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Animus Apartments


This project was built for


  • *nix operation system (e.g. Ubuntu Linux, Mac OS)
  • php 7.1 or higher
  • mysql 5.6 or higher
  • python (for create simple smtp debug server)

Requirements for inline front-end application

  • node.js
  • yarn


  • make install -- install an application and create table in database
  • make install-fe -- install symfony-encode for demo application

Start and stop application

  • make start -- start backend
  • make stop -- stop backend
  • make build-fe-prod -- build js and css for demo application

Project structure

Third-party libraries

  • FOSRestBundle
  • JMSSerializerBundle
  • NelmioCorsBundle
  • NelmioApiDocBundle

Apartment Entity

Field Type Length Description
ID int 4 Autoincrement field
move-in-date date - Date for move
street string 255 Street of apartment
post code string 10 Postal code
town string 255 City of apartment
country string 255 Country of apartment
contact e-mail email 255 Contact email
security token string 32 Authorization token for edit or delete entity
posted at datetime - Date and time when entity was created
edited at datetime - Date and time when entity was edited last time or deleted


Main controller of application.


Route name HTTP Method Location Function
api_list GET /api/apartment Get a list of apartments ordered by timestamp of creation with pagination
api_view GET /api/apartment/{id} Get an apartment by id
api_create POST /api/apartment Create new apartment
api_edit PUT /api/apartment/{id} Update an exists apartment by id. Required secret code in HTTP headers
api_delete DELETE /api/apartment/{id} Delete an exists apartment by id. Required secret code in HTTP headers


Controller for testing with backend php rendering.


Route name HTTP Method Location Function
list GET /apartment/ Page with a list of apartment with pagination
view GET /apartment/view/{id} Page of single apartment
create GET,POST /apartment/create Form for creation a new apartment
edit GET,POST /apartment/edit/{id} Form for edit exists apartment by id. Required secret code in query string
delete GET /apartment/delete/{id} Location for deleting exists apartment by id. Required secret code in query string


Main page

Welcome page


Apartments list

Edit form

Edit page

Api Documentation

Api documentation

Response in Postman

Api response


  • Build skeleton for application
  • Build apartment entity
  • Build simple controllers
  • Custom validation for some fields (eg. email)
  • Pagination for apartments list
  • RESTapi
  • Create vue.js app (
  • Add Makefile
  • Add shell scripts for start and stop application
  • Migrations
  • Image upload
  • Custom error pages
  • Extract symfony service from controller
  • Unit tests
  • Nginx
  • Dockerize app
  • Docker compose


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