Fully Flexible Credit System (Shortly referred to as FFCS) is a way in which students have complete freedom in tailoring their course and in a way they wish. It accommodates the wants and needs of the entire student community. With this system, a student can prepare his/her own timetable with the specific courses he/she intends to do in that semester along with the timings of classes and choice of professors.
However, in this system there is a drawback as the student has to spend a lot of time figuring out the possible timetable combinations for that semester which can get tedious and demotivating.
We aim to make the lives of all VIT students easier by providing them with a platform where in they can select the courses they desire and the ez-ffcs platform autogenerates the best combinations for that particular student.
- nodejs
- Express
- Mongoose
- Joi
To get started:
- clone the repository.
- Checkout to a new branch
git checkout -b my-amazing-new-feature
- Make some amazing changes
git add .
git commit -m "<Verb>: <Action>"
git push origin my-amazing-feature
- Open a pull request :)
For running this project successfully you'll need to create a .env
file and store your MongoDB URI. DB_URI = <Your DB URL>
npm install
npm start
Made with ❤ by Sidarth Venkatesan