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357 lines (352 loc) · 11.9 KB

100 Days of < /CODING>

Starting from : 05 May, 2021

Total Problem Submissions: 70


S.N. Days Problem Platform
1. Day 1 17. Letter Combination of a Phone Number Leetcode
2. Day 2 Garland for Diwali INFYTQ/HackWithInfy - 2021
3. Day 3 Triplets INFYTQ Advance Round - 2021
4. Tower Installation in Cities HackWithInfy - 2021
5. Day 4 Bags coins HackWithInfy - 2021
6. Day 5 3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Leetcode
7. 128. Longest Consecutive Sequence Leetcode
8. Day 6 204. Count Primes Leetcode
9. Day 7 Find duplicate in array InterviewBit
10. 906. Super Palindromes Leetcode
11. Day 8 An Interesting Sequence CodeChef
12. King Killing CodeChef
13. Modular Equation CodeChef
14. Tree House CodeChef
15. Tic Tac Toe CodeChef
16. Valid Paths CodeChef
17. XOR Equality CodeChef
18. Repeat and Missing Number Array InterviewBit
19. Day 9 02. Add Two Numbers Leetcode
20. Day 10 9. Palindrome Number Leetcode
21. 112. Path Sum Leetcode
22. Day 11 58. Length of Last Word Leetcode
23. 680. Valid Palindrome II Leetcode
24. 125. Valid Palindrome Leetcode
25. Day 12 32. Longest Valid Parentheses Leetcode
26. Day 13 Non-Divisible Subset Hackerrank
27. Highest Value Palindrome Hackerrank
28. Day 14 Hackerrank
29. Day 15 Find Reachability
30. 38. Count and say Leetcode/InterviewBit
31. Day 16 3SUMSe Interviewbits/Leetcod
32. Day 17 11. Container With Most Water Leetcode
33. Day 18 Hate 1111 CodeForces
34. 5. Sort Colors Leetcode
35. 5 Array Manipulation Hackerrank
36. Day 19 42. Trapping Rain Water Leetcode
37. 21. Merge Two sorted lists Leetcode
38. Day 20 215. Kth Largest Element in an Array Leetcode
39. 1046. Last Stone Weight Leetcode
40. Day 21 K reverse linked list InterviewBit
41. GFG - Image Rotate 90 degree anticlockwise GeekForGeeks
42. Day 22 Max Non Negative SubArray InterviewBit
43. Add One to Number InterviewBit
44. Day 23 973. K Closest Points to Origin Leetcode
45. 347. Top K Frequent Elements Leetcode
46. 451. Sort Characters By Frequency Leetcode
47. Day 24 Check if an Array can be Sorted by picking only the corner Array elements GeekForGeeks
48. Minimum Loss Hackerrank
49. Day 25 Sort Linked List InterviewBit
50. 20. Valid Parantheses Leetcode
51. 894. All Possible Full Binary Trees Leetcode
52. Day 26 78. Subsets Leetcode
53. Day 27 358. Re-arrange strgin k distance Leetcode
54. 106. Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal Leetcode
55. Longest Commont Prefix interviewBit
58. Day 28 Maximum Sum Triplet InterviewBit
59. Array 3 Pointer InterviewBit
60. 42. Trapping Rain Water Leetcode

Last Updated : 11 July, 2021

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Shantanu Gupta
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