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Use a search box directive
The 'sfSearchBox' directive provides interface for user input that is appropriate for searching.
sfAction expects delegate to a function with one argument defined in the current scope. The search box will invoke this delegate when the typed text has to be applied.
sfMinTextLength is an optional parameter. It should be an integer specifying what is the minimum length of the user input for the directive to call sfAction. If set to -1 then sfAction will be invoked on any change no matter the length of the input.
sfPlaceholder is an optional attribute that enables you to specify a placeholder for the input without changing the template.
If sfEnableSuggestions attribute is present then the suggestions functionality will be activated. It should be used together with sfGetSuggestions attribute. See the sfGetSuggestions attribute description for more information.
When sfEnableSuggestions is present sfGetSuggestions expects a delegate to a function with one argument defined in the current scope. This function should always return a promise that resolves into an array of strings that are the appropriate suggestions for the given query which is provided in the arguments.
The sfSearchBox is a directive with an isolated scope that is defined in a module with the same name (sfSearchBox). It can be used as an attribute or an element.
<sf-search-box sf-placeholder="Narrow by typing" sf-action="applyQuery(query)" sf-enable-suggestions sf-get-suggestions="suggest(query)"> </sf-search-box>
Angular JavaScript:
scope.applyQuery = function (query) {
scope.query = query;
scope.suggest = function (query) {
return itemService.getItemsContaining(query).then(function (data) {
return data.map(function (item) { return item.title });
This example passes a delegate to the search box in order to let the directive choose when the query should be applied based on the attributes.
Suggestions are enabled and a suggest function is defined. It calls a service that gets items based on the current query. The resulting promise is returned after extracting the titles of the items.
For AngularJs to link the sfSearchBox directive in your custom designer view the script of the directive has to be loaded and a dependency to the module has to be added.
In your DesignerView.YourView.json file you have to add a scripts array. The content of the file should be similar to:
{ "scripts": [ "client-components/search/sf-search-box.js" ] }
In your designerview-yourview.js place the following snippet right before the definition of your custom view controller:
var designerModule = angular.module('designer'); angular.module('designer').requires.push('sfSearchBox');
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