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A MooTools class for realtime, client-side validation of form inputs. Given a form it will fire events as inputs become valid/invalid as the user is typing. It will also, of course, alert you when the entire form is valid.

Validators themselves can be created by you, and a small set of them is provided to get you started (in the ValidateSimple.Validators object). Validators can optionally be asynchronous, which is useful when using some server-side validation logic.

Note: this is not a drop-in "plugin" that will do everything for you. This code does not enforce any kind of UI whatsoever, it just fires events and lets you handle what is displayed. If you want a more hands-off validator use the standard MooTools More one. I created this to be more light-weight, have greater flexibility in when forms are validated and handle asynchronous validations.


How to use

In your HTML, add classnames of the form "validate-TYPE" where TYPE is something like "email".

<input name="email" type="email" title="A valid email, please" class="validate-email">

In your Moo code, do something like:

new ValidateSimple(form_element, {
	inputs: 'form input[type=text], form input[type=email]',
	onValid: function(){
		// do something like activate the submit button
	onInvalid: function(){
		// do something like deactivate the submit button
	onInputInvalid: function(input, errors){
		// do something like show an error message somewhere, possibly based off the input's title attr
		// errors (2nd arg) will contain an array of strings - each string is the validation type that
		// failed. Example: ['email', 'no-troll']

Here's what happens next:

  1. The user starts typing into one of the inputs.
  2. The user tabs/clicks out of the input (possibly to another).
  3. The user made a mistake, and onInputInvalid is fired. A class "invalid" is automatically added to the input as well.
  4. The user clicks back to the input to make a mistake.
  5. Now, as they type, each keyup will check the input and remove the "invalid" class as soon as it is correct. The onInputInvalid and onInputValid events will also fire for each keyup.
  6. Once all inputs are valid (meaning they don't have the "invalid" class), the onValid event fires.

What this means is that the first time a user fills out a given input, it will wait until they are finished to alert them. But, once they go back to an input alerting (of valid or invalid) will happen as they type. The entire form's validity is always based on each keyup.

Custom Validators

Let's say you did this in your html

<input name="email" type="email" class="validate-email validate-no-troll">

You could create this validator anywhere in your Javascript:

ValidateSimple.Validators['no-troll'] = {
  test: function(input){
    return !input.get('value').test(/<\s*script/i) && !input.get('value').test(/drop\s+table/i);

Now in your onInputInvalid callback, you can check for "no-troll" in the errors array, and do something to the troll you caught. ;7

A validator can optionally have a 'postMatch' method that will be called upon a successful test, if the test returned the result of a call to String.match. It will be passed the match data, and the input that was tested. This is useful for reformatting valid input a format of your choice, for normalization.

Asynchronous Validators

If a validator object definition includes async: true, that test will be treated as an asynchronous test. This is typically used for validations that require a call to your server. The test function is passed the input (as usual) and a method to pass your test result as a boolean. Note: asynchronous validators only run after all other validators on an input have passed (this is to save on network calls and general complexity). Here is an example:

ValidateSimple.Validators['password-dictionary'] = {
   async: true,
   wait: 100,
   test: function(input, handeResult){
     new Request({
       url: '/check_password',
       data: { password: input.get('value') },
       onSuccess: function(resp){
         handeResult(resp !== 'false', true);

You may also specify wait:N in your validator definition to wait Nms after the last successful (synchronous) validation attempt to call your asynchronous validator.

ValidateSimple Method: constructor

var vs = new ValidateSimple(form[, options]);


  • active - (boolean: defaults to true) Doesn't attach events until activated.
  • validateOnSubmit - (boolean: defaults to true) validate all inputs on submit and fire events (see below).
  • inputSelector - (mixed: defaults to 'input') CSS Selector or input elements.
  • invalidClass - (string: defaults to 'invalid') class to add for invalid inputs.
  • validClass - (string: defaults to 'valid') class to add for valid inputs.
  • optionalClass - (string: defaults to 'optional') elements with this class are ignored.
  • attributeForType - (string: defaults to 'class') attribute that holds validate-xxx stuff.
  • alertEvent - (string: defaults to 'blur') event name for initial alert of input validity.
  • correctionEvent - (string: defaults to 'keyup') event name for subsequent alerts of input validity.
  • validateEvent - (string: defaults to 'keyup') event name for input validation.
  • initialValidation - (boolean: defaults to true) validate all inputs on instantiation.
  • alertUnedited - (boolean: defaults to true) validate/alert inputs that have not been edited.
  • alertPrefilled - (boolean: defaults to true) validate/alert inputs that have a value on page load.
  • validateFieldsets - (boolean: defaults to false) adds valid/invalid classes to entire fieldsets, based on the inputs in them. Also fires invalidFieldset and validFieldset events and passes the fieldset.
  • noValidateKeys - (array) array of key codes (event.key) that will disable validation during keypress.
  • checkPeriodical - (number: defaults to 1000) how often to check for changed inputs. This comes in handy when the user uses and automated form filler like 1Password, which does not fire any events.


  • inputValid - When an input becomes valid. Arguments: input element and this.
  • inputInvalid - When an input becomes invalid. Arguments: input element, errors array and this.
  • inputTouched - When an input is first edited. Arguments: input element and this.
  • touched - When form has been edited.
  • fieldsetValid - When a fieldset is valid and validateFieldsets option is true.
  • fieldsetInvalid - When a fieldset is invalid and validateFieldsets option is true.
  • valid - When form is valid.
  • invalid - When form is invalid.
  • inputChecked - Fires after validation, whether pass or fail. Arguments: input element and this.
  • invalidSubmit - (Only when validateOnSubmit is true) When form is submitted and invalid. Arguments: this instance and the submit event.
  • validSubmit - (Only when validateOnSubmit is true) When form is submitted and valid. Arguments: this instance and the submit event.

ValidateSimple Method: activate

Activates the instance of ValidateSimple (attaches events and sill start firing events).



ValidateSimple Method: deactivate

Deactivates the instance of ValidateSimple (detaches events and sill start firing events).



ValidateSimple Method: validateAllInputs

Validates all inputs and returns true for a valid form, false for an invalid form.




Simple form validation with good UX






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