- Doc: http://sixarm.com/sixarm_ruby_restful_resource_controller/doc
- Gem: http://rubygems.org/gems/sixarm_ruby_
- Repo: http://github.com/sixarm/sixarm_ruby_restful_resource_controller
Easy Controller for RESTful resource controller.
This was created for Rails 1. For newer Rails, use InheritedResources.
For docs go to http://sixarm.com/sixarm_ruby_restful_resource_controller/doc
Want to help? We're happy to get pull requests.
To install this gem in your shell or terminal:
gem install sixarm_ruby_restful_resource_controller
To add this gem to your Gemfile:
gem 'sixarm_ruby_restful_resource_controller'
To require the gem in your code:
require 'sixarm_ruby_restful_resource_controller'