- Clone a repository
- Create a new branch
- Deploy project and make a change
- Create commit, push changes and create Pull Request
- Pass the code review
- Task release process
The project can be started locally with the command. The sandbox in the docker-compose environment will up. The tests run inside the app service.
docker-compose up -d --build
All tests can be run by the command:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.tests.yml up --build --exit-code-from=tests
Please follow the linters in make lint.
Branches should preferably be created from master branch.
git switch master # change to master
git pull # getting changes
git switch -c branch-name # creating a branch
The project has no strict requirements, but remember that commits will therefore be read by other developers and they can help them understand the changes in the project.
Releases occur as needed. The semver rule is followed. The project is published through poetry. The version is stored in pyproject.toml file.