##Overview## The tank is capable of being controlled via radio (XRF) or RC PWM. Both of these control methods should work seamlessly if one is out of range etc.
The XRF method is a 2-way protocol and provides the base station with diagnostic and other information. The XRF control method also allows for GPS waypointing.
##XRF## This method uses an ARF module which is a standard XRF module (XBEE footprint) but with an amplifier giving it a larger effective range.
The protocol that the base station and tank use allows for the following to be transmitted/received:
- Tank location, heading, pitch, roll
- Voltage of all rails, percentage of remaining power
- Received signal strength
- Speed and direction
- LED light patterns
- Turret actions
The custom protocol uses TCP/IP ideas such as counting packets, checksums and retries.
It should be possible to send a GPS coordinate, and the tank to automatically figure out the direction to turn, and then drive until the waypoint has been reached.
The RC mode is a fall-back control scheme that doesn't need a base station, just a bog-standard RC set.
As a result, there is no ability to control the tanks turret add on.