RSS is a small library for simplifying the parsing of RSS and Atom feeds. The package could do with more testing, but it conforms to the RSS 1.0, 2.0, and Atom 1.0 specifications, to the best of my ability. I've tested it with about 15 different feeds, and it seems to work fine with them.
If anyone has any problems with feeds being parsed incorrectly, please let me know so that I can debug and improve the package.
go get
Example usage:
package main
import ""
func main() {
feed, err := rss.Fetch("")
if err != nil {
// handle error.
// ... Some time later ...
err = feed.Update()
if err != nil {
// handle error.
The output structure is pretty much as you'd expect:
type Feed struct {
Nickname string // This is not set by the package, but could be helpful.
Title string
Description string
Link string // Link to the creator's website.
UpdateURL string // URL of the feed itself.
Image *Image // Feed icon.
Items []*Item
ItemMap map[string]struct{} // Used in checking whether an item has been seen before.
Refresh time.Time // Earliest time this feed should next be checked.
Unread uint32 // Number of unread items. Used by aggregators.
type Item struct {
Title string
Summary string
Content string
Link string
Date time.Time
DateValid bool
ID string
Read bool
type Image struct {
Title string
URL string
Height uint32
Width uint32
The library does its best to follow the appropriate specifications and not to set the Refresh time too soon. It currently follows all update time management methods in the RSS 1.0, 2.0, and Atom 1.0 specifications. If one is not provided, it defaults to 12 hour intervals (see DefaultRefreshInterval). If you are having issues with feed providors dropping connections, please let me know and I can increase this default, or you can increase the Refresh time manually. The Feed.Update method uses this Refresh time, so if Update seems to be returning very quickly with no new items, it's likely not making a request due to the provider's Refresh interval.
The project is not proactively maintained, but I'll respond to issues and PRs as soon as I can.