1 |
android-parcelable-intellij-plugin |
2140 |
217 |
Java |
21 |
IntelliJ Plugin for Android Parcelable boilerplate code generation. |
2021-02-15T13:02:08Z |
2 |
ThinkAndroid |
1974 |
1040 |
Java |
2 |
ThinkAndroid是一个免费的开源的、简易的、遵循Apache2开源协议发布的Android开发框架,其开发宗旨是简单、快速的进行 Android应用程序的开发,包含Android mvc、简易sqlite orm、ioc模块、封装Android httpclitent的http模块, 具有快速构建文件缓存功能,无需考虑缓存文件的格式,都可以非常轻松的实现缓存,它还基于文件缓存模块实现了图片缓存功能, 在android中加载的图片的时候,对oom的问题,和对加载图片错位的问题都轻易解决。他还包括了一个手机开发中经常应用的实用工具类, 如日志管理,配置文件管理,android下载器模块,网络切换检测等等工具。 |
2017-07-24T09:27:30Z |
3 |
assertj-android |
1583 |
168 |
Java |
8 |
A set of AssertJ helpers geared toward testing Android. |
2018-03-05T20:29:14Z |
4 |
StickyGridHeaders |
1473 |
449 |
Java |
0 |
This project has been superseded by SuperSLiM, a layout manager for RecyclerView. I strongly recommend using SuperSLiM and not StickyGridHeaders. |
2015-02-12T23:57:06Z |
5 |
android-edittext-validator |
1456 |
384 |
Java |
3 |
Android form edit text is an extension of EditText that brings data validation facilities to the edittext. |
2021-09-09T14:22:18Z |
6 |
ArcMenu |
1341 |
587 |
Java |
9 |
An android custom view which looks like the menu in Path 2.0 (for iOS). |
2020-07-15T11:04:44Z |
7 |
IndexableRecyclerView |
1318 |
242 |
Java |
41 |
A RecyclerView with indexable, sticky and many other features. |
2018-04-10T07:45:05Z |
8 |
android-smart-image-view |
1297 |
509 |
Java |
45 |
Android ImageView replacement which allows image loading from URLs or contact address book, with caching |
2023-08-03T16:59:05Z |
9 |
android-square-progressbar |
1277 |
288 |
Java |
14 |
An android library to display a progressbar that goes around an image. |
2018-03-30T13:56:48Z |
10 |
vector-compat |
1230 |
161 |
Java |
21 |
A support library for VectorDrawable and AnimatedVectorDrawable classes introduced in Lollipop |
2016-10-24T02:42:14Z |
11 |
Renderers |
1204 |
174 |
Java |
2 |
Renderers is an Android library created to avoid all the boilerplate needed to use a RecyclerView/ListView with adapters. |
2021-09-29T19:28:42Z |
12 |
advanced-textview |
1189 |
201 |
Java |
0 |
Advanced Android TextView |
2021-10-09T04:19:33Z |
13 |
CircularImageView |
1182 |
237 |
Java |
44 |
Custom view for circular images in Android while maintaining the best draw performance |
2017-08-16T11:43:24Z |
14 |
Android-WizardPager |
1163 |
365 |
Java |
0 |
Android pager-style wizard flow sample code |
2018-07-20T22:55:05Z |
15 |
gesture-imageview |
1150 |
507 |
Java |
39 |
Implements pinch-zoom, rotate, pan as an ImageView for Android 2.1+ |
2017-02-23T08:01:06Z |
16 |
FancyCoverFlow |
1089 |
399 |
Java |
0 |
A cool Open Source CoverFlow view for Android with several fancy effects. |
2015-09-08T20:15:52Z |
17 |
SelectableRoundedImageView |
1065 |
235 |
Java |
9 |
Android ImageView that supports different radii on each corner. |
2017-07-12T10:47:34Z |
18 |
rxjava_for_android |
1064 |
260 |
Java |
2 |
Android platform on the use of Demo RxJava |
