search for files and directories (recursively) based on various criterias
find [path] [expression]
[path]: The directory where the search will be started
[expression]: Filter criteria
when using
-name -iname
as criteria * is supported for wildcard
find /home/user -name "example.txt"
find a file with following name in /home/user directory -
find /home/user -iname "example.txt"
: case insensitive searchiname
find /path -type f
: find only files not directories -
find /path -type d
: find only directories -
find /path -type l
: find symbolic links -
find / -size +100M
: find files greater than 100MB -
find / -size -5k
: find files smaller than 5KB -
find /home -type f -perm 644
: find files with permission mode -
find /home -type f -mtime -7
: find files modified in last 7 days -
find /home -type f -atime -2
: find files accessed in last 2 days -
find /path -type f -name "*.log" -exec rm {} +
: executes the given command -
: placeholder for the attributes -
: end of the command
find /path -type f -empty
: find empty files (use d for directories) -
find /home -type f -name "*.log" -exec grep -i "error" {} +
: searching inside files (find all the log files which contain "error") -
find /var/log -type f -name "*.log" | xargs rm
: xargs takes a list and passes each element as arguments to another command