tag) next to the Reveal.js-menu hamburger
    • addVenue(): A custom extension to show the venue in the lower left corner, from your meta:
      • Venue: <meta name="venue" content="NOVA CodeCamp 2018.1">
    • addDetailsToToast(): A custom extension to show slide details in a pill (just like does):
      • Author: <meta name="author" content="{Author Name Here}">
      • Author Image (from your github profile): <meta name="github" content="{Your Github name}">
      • Title: <title>{Author Name Here}</title>
    • Ace editor's also get badges for JS, TS, & HTML (reveal.scss > div.ace-container)
  2. TypeScript: JavaScript at scale is everywhere, even the webpack.config.ts

  3. Sass: CSS with superpowers

  4. FontAwesome: The iconic font and CSS toolkit

  5. Ace Editor: High performance code editor for the web, now ready to embed in your slide

    • Custom theme, ace-theme-aurelia-dark-plus included matches the vscode aurelia-dark-plus theme by the Aurelia team
  6. D3JS: The library used to bring data to life

    • Sample d3 figures are in /d3-fig/*, a few of which are shown in use on the sample slide /src/presentations/index.html
  7. Prebuilt layouts available to allow you, the speaker, to quickly focus on the presentation content

  8. Webpack 3 - completely built with Webpack... using TypeScript, preconfigured with an API to read and serve up the local presentations

    • Uses webpack-dev-server to serve the site in memory (no deployment)
    • Extended to serve an express route /api/files to list all HTML files in /src/presentations (except the sample slide /src/presentations/index.html)

Presentation List


Presentation List

Note: This list is from my local machine, yours will be empty until you create new html files under /src/presentations/*

Title, Author, Presented

Use <meta> tags & the <title> tag to get your presentation details to show up on the presentation list.

<title>Slides Template</title>
<meta name="author" content="Steve Hartzog">
<meta name="presented" content="{Date Presented}" scheme="YYYY-MM-DD">
<meta name="venue" content="{Venue Name}">


To get a technology group to show on the list, create a folder underneath presentations:

Group Directory Example
JavaScript /src/presentations/javascript/intro-101.html
TypeScript /src/presentations/typescript/intro-101/index.html
Webpack /src/presentations/webpack/webpack-501/index.html

Slide Configuration

Disable Plugins

By default all plugins are enabled, but you can disable some plugins if you don't need them. To disable one of these plugins just add a CSV list of plugins to disable in the data-disable-plugins attribute on .slides:

<div class="slides" data-disable-plugins="d3, ace">

Valid Plugins to disable include: ace, badges, d3, hljs, menu, timeBar, tweets


To enable a timer above your progressbar (on the bottom), just add the time in minutes to your .slides container:

<div class="slides" data-timer="15"><!-- for a 15 minute talk -->

Included Layouts

Layouts are classes you can assign that provide some structure to your slide. This structure comes from the ./src/styles/layouts.scss style sheet. Here are a few to start (all using grid) and must be wrapped with <div class="reveal grid">:

  1. <section class="title">: Standard title slide
  2. <section class="two-column">: Two columns, small left (with shaded background), big right column
  3. <section class="two-row">: Two rows, large big (with shaded background, designed for a 'hero' image), smaller bottom row
  4. <section class="two-row">: Two rows, small big (with shaded background), large bottom row
  5. <section class="two-row-bottom">: For an information packed final slide, 2 columns in the first row (1 image column, 1 data column), 2nd row for contact details (2 columns).

Theme Compatability. These layouts should work with all themes (all em's to support font-size changes). More slide layouts to come, or submit your own as a pull request!


By default, the slide content will be centered. If you wish to override this setting by adding the top class to a slide column or the left class to a slide row:

<!-- Column layout with the standard left pill -->
<section class="two-column">
  <div class="top">
    ... content here is top aligned now.
<!-- Row layout (with the top pill) -->
<section class="two-row-top">
  <div class="left">
    ... content here is left aligned now.


Occasionally you will want an image "floated" to the left. There is no need to use floats anymore... just use the <figure> element, which I have pre-styled to give the same effect.

  <img src="xyz.gif" width="150px" />
  <figcaption>Text here will show up on the right of the image</figcaption>

Example Slide using all options

<div class="reveal grid"><div class="slides" data-timer="15">
  <section class="two-column">
      <h3>First Column Header</h3>
      <blockquote>Special quote</blockquote>
    <div class="top">
      <h3 class="bullet fragment">Bullet One</h3>
      <h3 class="bullet fragment">Bullet Two</h3>
      <ul class="fragment">
        <li class="bullet">First item<br/>
          <span class="indent">second line of first item, indented</span>
      <h4 class="bullet fragment">Sub Bullet one</h4>
      <h3 class="bullet fragment">Bullet Three</h3>
      <h3 class="bullet fragment">Bullet Four</h3>

Additional Styles


Add the bullet class to add a bullet arrow to the left of any element, it is automatically added to ul & ol, but is manually added to any other:

<h1 class="bullet">H3 Bullet</h1>
<h2 class="bullet">H3 Bullet</h2>
<h3 class="bullet">H3 Bullet</h3>
<h4 class="bullet">H3 Bullet</h4>


Reveal provides a fragment class that can be added to have items appear as you advance (like PowerPoint's Animation: Appear):

<h1 class="fragment">H3 Bullet</h1>
<ol class="frgrament">
  <li>First item shows immediately</li>
  <li class="fragment">Shows up after advancing</li>


Occasionally you may went to wrap and indent an li:

  <li>A long string of text<br/>
    <span class="indent">A second line of text</span>


To add a custom slide title (by default it grabs the first h# tag), just add the data-menu-title attribute on any gives section tag:

<section data-menu-title="My Custom Title">

REST Endpoint: /api/files

This endpoint, which is also served when you npm start, will show a listing of all html files under ./src/presentations/ (except for the template slide, ./src/presentations/index.html). To view what is served by this endpoint:

Future Fixes & Features

Feedback is requested. Let me know what you need as a speaker. Until then I'll be working on the following:

  1. Fix print/pdf output to properly hide the menu and venue.
  2. Update slide layout styles to support font sizes on all themes (switch from px to em)
  3. More and higher quality layouts
  4. Package the extended features as Reveal.js plugins
  5. Enable more plugins to be disabled, or possibly disable all and have an enabled-plugins feature