How to use this bot
- click the link
- then this bot is use a languages is chines
maybe i have time when have be adding english but i heve not time to adding
My all time going to form real life work
issues to more and i not a time can fix bot bug and issues
this bot craete time is 4 year's ago
4 year's now ahh that is long time
fix to much bug and issues and
thx god me give all time fix that all issues and bug btw
I'm a steve
here you can looking it
the bot use commands prefix is /
- normar member commands
- time - chack bot a last time
- ping - chack discord API ping and chack out the server connet discord API ping
- server_info - chack the server
- user_info - chach the user/member and you can chack he/she a jobs
- feedback - feedback bug
- trivia - start a trivia(anime)
- mini game commands
- choose_job - choose you new jobs
- reset_job - rechoose your new jobs
- work - work on your jobs
- pay - pay your money give for other user/member
- balance - this is you balance
- balance_top - chack how is rice
- fishing commands
- fish - strat you fishing time~
- fish_shop - you can buy your new rod or shell you fish
- fish_back - looking your fishback
- fish_rod - you can see you use a rod
- administrator commands
- ban - ban this user/member
- kick - kick this user/menmber
- start_giveaway - giveaway time
let's go gameBLING!!! - timeout - shut up that guy
- untimeout - give that guy telking