Simulation of smart house with alarm system (buzzer and LED diodes), temperature control (NTC resistor) and smart garage (ultrasonic sensor). Arduino is used for communication with hardware and for implementing a state machine and Python is used for implementing the basic logic.
After launcing the application the user have 15 seconds to enter the password otherwise the alarm will turn on (the buzzer sounds and red led blinking with frequency of 1Hz). If the user enters correct password entering in the house is approved and green led blinking. The user have three attempts to enter correct password. Functionality: 1. Smart lights – The white led lights up depending on the values sent from the photoresistor. 2. Temperature control – Air conditioner works depending on the values sent from the NTC resistor. Air conditioner is simulated with servo motor. 3. Smart garage – Ultrasonic sensor measures distance from the car to the garage. If that distance is less than 10 cm the driver will be alerted with an audio signal (buzzer will sound).