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SomaZ edited this page Jul 15, 2024 · 5 revisions

This is a .bsp file importer which supports different id tech 3 games bsp formats. It also features md3 and tiki tan importers and exporters as also a WIP .map importer. Materials are approximated from the .shader files of the games. All files are also read from a virtual file system that can read pk3 files. Configuring the base path in the addons preferences is recommended for this. See the supported games list.

Blender versions 2.93 to 4.1 are supported right now

Please do not use this addon to copy or steal another creators work. Always ask for the creators permission.

Content (WIP):

  • Setup
  • Importing BSP files
  • Light baking WIP
  • Edit vertices (normals, texture coordinates)
  • Entity Modding
  • Import/Export MD3 files
  • Import/Export Tiki tan files
  • Import legacy MAP files
  • Rendering new sky boxes
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