2017-06-09T08:58:58Z |
19 |
NavigationDrawer-MaterialDesign |
1061 |
280 |
Java |
19 |
Library Navigation drawer material design |
2021-03-26T08:53:54Z |
20 |
AndroidSocialNetworks |
1035 |
267 |
Java |
10 |
Library for easy work with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google on Android |
2017-04-17T02:31:59Z |
21 |
StickyScrollViewItems |
1031 |
265 |
Java |
44 |
A small android library for tagging views inside a ScrollView as "sticky" making them stick to the top of the scroll container until a new sticky view comes and takes it's place |
2022-04-22T05:55:05Z |
22 |
android-checkout |
1018 |
173 |
Java |
0 |
Library for Android In-App Billing (Version 3+) |
2023-09-15T11:41:01Z |
23 |
android-DecoView-charting |
991 |
198 |
Java |
22 |
DecoView: Android arc based animated charting library |
2022-02-28T06:51:02Z |
24 |
LoopingViewPager |
988 |
245 |
Java |
20 |
An android ViewPager extension allowing infinite scrolling |
2019-04-06T19:37:43Z |
25 |
DragLayout |
985 |
404 |
Java |
12 |
An Android Project.强迫症头像制作器,使用support.v4包下的ViewDragHelper实现QQ5.0侧滑 |
2017-04-17T07:27:35Z |
26 |
smoothie |
984 |
163 |
Java |
9 |
[DEPRECATED] Easy async loading for Android's ListView/GridView |
2015-01-31T23:15:39Z |
27 |
BubbleLayout |
973 |
138 |
Java |
7 |
Bubble View for Android. |
2021-07-08T15:00:46Z |
28 |
BarcodeScanner |
966 |
774 |
Java |
178 |
Official repository now at phonegap/phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner. |
2018-12-17T02:52:28Z |
29 |
wally |
962 |
326 |
Java |
9 |
Wally is a fast and efficient wallpaper application for Android |
2019-06-07T03:22:49Z |
30 |
tomighty |
956 |
213 |
Java |
76 |
Old Tomighty repo. For the new repos, please refer to: tomighty-osx and tomighty-windows |
2023-12-16T18:10:43Z |
31 |
android-open-project-demo |
952 |
797 |
Java |
1 |
Demo of android open source project, 微信公众号:codekk, 网站: |
2016-06-29T02:23:48Z |
32 |
Mybatis-Spring |
937 |
618 |
Java |
26 |
这是一个集成了Mybatis分页插件和通用Mapper的示例项目 |
2023-12-16T17:31:17Z |
33 |
Shield |
936 |
118 |
Java |
8 |
A declarative, efficient, and flexible Native framework for building user interfaces. |
2019-01-30T03:38:16Z |
34 |
android-sliding-layer-lib |
931 |
284 |
Java |
49 |
Highly customizable SlidingLayer as you have seen in Wunderlist |
2020-09-09T11:50:45Z |
35 |
TimelyTextView |
920 |
158 |
Java |
8 |
Animated TextView like Timely app |
2015-10-30T12:20:15Z |
36 |
diycode |
908 |
192 |
Java |
12 |
[暂停维护]diycode android app |
2018-03-26T05:17:44Z |
37 |
restcommander |
899 |
145 |
Java |
3 |
Fast Parallel Async HTTP client as a Service to monitor and manage 10,000 web servers. (Java+Akka) |
2017-04-18T05:05:14Z |
38 |
Volley-demo |
890 |
426 |
Java |
4 |
An demonstration of Volley - HTTP library announced by google in I/O 2013. Illustrates, JSONRequest,StringRequest, Image caching. |
2016-03-28T11:52:22Z |
39 |
888 |
252 |
Java |
60 |
