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XNA RotatingaSprite

Simon (darkside) Jackson edited this page Aug 21, 2020 · 2 revisions

XNA - Rotating a Sprite

*Note, this article references XNA V1 - MonoGame update to follow

Spinning a sprite in XNA is alot easier than it ever has been :)

Lots of assemblies as usual

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;

Lets dig into some useful code.. :)

namespace SimpleXNA
     public class Game1 : Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game

I have modified this sample to render a rotating picture inside the window so lets add the following code right here:

        SpriteBatch spriteBatch;
        Texture2D pTex;
        float fRot = 0.0f;   // this will hold the rotation of the sprite

I have also created a function for loading a texture:

        public Texture2D LoadTexture(string strPath)
            TextureInformation information = Texture.GetTextureInformation(strPath);
            //Not in the cache - need to read it in
            IGraphicsDeviceService graphicsService = (IGraphicsDeviceService)

            Texture2D tex = Texture2D.FromFile(
                       strPath, information.Width, information.Height);

            return tex;

You should hook into the Exiting event so you can clean up any resources you create. This can be done by viewing the Game1.Designer.cs file

In this method i added the code for hooking into the Starting and Exiting events:

private void InitializeComponent()
{ = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Components.GraphicsComponent();

    this.Starting += new 
    this.Exiting += new 


Back in the Game1.cs file we create the Exiting and Starting methods:

We should clean up the resources we create upon exiting :)

        private void WindowsGame_Exiting(object sender, GameEventArgs e)


When the game loads, lets create a texture and resize the window to fit the size of the texture

        private void WindowsGame_Starting(object sender, GameEventArgs e)

            pTex = LoadTexture(@"spiral.jpg");

            graphics.BackBufferFormat = SurfaceFormat.Color;

            graphics.BackBufferWidth = 800;
            graphics.BackBufferHeight = 600;

            graphics.IsFullScreen = false;

            graphics.SynchronizeWithVerticalRetrace = false;

            graphics.AllowMultiSampling = true;


            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(graphics.GraphicsDevice);


I did not modify the Game1 constructor code

        public Game1()

This update function was generated by the App Wizard.

This is where you would place any logic that should be handled each frame of the games rendering:

        protected override void Update()
            // The time since Update was called last
            float elapsed = (float)ElapsedTime.TotalSeconds;

            // TODO: Add your game logic here

            // Let the GameComponents update

the Draw() method is the perfect place to render to the scree :)

I have added the spriteBatch.Draw to render the image in side the game window:

        protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)


Lets increment the rotation counter

Update the rotation based on the elapsed time

            float fRot = (float)gameTime.TotalTime.TotalSeconds;

Now we draw the sprite giving it the rotation we want:

                 //this is the destination point we want to render at
                 new Vector2(this.Window.ClientWidth/2,   

                //this is the texture surface area we want to use when rendering
                new Rectangle(0,0,pTex.Width,pTex.Height),
                //By using White we are basically saying just use the texture color

                //Here is the rotation in radians

                //This is the center point of the rotation
                new Vector2(pTex.Width/2, pTex.Height/2),

                //This is the scaling of the sprite. I want it a bit larger so you dont
                //see the edges as it spins around
                //We are not doing any fancy effects



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