2.0.0 -- also see .ruby-version file
- PostgreSQL, postgis, GEOS (Ultimate target, postgres branch)
sudo apt-get install libgeos-dev postgresql postgis
Mac OS X assuming brew is installed:
brew install postgresql
brew install geos
brew install postgis
- MySQL (paralell development at present, master branch)
Use config/database.yml.example for create and customize config/database.yml
- Database permissions (MySQL)
Something like this should work:
grant all privileges on taxonworks_development.* to 'tw'@'localhost' identified by 't0ps3kr3t';
grant all privileges on taxonworks_test.* to 'tw'@'localhost' identified by 't0ps3kr3t';
grant all privileges on taxonworks_production.* to 'tw'@'localhost' identified by 't0ps3kr3t';
- Database creation
If your database.yml is setup and reflects the uptodate permissions just use
rake db:create
- Database initialization
If you want to seed some dummy development data (very minimal at present) do
rake db:seed RAILS_ENV=development
See the wiki for conceptual and general discussion. Code is documented inline using Yard tags, see rdoc.