ASNE library for simple integration of social networks: Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Instagram, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki |
2019-05-29T12:32:28Z |
40 |
hadoop-20 |
877 |
363 |
Java |
0 |
Facebook's Realtime Distributed FS based on Apache Hadoop 0.20-append |
2014-10-10T18:40:53Z |
41 |
dubbo-spring-boot-mybatis-redis |
874 |
565 |
Java |
7 |
通过dubbo+spring boot+mybatis+redis等主流技术搭建成一套分布式服务框架 |
2017-12-16T14:55:49Z |
42 |
Android-PullLayout |
868 |
279 |
Java |
0 |
仿UC天气下拉和微信下拉眼睛 |
2017-04-17T07:27:21Z |
43 |
Pugnotification |
865 |
135 |
Java |
36 |
A powerful library for creating notifications in android platform. |
2022-10-14T14:26:19Z |
44 |
RxJavaInterop |
863 |
61 |
Java |
0 |
Library to convert between RxJava 1.x and 2.x/3.x reactive types, schedulers and resource handles. |
2023-04-24T04:59:08Z |
45 |
android-drawable-importer-intellij-plugin |
861 |
137 |
Java |
22 |
Adds an option to IntelliJ to import drawables in different resolutions from AndroidIcons, own "drawable repos" and scale a certain image down/up to the defined resolutions. |
2018-11-06T10:25:16Z |
46 |
MatchView |
853 |
232 |
Java |
0 |
Include MatchTextView and MatchButton..Come..you will like it |
2018-11-21T08:37:36Z |
47 |
MVP-RxJava-Hybride |
853 |
292 |
Java |
8 |
This is an Android MVP model good architecture design,Which also inherited the Android architecture and HTML 5 interaction。(这是一个Android MVP模型良好的架构设计,同时也做了Android和HTML 5交互架构,用到了RxJava+Retrofit+MVP+泛型缩减mvp+模板模式+命令模式+观察者模式+管理者模式 +简单工厂模式) |
2017-08-31T09:08:07Z |
48 |
android-mapviewballoons |
850 |
361 |
Java |
0 |
[DEPRECATED] Simple information balloon annotation for Android MapView |
2015-12-17T16:35:54Z |
49 |
mobileorg-android |
849 |
231 |
Java |
0 |
An implementation of MobileOrg for the Android platform |
2018-12-03T23:32:15Z |
50 |
ParallaxScroll |
848 |
190 |
Java |
30 |
Parallax ScrollView and ListView for Android |
2017-12-22T08:25:48Z |
51 |
CardStackView |
2172 |
344 |
Java |
20 |
One Custom view for show something just like cards with animations. |
2017-06-26T03:21:54Z |
52 |
es |
2166 |
1616 |
Java |
28 |
JavaEE项目开发脚手架(我的公众号:kaitao-1234567,我的新书:《亿级流量网站架构核心技术》) |
2018-04-05T06:48:38Z |
53 |
android-styled-dialogs |
2157 |
460 |
Java |
11 |
Backport of Material dialogs with easy-to-use API based on DialogFragment |
2019-05-28T09:10:03Z |
54 |
spring-boot-cloud |
2117 |
1181 |
Java |
19 |
基于 Spring Boot、Spring Cloud、Spring Oauth2 和 Spring Cloud Netflix 等框架构建的微服务项目 |
2023-07-18T20:51:53Z |
55 |
expandable-recycler-view |
2089 |
395 |
Java |
130 |
Custom Android RecyclerViewAdapters that collapse and expand |
2021-09-24T16:04:53Z |
56 |
PinnedSectionItemDecoration |
2080 |
218 |
Java |
28 |
A powerful ItemDecoration for Recyclerview, supports the common layoutmanager. |
2019-03-18T01:33:49Z |
57 |
JavaHamcrest |
2072 |
422 |
Java |
96 |
Java (and original) version of Hamcrest |
2023-10-12T21:00:59Z |
