This is a getting starter package for creating VR experiences for Meta Quest 2 headset using Unity.
The purpose of this package is to help VR Challengers to get started creating quickly. Implementing best practices and get you a working environment quickly.
For more information on the VR Challenge, visit:
If you need any help, come join us on the Steampunk Digital Discord at #🏆│vr-challenge
Get started by using Mixed Reality Tool Kit (MRTK).
Try out this scene:
StarterWithMRTK/Assets/Scenes/MRTK Hand Interaction Examples.unity
Demonstrates a bunch of the MRTK hand interactions, and gives a good starting point of seeing what's possible with the included piano, buttons, sliders, and other interactive components.
In your own scene, use the MRTK Configuration Profile:
Oculus MixedRealityToolkitConfigurationProfile
This profile is configured to use Hand Tracking and Camera Passthrough.
Get started by using Meta's Interaction SDK.
Try out this scene:
StarterWithMetaInteractions/Assets/Scenes/Interaction with Passthru Hands.unity
Demonstrates a bunch of complex hand interactions, and gives a good starting point of seeing what's possible with the grab and physics.