This is a sample AWS Copilot sample app. You can use AWS Copilot to deploy this simple website to Amazon ECS.
To deploy this app, clone this repo and then run:
copilot app init --domain <domain>
copilot init # init service1, test env and deploy
copilot svc init
copilot svc deploy --name service2 --env test
copilot env init
copilot env deploy --name dev
copilot svc deploy --name service1 --env dev
copilot svc deploy --name service2 --env dev
opilot pipeline init -u -b main -n test-app-pipeline -p Workloads -e test,dev
copilot pipeline deploy
Copilot will set up the following resources in your account:
- Subnets/Security Groups
- Application Load Balancer
- Amazon ECR Repositories
- ECS Cluster & Service running on AWS Fargate
- Route53 DNS Records
- ACM Certificates
- CodePipeline
Since this demo sets up resources in your account, let's delete them so you don't get charged:
copilot app delete
If you want to learn more about AWS Copilot, check out our documentation.
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.