58 |
Notes |
1935 |
903 |
Java |
7 |
小米便签社区开源版(Community edition of XM notepad/MIUI notes) |
2023-03-29T02:56:13Z |
59 |
gulimall-learning |
1913 |
985 |
Java |
15 |
2020谷粒商城代码+笔记 |
2022-07-06T20:54:21Z |
60 |
ai-beehive |
1896 |
592 |
Java |
12 |
AI 蜂巢,基于 Java 使用 Spring Boot 3 和 JDK 17,支持的功能有 ChatGPT、OpenAi Image、Midjourney、NewBing、文心一言等等 |
2023-08-26T08:32:35Z |
61 |
xxl-sso |
1884 |
805 |
Java |
34 |
A distributed single-sign-on framework.(分布式单点登录框架XXL-SSO) |
2022-07-15T08:44:51Z |
62 |
funiture |
1875 |
808 |
Java |
2 |
github: https://github.com/kanwangzjm/funiture, spring项目,权限管理、系统监控、定时任务动态调整、qps限制、sql监控(邮件)、验证码服务、短链接服务、动态配置等 |
2023-11-15T05:39:58Z |
63 |
labelview |
1868 |
364 |
Java |
5 |
Sometimes, we need to show a label above an ImageView or any other views. Well, LabelView will be able to help you. It's easy to implement as well! |
2022-07-23T00:08:31Z |
64 |
six-finger |
1862 |
315 |
Java |
1 |
📓从Java基础、JavaWeb基础到常用的框架再到面试题、微服务、分布式、大数据都有完整的教程,几乎涵盖了Java必备的知识点 |
2023-08-17T06:32:11Z |
65 |
AirMapView |
1859 |
224 |
Java |
18 |
A view abstraction to provide a map user interface with various underlying map providers |
2022-01-10T21:33:33Z |
66 |
spydroid-ipcamera |
1827 |
828 |
Java |
44 |
A powerful and funny android app. that streams the camera and microphone of your phone to your browser or to VLC |
2023-01-26T12:55:34Z |
67 |
AndroidAnimationExercise |
1806 |
340 |
Java |
4 |
Android 动画各种实现,包括帧动画、补间动画和属性动画的总结分享 |
2024-01-15T13:31:23Z |
68 |
GlideImageView |
1768 |
276 |
Java |
35 |
基于Glide V4.9.0封装的图片加载库,可以监听加载图片时的进度 |
2021-07-15T11:11:40Z |
69 |
spring-cloud |
1761 |
920 |
Java |
4 |
《Spring Cloud微服务-全栈技术与案例解析》和《Spring Cloud微服务 入门 实战与进阶》配套源码 |
2020-10-13T13:57:24Z |
70 |
RWidgetHelper |
1755 |
153 |
Java |
11 |
Android UI 快速开发,专治原生控件各种不服 |
2023-05-08T10:30:19Z |
71 |
RedReader |
1741 |
470 |
Java |
346 |
An unofficial open source Android app for Reddit. |
2024-01-19T19:42:43Z |
72 |
NotBoringActionBar |
1739 |
437 |
Java |
11 |
News Stand app makes the ActionBar not boring! |
2022-02-06T15:17:18Z |
73 |
dcevm |
1736 |
174 |
Java |
59 |
Dynamic Code Evolution VM for Java 7/8 |
2020-07-01T06:56:38Z |
74 |
SwipeBack |
1733 |
315 |
Java |
41 |
SwipeBack is an android library that can finish a activity by using gesture. |
2022-05-16T09:33:00Z |
75 |
WaveLoadingView |
1726 |
314 |
Java |
29 |
An Android library providing to realize wave loading effect. |
2022-10-15T19:47:40Z |
76 |
AnExplorer |
1725 |
634 |
Java |
30 |
📁 Another Android Explorer ( File Manager ) is an All-in-One Open source file manager. AnExplorer File Manager (File Explorer) is designed for all android devices including Phones, Phablets, Tablets, Chromecast, Wear OS, Android TV and Chromebooks. It's a fully designed with Material guidelines by Google. |
2022-10-16T00:43:29Z |
77 |
NetWorkPacketCapture |
1719 |
455 |
Java |
42 |
It is used to capture network packet via Android VPN. |
2019-06-28T21:40:12Z |
