This repo contains the source code for - in progress
Readme is also available in Ukrainian. (in progress)
- Next.js - because it is evolving quickly, suits both developers and product needs and has an amazing support
- markdown - because it is easy to use and widespread
- markdown-to-jsx - adds more flexibility to md allowing us to integrate complex custom React components in it
- github actions - simple CI variant
- Checkly - API & E2E monitoring platform for the modern stack making CI easier than ever before
- Snyk - Find and automatically fix vulnerabilities in your code, open source dependencies, containers, and infrastructure as code.
- SWR - implementation strategy stale-while-revalidate
- Prisma - simple and intuitive TypeScript ORM and Database Client.
- Uptimerobot - uptime monitoring service. Use it for Connection checks
Status page - lifetime checker for my portfolio uptime
Dashboard this is where I run E2E tests and check build statuses
This app is an open-source project released under the MIT License.