78 |
java-core-learning-example |
1663 |
735 |
Java |
2 |
关于Java核心技术学习积累的例子,是初学者及核心技术巩固的最佳实践。 |
2021-11-01T14:09:21Z |
79 |
FoldableLayout |
1660 |
362 |
Java |
8 |
Android widgets to implement folding animation |
2018-02-20T09:17:28Z |
80 |
jooby |
1633 |
200 |
Java |
15 |
The modular web framework for Java and Kotlin |
2024-01-22T01:16:03Z |
81 |
AndroidDaemonService |
1616 |
367 |
Java |
12 |
合理优雅的进程保活方式 |
2016-06-12T05:03:23Z |
82 |
HermesEventBus |
1609 |
255 |
Java |
27 |
A library for using EventBus between processes, useful in the IPC or plugin development. |
2017-05-18T16:57:35Z |
83 |
json-schema-validator |
1600 |
399 |
Java |
139 |
A JSON Schema validation implementation in pure Java, which aims for correctness and performance, in that order |
2023-10-26T13:56:26Z |
84 |
Mycat2 |
1588 |
471 |
Java |
135 |
MySQL Proxy using Java NIO based on Sharding SQL,Calcite ,simple and fast |
2023-08-15T09:17:05Z |
85 |
assertj-android |
1583 |
168 |
Java |
8 |
A set of AssertJ helpers geared toward testing Android. |
2018-03-05T20:29:14Z |
86 |
spring-cloud-repo |
1580 |
1227 |
Java |
1 |
None |
2021-11-25T05:18:53Z |
87 |
functionaljava |
1577 |
287 |
Java |
27 |
Functional programming in Java |
2023-04-25T16:17:13Z |
88 |
metasfresh |
1569 |
548 |
Java |
2850 |
We do Open Source ERP - Fast, Flexible & Free Software to scale your Business. |
2024-01-21T23:35:09Z |
89 |
fabric-carpet |
1563 |
253 |
Java |
249 |
Fabric Carpet |
2024-01-19T19:26:14Z |
90 |
fast-serialization |
1556 |
278 |
Java |
109 |
FST: fast java serialization drop in-replacement |
2023-06-30T08:15:18Z |
91 |
easy-random |
1544 |
223 |
Java |
15 |
The simple, stupid random Java beans/records generator |
2023-12-02T17:24:45Z |
92 |
MaterialTapTargetPrompt |
1528 |
219 |
Java |
2 |
⛔️ DEPRECATED Material Design tap target for Android. https://sjwall.github.io/MaterialTapTargetPrompt/ |
2023-04-12T06:06:58Z |
93 |
GreenDaoUpgradeHelper |
1523 |
296 |
Java |
13 |
To solve database upgrade of greenDao and just need one line code |
2019-05-25T07:19:23Z |
94 |
mongo-hadoop |
1522 |
614 |
Java |
0 |
MongoDB Connector for Hadoop |
2022-01-28T19:28:04Z |
95 |
face2face |
1514 |
686 |
Java |
10 |
基于netty的异步非阻塞实时聊天(IM)服务器。 |
2019-04-10T08:20:49Z |
96 |
Brida |
1507 |
213 |
Java |
21 |
The new bridge between Burp Suite and Frida! |
2023-07-28T15:29:31Z |
97 |
spring-graphql |
1467 |
272 |
Java |
46 |
Spring Integration for GraphQL |
2024-01-18T08:35:55Z |
98 |
android-edittext-validator |
1456 |
384 |
Java |
3 |
Android form edit text is an extension of EditText that brings data validation facilities to the edittext. |
2021-09-09T14:22:18Z |
99 |
elasticsearch-learning-to-rank |
1456 |
366 |
Java |
31 |
Plugin to integrate Learning to Rank (aka machine learning for better relevance) with Elasticsearch |
2024-01-18T17:12:26Z |
100 |
openaudible |
1441 |
144 |
Java |
7 |
Audiobook Manager for Audible Users |
2024-01-20T21:07:43Z |